Extend « Component « Java Swing Q&A

1. extending a component using the gui builder    forums.netbeans.org

I have a panel, call it PanelA for the sake of discussion. PanelA extends JPanel. I used the IDE to create the panel and associated action events for the various controls. ...

2. can't extend AWT component?    coderanch.com

Hi, Amenable means that it won't act like you think it will. It doesn't mean that you can't subclass it, but if you try to subclass and change the default behavior (i.e., painting, iconification, hiding, opening, etc) the behavior will probably not work as you expect. The OS will interact with the heavyweight component and it is very diffficult to change ...

3. Using extended components on netbeans    coderanch.com

4. Extending a Swing component    coderanch.com