JWindow « Component « Java Swing Q&A

1. How can a Swing JWindow be resized without flickering?    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to make a custom UI based on a JWindow for the purpose of selecting an area of the screen to be shared. I have extended JWindow and added ...

2. Translucent background on JWindow in Java (without using screenshots)    stackoverflow.com

I've seen other answers and hacks around to this question, but none seem to do exactly what I'm after. Essentially, I'm after a JWindow whose background is translucent but the content of ...

3. Java - Make corners of JWindow 100% transparent on MacOS (Snow leopard)    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to make a small java application, and I need the corners of a JWindow to be 'cut' off, in a 45 degree angle. I have tried using the AWTUtilities.setWindowShape, ...

4. Set JWindow Background Image    stackoverflow.com

Hey All
I want to set a Background for my JWindow. I used setIconImage method in JWindow. but it's not working How knows what the problem is?

    public MainMenu() throws ...

5. Java Swing: Cannot Edit JComponents in JWindow Extension    stackoverflow.com

I wrote a class that extends JWindow that serves as a kind of customizable dialog box in my application. When I need to invoke one of these windows, I create ...

6. How to quit or exit slave JWindow that was created from a master JWindow in Java?    stackoverflow.com

How can i exit only they new MainGame that i created from Main? Where Main is having an original layer of game. And the MainGame was a dialog window (such as ...

7. Java Swing: JWindow appears behind all other process windows, and will not disappear    stackoverflow.com

I am using JWindow to display my splash screen during the application start up. however it will not appear in front of all windows as it should, and it will not ...

8. Keeping a JWindow on top    coderanch.com

Sure. Here is the splash window import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; public class MySplash extends JWindow { private Thread t; public Container container; public JLabel label; public JLabel version_info; public JPanel panel; public MySplash(ImageIcon logo, Version info) { container = this.getContentPane(); container.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); label = new JLabel(logo); panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.black)); version_info = new ...

9. moving a JWindow    coderanch.com

The best way to do it is to implement a mouse motion listener to either the entire window or a component within the window. Then when the user clicks and drags on that part you can have the entire window move to the new location. It is quite simple code. I have done it before, but it is on a different ...

11. JWindow problem....    coderanch.com

12. create modal JWindow    coderanch.com

13. JWindow clipping    coderanch.com

14. JWindow in the taskbar    coderanch.com

Actually, here's some short code that effectively does this in pure Java... import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class TaskbarWindow extends JWindow { JFrame ref; TaskbarWindow( String name ) { ref = new JFrame( name ); ref.setResizable( false ); setBounds( 300, 300, 300, 300 ); final Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); ref.setBounds( -30, -30, 20, 20 ); JPanel p = new ...

16. Displaying a JWindow    coderanch.com

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class MyWindow extends JWindow { JPanel jPanel1 = new JPanel(); JButton jButton1 = new JButton(); JMenu jMenu1 = new JMenu(); JMenuItem jMenuItem1 = new JMenuItem(); JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar(); public MyWindow() { try { jbInit(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { MyWindow myWindow1 = new MyWindow(); ...

17. JWindow background color    coderanch.com

18. JWindow issue    coderanch.com

19. JWindow problem    coderanch.com

public class ClassInfoWindow extends JWindow implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { int x, y; String[] info; ClassInfoWindow(String[] string, int xCoord, int yCoord) { info = string; x = xCoord; y = yCoord; int stringAmount = 0; while(string[stringAmount] != null){ stringAmount++; } setBounds(x, y, 200, 20 * (stringAmount + 1)); setVisible(true); setBackground(Color.black); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent m_event) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) {} public ...

20. Why I can't change the JWindow's color?    coderanch.com

Thks.You are right. The top question are resolved. The third problem's meaning is that: I expected my window appear in the right top of my screen.But now ,When I run it ,it splash in the left top,and later appear in the right bottom, why this happen? Do you know MSN MEssenger? It have a mail notifier.It will appear when your mailbox ...

21. JWindow - windows L&F    coderanch.com

22. JWindow    coderanch.com

23. How to determine the JWindow location ?    coderanch.com

24. JWindow and selecting text    coderanch.com

25. Jwindow    coderanch.com

26. extends JWindow problem    coderanch.com

27. Why if override paint (and call super.paint) do components of JWindow not show up?    coderanch.com

OK, discovered a few other weird things: 1. If I use pack() then it shows the components on top of the images - why is this? 2. My window starts as invisible and then slowly shows itself, yet when the components are painted in what happens is this: a. The component (here a JLabel) shows up instantly at 255 alpha (fully ...

28. Modal JWindow    coderanch.com

I just found the solution to my problem in case anyone is interested. All I have to do is override the show() method. In the show() method I can call setVisible() and then create an endless loop with while(true). The loop will break only when a boolean is true which will happen when the user presses a button. This will force ...

29. JWindow keeps refreshing or "flashing"    coderanch.com

30. need to create a resizable JWindow    coderanch.com

31. problem with moving a JWindow    coderanch.com

I wonder how to get a JWindow to move across the screen in location after the user's mouse pointer. When i use the method setLocation((MouseEvent).getX(), (MouseEvent).getY()) in an mousemotion adapter attched to the JWindow a lot of flicker occurs on the screen. In the code above a JWindow appears and when the user clicks on the yes button then the text ...

32. how to draw on Jwindow?    coderanch.com

I'm starting to learn how to use GUI and this is my first Problem: The line that i want to draw never show up. What am I doing wrong? import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class exp extends JPanel { private JWindow window; public exp() { window = new JWindow(); window.setSize(600,350); //Create Mouse Listener that listen ...

33. JWindow size    coderanch.com

Hi everyone, I have a class that extends JWindow. It contains a JPanel with a cardlayout that contains 2 cards at the moment. I am setting the size with Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); //will set size to resolution of users system Double half_screen_height = dim.getHeight()/2; Double half_screen_width = dim.getWidth()/2; Double quarter_screen_height = dim.getHeight()/4; Double quarter_screen_width = dim.getWidth()/4; this.setBounds(quarter_screen_width.intValue(),quarter_screen_height.intValue(), half_screen_width.intValue(), half_screen_height.intValue()); However, ...

34. Background image in Jwindow    java-forums.org

public class SplashScreen extends JWindow { private int tijd; private JLabel lblInfo; private JPanel pnlContent; public SplashScreen(int tijd){ this.tijd = tijd; initialiseerComponenten(); layoutComponenten(); toonSplash(); } public void initialiseerComponenten(){ lblInfo = new JLabel("Copyright 2011, Jonas Meel & Vincent Huysmans"); pnlContent = new JPanel(); } public void layoutComponenten(){ pnlContent = (JPanel)getContentPane(); //onderstaande code zorgt ervoor dat de splashscreen steeds in het midden van ...

35. Close JWindow (not dispose())    forums.oracle.com