Dynamic « Button « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to assign dynamically names to a collection of JButton?    stackoverflow.com

I have to create a collection of JButtons depending of a size of a certain collection. How to create the List of JButtons :button1, button2, button3...dynamically to have something like

for (int ...

2. How to dynamically assig keys to buttons?    stackoverflow.com

I have a section in my GUI that is generated dynamically according to a list of objects. So, for each object in that list I want to create a JButton and associate ...

3. Dynamic generation of buttons in Java    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to dynamically generate a form. Basically, I want to load a list of items for purchase, and generate a button for each. I can confirm that ...

4. Creating Buttons Dynamically in Java    stackoverflow.com

I want to create specified number of buttons dynamically, but the size of the buttons should match the window. Eg. First I am creating 10 buttons dynamically then it should create 10 ...

5. Dynamically add components without clicking button    stackoverflow.com

I am adding the components dynamically at runtime on clicking the button. But now i want to add components Dynamically without clicking button. How can i do that..?? Here is my source code ...

6. Trying to add a dynamically positioned image in a JPanel on a button click    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to add/draw a single Graphics object to an existing JPanel. I am generating 10 initial Graphics objects randomly sized and place in the panel, but would like to ...

7. how to code dynamic exit function for a JButton    forums.netbeans.org

for a button i have written dynamic code for popping up new frame asking user whether "he wants to exit the application?" with two button's YES and NO. private void ExitWindowActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { System.exit(0); /* JFrame ExitFrame = new JFrame(" Exit Application"); ExitFrame.setVisible(true); ExitFrame.setSize(400,100); JLabel ExitLabel =new JLabel ("Are you sure you want to exit this Seamless Access"); JPanel ExitPanel =new ...

8. resize buttons dynamically    coderanch.com

9. dynamic buttons    coderanch.com

10. Static / Dynamic JButtons and JPanels    coderanch.com

11. set button text dynamically    coderanch.com

12. how to dynamically add Jbuttons created as array to a jpanel    coderanch.com

hi i want to know how to add jbuttons dynamically which i have created as array,i want to know how to dynamically add actionlisteners for it?? it's like Jbutton buttons[]; while starting the jpanel,i mean initialaising jpanel i want to create buttons like buttons=new Jbutton[buttonsCount]; where buttonsCount will be fetched from database help me how to addActionlisteners for all these buttons ...

14. accessing dynamically generated Jbuttons    coderanch.com

Ok, so I'm using exactly the same action as in the referenced thread (in exactly the same way): public class FunWithButtons extends JFrame { final List buttons; public FunWithButtons( int numberOfButtons ) { super( "Fun with buttons..." ); setDefaultCloseOperation( DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE ); Container pane = getContentPane(); pane.setLayout( new GridLayout( 4, 2 ) ); buttons = new ArrayList( numberOfButtons ); for ( int ...

16. Dynamically create a button, but what happened?    java-forums.org

I am new to Swing GUI, now I have a button1, and I want to create a new button in a panel named centerPanel when I click button1, so my code like this: Java Code: public class TestButton extends JFrame { public static void main(String args[]) { try { TestButton frame = new TestButton(); frame.setVisible(true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ...

17. Creating Jbuttons, etc. dynamically    java-forums.org

I'm trying to create an App that parses an xml off of a controller on the LAN Depending on what it finds it will create a grid layout and populate it with JButtons and Jsliders. I've already written a parser that can pick out that I want and print them to the console. I've already written an app has the ...

18. Creating jbutton name dynamically    forums.oracle.com

It seems you are confusing the static, compile time concept of a variable name with the dynamic, runtime concept of an object identity. At run time, you don't know the name of the variable, so dynamic naming would be useless. If you post a bit more of your code, we might be able to help you out a bit more. - ...

20. setting correct bounds for dynamically added JButton    forums.oracle.com

what would happen if you didn't bother setting bounds at all; Swing is usually smart enough (at least in my experience) to figure out how big the button needs to be based on the size of the text. Also, why use setbounds which sets both size and location, and then set location separately? Also, next time, probably best to post swing ...