Shape « Button « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java: JButton with custom Shape: Fill with Metal Look and Feel Gradient

I have a new class derived from JButton which gives me the shape of a Enter-Button. Now I want to have it filled with the same gradient as the default JButton. But I ...

2. Need to change the color of a JButton with a different shape

I'm making a game for class and for this game I have an array of JButtons that need to be able to change colors based on certain factors. I had ...

4. JButton Shapes

5. Changing Button shapes( Urgent)

You can use customize your button by adding a border which will change its shape such as rounded or circular..the following code creates a rounded can draw a circle to get a circular button class RoundedBorder extends AbstractBorder { public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) { g.setColor ( buttonColor ) ; g.drawRoundRect ...

6. Changing the shape of JButton ?

8. Buttons Shape.

9. JButton Round Shape

What you have to do is create your own button class which extends from jbutton or button. **) After that you can simply override the paint method(create your own) and draw the actual thing you want the button to look like. Could be round or anything. You'll need to have some skill though. After some time it won't be much of ...

10. weird looking shape JButton is it possible?

hey JavaBean do u know why as i can't run the applet on the web or compile and run the .java file from Lightweight Components under round button i keep getting this J:\Java\test>javac cannot find symbol symbol : class RoundButton location: class actual.ExampleApplet RoundButton button1 = new RoundButton("Button 1"); ^ cannot find symbol symbol : class RoundButton location: ...