JTabbedPane « Button « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java: "Add Tab Button" for a JTabbedPane    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to add a button to a tabbedpane like in firefox. Firefox The green plus-button is what I want. Thanks

2. How to switch tabs in jTabbedPane by clicking a Button?    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTabbedPanewith to JTabbedPane1,2 How can i press button in JTabbedPane2 to show JTabbedPane1 ? Here main JTabbedPane:

public class TabbedPane extends JFrame {

    public TabbedPane() {


3. Java Swing JTabbedPane add JPanel to tab then modify it    stackoverflow.com

I want to create a JTabbedPane, add a JPanel to everyone and then add something to the JPanel:

private void initTabbedPane(JTabbedPane tp)

    // Init Tab-Names

4. JFrame with JTabbedPane & JButton    stackoverflow.com

I have a Jframe declared and adda JTabbedPane to it. There are 4 tabbedPane and each has a table content. Now, I need to add a refresh button to each tab, how can ...

5. How can I write logic for changing windows in a Swing app?    stackoverflow.com

I have a JFrame that contains a JTabbedPane that has two tabs and a Button. The first pane consists of a series of JRadioButtons and the other one consists of a ...

6. When JPanel changes, elements of the old JPanel are left behind    stackoverflow.com

I'm using a JTabbedPane, and on each tab there's a panel, which changes when the user does things like click buttons. The problem I'm getting is that elements from the previous ...

7. Button in JTabbedPane    java-forums.org

I need to implement a tabbed interface something similar to Mozilla Firefox 3.6 in Swing. Note that in Firefox, at the end of all tabs there is a 'plus' button (and as far as I see, it is a button and not another tab) that opens a new tab. Thus, just as Firefox's tabbed interface appends tabs with a button, is ...

9. Manually switching through JTabbedpane Tabbes using a Button.    forums.oracle.com

// Tekst JLabel label1 = new JLabel( "Welkom bij de Airflow!!!"); label1.setBounds( 10, 15, 600, 20 ); panel1.add( label1 ); JLabel label2 = new JLabel( "Een vliegtuig vliegt! Tegenwoordig lijkt het normaal? Toch is het niet zo eenvoudig als het lijkt. De vleugel is het belangrijkste component van een vliegtuig. Want zonder de vleugels zou een vliegtuig de lucht niet inkomen. ...