Icon TaskBar « Button « Java Swing Q&A

1. Swing JButton: Icon above Text    stackoverflow.com

How can I create a JButton in Swing with the icon above the text?

2. Jframe without frame border, maximum button, minimum button and frame icon    stackoverflow.com

I would like to create a without frame border, maximum button, minimum button and frame icon. Pls guide me to do that!

3. JButton with text below the icon    stackoverflow.com

In Java Swing I would like to create a JButton which contains an image(icon) and some text. In few words a JButton(text,icon). I would like the text to be displayed below ...

4. Changing JRadioButton Icon on Windows 7    stackoverflow.com

I created a method which changes the icon of all jradiobuttons from a buttongroup:

public void setRadioButtonIcons(final ButtonGroup gruppe){

        Enumeration<AbstractButton> gruppeEnum = gruppe.getElements();


5. Why does my JButton look differently of different computers?    stackoverflow.com

I use JButtons in my application. They need to have different colors. First I used that btn.setBackground(col);. It works on my computer and on another computer my button just gray (not ...

6. JButton will work but won't display my icon when it is clicked on    stackoverflow.com

I have a buttonlistener that removes the TextFields and the StartButton when it is clicked, but the last part of the code that tells it to run a method that is ...

7. swing: creating "record" and "stop" buttons    stackoverflow.com

I see that there is a JButton constructor which takes an Icon as a parameter... but how do I get an Icon from a bitmap file? Also, are there "record" ...

8. Where do you put the image you're loading for a button in a java app?    stackoverflow.com

I have a package com.supercorp.killerapp and within it is a package(com.supercorp.killerapp.views) if I'm not creating the app with the guiformbuilder:

  • How do I set the icon of a button on a JInternalFrame ...

9. How do I add an image to a JButton    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to add an image to a JButton and I'm not sure what I'm missing. When I run the following code the button looks exactly the same as if ...

10. Netbeans JApplet Webstart - icons not appearing on button when run    stackoverflow.com

Hey there - just wondering if anyone knows the trick to getting icons to display on button in a JApplet. When I add the icon from a png in my package ...

11. Is there a way to set an image on a jbutton without setting it in the constructor?    stackoverflow.com

I want to set a jbuttons image icon but I don't want to set it via this way:

JButton btnTest = new JButton(new ImageIcon("IMAGE PATH"));
is there a way I could do something ...

12. FEST: Assert that JButton is showing a certain Icon    stackoverflow.com

In my FEST-Test I try to assert, that a JButton has a certain ImageIcon. I didn't find a corresponding method on org.fest.swing.fixture.JButtonFixture

13. How to Set a smaller ImageIcon on a larger imageIcon on a JButton ? while i want the both images to be visible    stackoverflow.com

i want to write a code for the Tanks Game and I have a problem setting a tank.jpg on an existing ImageIcon , casue i want the both images to be ...

14. Custom JButton Icon in netbeans    stackoverflow.com

Wondering how hard/how one would go about changing the default Icon using netbeans GUI builder, Just wondering if it is possible to load an image to be the icon of button, ...

15. not able to give image to button    stackoverflow.com

I am new to Swing. I need to give a Jbutton an icon. I found example code so many places and tried like this

ImageIcon cup = new ImageIcon("/home/Whether/Picture/start.png");
JButton startBut=new JButton(cup);
But button ...

16. How to make AWT Button() and use ImageIcon(), Icon()?    stackoverflow.com

How can I apply a GIF image to my AWT Button? AWT: does not work

    Icon warnIcon = new ImageIcon("/src/world.gif");
    Button button1 = new ...

17. How can make the icon alive in my AWT button()? On click the icon goes away    stackoverflow.com

How can i keep the icon always alive, on click it does not get reloaded.

public static class SoftButton extends Button 
    private Image image;

    public ...

18. Creating custom JButton from images containing transparent pixels    stackoverflow.com

Read edit 2 for what I'm actually missing to make it work I'm currently trying to create some custom JButtons using images created in photoshop that have an alpha parameter. So far, overriding ...

19. JButton's border don't go away even when set the Border to EmptyBorder    stackoverflow.com

I am designing a GUI using Eclipse on Mac, and I want to make the JButton to display only the Icon I set. It looks fine on Mac OS, but when ...

20. GUI components of a memory game    stackoverflow.com

I am working on a homework so i am not asking for code, i am trying to make this by myself. by the way, i am stuck again with the GUI ...

21. set and disable icons of JToggleButton    stackoverflow.com

hi there i am trying to make a matching memory game which i use JToggleButton. the main thing is when i press to button it must show a picture and i ...

22. Switch Java Button image back and forth?    stackoverflow.com

I have a program that uses a switch which has the action event passed to it on button click:

public void buttonImageReveal(ActionEvent e){

    String temp = e.getActionCommand();


23. Dynamically change jButton icon    stackoverflow.com

I have a program that detects when certain machines are online and creates a button with a green "online" icon to show this. I want to add the functionality to check ...

24. Icon doesn't fit JButton with seaglass look-and-feel    stackoverflow.com

I'm having trouble with a JButton. I'm working with the Seaglass Look-and-feel and i want to add a Icon to my JButton. But right now it doesn't ...

25. How to set text above and below a JButton icon?    stackoverflow.com

I want to set text above and below a JButton's icon. At the moment, in order to achieve this, I override the layout manager and use three JLabel instances (i.e. 2 ...

26. Auto-resizing JButton Icon    stackoverflow.com

so I have this JButtons to which I add Icons. The Icons are too large initially, so I resize them beforehand, and it works fine. Except that when I resize the ...

27. Icons disappear from Swing JButton    forums.netbeans.org

I'm starting a new project with multiple JFrames. I'm creating button bars at the top of the forms using JButtons with icons. When I close and reopen my project, the icons ...

28. Help with Icon on JButton in Netbeans! :/    forums.netbeans.org

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:56 pm Post subject: Help with Icon on JButton in Netbeans! :/ I cant get an Icon on my JButtons in Netbeans, all ...

31. JButton icon border    coderanch.com

32. Where to get Button Icons?    coderanch.com

33. Resizing Icon for a button(urgent)    coderanch.com

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.Random; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.*; public class IconResizeTest { JButton[] buttons; Random seed; BufferedImage[] images; // assuming all images int origWidth, origHeight; // have same dimensions public IconResizeTest() { buttons = new JButton[3]; seed = new Random(); loadImages(); origWidth = images[0].getWidth(); origHeight = images[0].getHeight(); JFrame f = new ...

34. JTabbedPane with icon, text, button    coderanch.com

35. JButtons switching states(icons) too quickly    coderanch.com

I have a simple memory game that I've been trying to debug. It allows the user to flip two cards, compares them, if they are a match they stay up, otherwise get flipped back over. Problem is, for the second card flipped, it next does the comparison so quickly, it doesn't seem that the second card was ever displayed. Any ideas ...

36. set .ico icon on JButton    coderanch.com

37. Why can't my button's Image Icon change when i set Icon???    coderanch.com

try this (I hate applets, so I changed it to an app) import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.Random; class Testing extends JFrame implements ActionListener { public JButton btn[] = new JButton[12]; JButton startBtn = new JButton("Start"); public ImageIcon img = new ImageIcon("test.gif"); public ImageIcon img1[] = {new ImageIcon("test1.gif"),new ImageIcon("test2.gif"),new ImageIcon("test3.gif")}; public Random rand = new Random(); public Testing() { ...

38. How to stretch icon to fit on JToggleButton    coderanch.com

Hi, i want to stretch my button's icon to fit it on the whole button when i increase the size of button through coding. e.g if i have a button size 51,51 and an icon size 50,50.....it is exactly fit on the button.....but what if i change the size of the button 100,100 and wants that the image 50,50 stretch according ...

40. Radiobutton circle disappears when using icon    coderanch.com

Another approach could be to create a compound Icon consisting of the default and custom icons side by side (requires much more customization if it is to work with all orientations and text positions, setPressed/SelectedIcon etc.) import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Graphics; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.UIManager; public class CompoundIconRadioButtonTest { public ...

41. How to get image (icon) from a JButton    coderanch.com

import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JFrame; public class IconButton extends JFrame { Image ImageX; JButton Button = new JButton(); JPanel PanelX = new JPanel(); ImageIcon ImageIconX = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("MyImage.jpg")); public JPanel PanelY() { ImageX = ImageIconX.getImage(); Button.setIcon(ImageIconX); Button.setSize(50, 50); Button.setLocation(300, 300); PanelX.add(Button); return PanelX; } public void paint(Graphics G) { Graphics2D G2D = ...

43. JButtons icon    coderanch.com

44. My icon extends my JButton    java-forums.org

45. JButton with Icon & text alignment issue    java-forums.org

Hi, I have a JButton with a background image & a text of button. Now I want a text to be aligned Left & Image should remain at center text should be on image. For that I have write, objButton.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.EA ST); //for left aligning objButton.setHorizontalTextPosition(0); // to place text on the image ---- this is working fine but I am not ...

46. Removing icon from JButton    java-forums.org

I'm trying to make a game of checkers. I have made the board into 64 JButtons(In a grid of 8x8), and have made the "pieces" icons(pictures of actual pieces). However, I'm now trying to write the code for the basis of gameplay, but ran into a problem. Is there a way to remove the icon from a specific Button and then ...

47. Icon wont change on a JButton    java-forums.org

I can't see what you're doing wrong, and because of this I recommend that you create and post a small compilable program that demonstrates your problem, an SSCCE. If you go this route, I suggest that you use images that are readily available to us all online, and some that I've used for this purpose can be found here: Duke Images ...

48. Changing Image Icon of a JButton at run time, NOT state dependent    java-forums.org

Hi all, I need to change the Image Icon of a JButton. I know there are built in methods to change the Icon when it is in a certain state (i.e. pressed, scrolled over, etc). But I need it to change when another method tells it to. Basically an action happens, a method decides what to change the JButton's Image Icon ...

49. Icons in JButtons    forums.oracle.com

50. JButton - with Icon    forums.oracle.com

I have to create the GUI of a mobile phone so I have all the number buttons, they looked boring so I decided to add an icon to each JButton that is a pic of each individual number button for the phone model that I have to create. The only problem is the the icon does not cover the whole button ...

51. icon or image on button (No JButton)    forums.oracle.com

yeah i am working on a calculator with scientific extra's (more or less same as windows calc) when i use the JPanel as content pane and i add JButton's the last button i add is the same size as the JFrame i add the panel to. been frustrating me ever since. when i use normal buttons it does its job.

52. How do you set an Icon into a JButton?    forums.oracle.com

public class ImageResizeExample { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { resize(new File("big.jpeg"), new File("small.jpeg"), 0.5); } public static void resize(File input, File output, double scale) throws IOException { BufferedImage in = ImageIO.read(input); int neww = (int)(in.getWidth() * scale); int newh = (int) (in.getHeight() * scale); BufferedImage out = new BufferedImage(neww, newh, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g = out.createGraphics(); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC); g.scale(scale, ...

53. Too large icon on jButton    forums.oracle.com

55. Directory Traversal With GUI and JButton Icons    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I made a program which allows users to traverse their files for images that can be used as an icon. After getting all of the information from the directory it displays the files and directories in a GUI interface. Both jpeg and bitmap images are painted onto the jbuttons while pre-specified images are painted onto jbuttons for directories and other ...

56. Add JButton with icon and text?    forums.oracle.com

57. painting an icon for a JButton    forums.oracle.com

59. Problem with JButton and Icon    forums.oracle.com

public class myform1 extends javax.swing.JFrame { JButton[][] buttons = new MyButton[5][5]; Integer[][] i = new Integer[5][5]; Integer[][] j = new Integer[5][5]; //ImageIcon images = new ImageIcon("c:/0.gif"); //ImageIcon images = new ImageIcon("c:/1.gif"); //ImageIcon images = new ImageIcon("c:/2.gif"); //ImageIcon images = new ImageIcon("c:/3.gif"); /*images[1] = new ImageIcon("c:/1.gif"); images[2] = new ImageIcon("c:/2.gif"); images[3] = new ImageIcon("c:/3.gif"); */ String name=new String(); /** Creates new form ...