Display « Button « Java Swing Q&A

1. How do I prevent button surround from displaying in Java?    stackoverflow.com

Sorry for the odd choice of words for the title, however, "border" seems to be the inappropriate term. While it is true that the visible line surrounding an icon in ...

2. Why is my simple JFrame displaying weird?    stackoverflow.com

I am a newbie at Java Swing/AWT and I have this code following working for a simple PopUp dialog which closes on any of the JButtons beind clicked, but displays real ...

3. display error when loading many components to Jframe    stackoverflow.com

I have a JFrame with about 10 components (JLabel, Combobox, Buttons, TextFields). When I start the program, sometimes it doesn't display all of them. I tried repaint in different place and ...

4. JPanel will display buttons correctly, but won't display custom JComponent correctly    stackoverflow.com

I have a class Cell that extends JComponent. The goal is for a grid of cells to be displayed, and each one be able to handle their own click events, ...

5. swing java: display jbutton and image seperately on the screen    stackoverflow.com

Hi all im trying to do is add a button to the screen, so when the user clicks on the button a random dice picture is displayed somewhere else on the ...

6. Displaying a UI after clicking a button    stackoverflow.com

I want to create a new UI within another UI which should be displayed on clicking a button using Java Swing. What should I do? In my program on clicking next button ...

7. JFrame will not display panel/buttons (Separate Classes) - java    stackoverflow.com

So I need to used two classes for my GUI, one class is called "UI" and has a main method and the other is UIControls which will contain all the JPanels/Buttons ...

8. How to make a button display a different frame in net beans?    stackoverflow.com

I want my 'Next' button to load a new frame and replace the current frame with it in the panel...how to do it?

9. Continuous image loading/processing & display on button click (in Swing)    stackoverflow.com

I have trouble with continuous image loading&processing&display in Swing: Below there is simple case where clicking a button causes my program to grab frame from webcam and then display this picture in ...

10. Jbutton to select and display an array item    stackoverflow.com

Hey guys I have a real simple program I want to make. One button that when clicked will display an item from an array list. What is the easiest way to ...

11. JButton html text not displayed after page refresh in Java applet    stackoverflow.com

I am displaying some multiline text in a JButton within a Java applet using html tags. When the web page containing the java applet is displayed for the first time the html ...

12. JButton Sub-Class Not Displaying Button until Clicked/Transparency Error    stackoverflow.com

I have run into yet another issue with my program. I have made several JButton sub-classes to do specifically what I need them to do. The problem is that the buttons ...

13. Java Swing - Why JComponent won't display?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to extend a class to eventually make a custom button. I read in several places that it's best to extend as high as possible on the heirarchy (for ...

14. Displaying image on clicking JButton    stackoverflow.com

Im trying to display an image upon clicking a JButton but upon execution the image is not displayed when button is clicked.

    import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import ...

15. Simply Java Button to Display a Circle    stackoverflow.com

I am currently learning java, I understand the concepts except Graphics which as a programmer is totally new to me. Quite frankly it is driving my around the bend. My example ...

16. jbutton wont display correctly    forums.netbeans.org

Hi, I'm having the most annoying problem with the gui builder and jButtons... when i drag a button on to the form it displays normally even when i preview it. Then ...

17. Displaying Graphic Buttons on a Toolbar    coderanch.com

Hi, I am trying to load an iconed button onto a toolbar. If the graphic file does not exist, results are the same. To me, this implies I am not calling the .gif incorrectly. My best attempt is a very small button, no icon. Checked the JavaRanch messages, and could not find one that addressed this issue. If you remember reading ...

19. JScrollBar and JButton display problems    coderanch.com

Hi Shane, I wrote a little test to see, if it works, what you want. This test worked fine, but it looks ugly because of the border layout. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class ScrollBarTest extends JFrame { JPanel sbPanel = new JPanel(); BorderLayout borderLayout1 = new BorderLayout(); JScrollBar jScrollBar1 = new JScrollBar(); JButton jButton1 = new JButton(); public ScrollBarTest() { ...

20. JButton doesn't display "+" or "-"    coderanch.com

23. Display mnenomic in JButton    coderanch.com

25. Displaying certain items on a panel based on radio button selection.    coderanch.com

Hi everyone, I have to design a GUI where in user should enter information like name, ID number, university, company etc. I have to provide radio button selection to choose between two sets of information. For example, let radioButton1(student) be the default where in the panel should display name, ID number and University. If radioButton2(employee) is selected, the panel should now ...

27. Click a button to display an image. Trouble with add panel to a frame. Help !!    coderanch.com

I try to create a GUI that when you click a button a image is display. Here is my approach. I create two panel call "imagePanel" and "btnPanel". I add the button in the btnPanel, then add btnPanel to the frame. I try to do the same with "imagePanel", but the program complaint. It pass the compile error, but when I ...

28. Displaying the text on jButton, new Lines    coderanch.com

Heya, I have a variable called listAsString that holds an 8 x 4 list of numbers. But if I try and create a jButton with this text it ignores the newLine, and just prints them away mad in a line. Button1.setText(game.getCards(0).getListAsString() ) Is there a way to alter this? either displaying the text as the variable holds it, or setting boundaries ...

29. button and displaying results    coderanch.com

I have to write a program which allows you to enter a student name, 3 grades, click either alpha or numeric radio button, hit calculate and display results. All these must be in the same window. The problems I am having are 1) how do you display the results of the ButtonListener in another panel, is this possible? and 2) how ...

30. Displaying the next set of a resultset with a next JButton    coderanch.com

Hello, I have an application that is currently working in returning data from an oracle database. The place where I am getting stuck is display the next set of a resultset with the click of a JButton called "Next" The resultset returns 15 line items, based on a variable that I pass to it from the swing application. some have 3 ...

31. Help me display array of JButtons properly    coderanch.com

JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JButton[][] allButtons = new JButton[20][20]; Container c = frame.getContentPane(); c.setLayout(new GridLayout(20, 20)); int row = 0; for (JButton[] buttons: allButtons) { int col = 0; for (JButton button: buttons) { button = new JButton(row + "," + col); frame.add(button); col++; } row++; } frame.pack(); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true);

33. using of Next and Previous button to display database values    coderanch.com

Thank you sir for your reply. But sir, whether i need to use different different query to perform the next and previous method to take place. is it possible to with a single query? if i click the NEXT JButton 6 times then whether i need to write 6 different query and then i am confused how to perform the previous ...

35. Program Compiles but Buttons do not display    java-forums.org

Program Compiles but Buttons do not display Can someone please take a quick look at this code. I finally was able to get it to compile. However, the buttons I created to not appear when the program is executed. What am I overlooking? Java Code: // CheckPoint: InventoryProgramPart5.java // Week 8 // This program calculates inventory value import java.awt.*; ...

36. button displays image    java-forums.org

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class picdisplay implements ActionListener { JButton button; JFrame frame; public static void main (String[] args) { picdisplay ducpic=new picdisplay(); ducpic.go(); } public void go () { frame=new JFrame(); button=new JButton("click to view"); button.addActionListener(this); frame.getContentPane().add(button); frame.setSize(300,300); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) { DuckPicJPanel pic=new DuckPicJPanel(); frame.getContentPane().remove(button); frame.getContentPane().add(pic); pic.repaint(); } }

37. how to make the check button get user input and display it    java-forums.org

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; public class MyFrame extends JFrame { private JLabel text1,text2,text3; private JTextField tf,tf2; private JButton btn; private JPanel p1,p2,p3; public static void main (String[]args) { MyFrame fr=new MyFrame("Check Your DOB"); fr.setSize(300,200); fr.setVisible(true); fr.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public MyFrame(String t) { setTitle(t); setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); text1=new JLabel("Name:"); tf=new JTextField(15); text2=new JLabel("\nEnter First 6 Digit of Your IC Number:"); ...

38. How to scale an image displayed on JButton    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, I has a panel contains 42 buttons of the same size arranged with GridLayout manager. I try to display some images on the buttons. But the problem is that the image bigger than buttons. Is it possible to scale the image to fit the size of button and which method is used? Thank you very much in advance.

39. Display different panels with different jbutton    forums.oracle.com

I am new here. Currently I am playing around with GUI design using Java. I would like to know how I can display different panel by clicking different buttons. Let say I have a product info button, I would like to have product info panel displayed by clicking this button and the other panels shall not be visible. If I click ...

40. Displaying the next set of a resultset with a next JButton    forums.oracle.com

That code is what I have in place now to append to and where I am stuck. my application returns 15 values associated with these labels: "Vendor Name", "PO Approve Date", "Requistion Number", "Requisitioner Name", "Buyer Name", "PO Amount", "Project Number","Fund Number", "Task Number", "Contract Number", "Object Code", "Drawing/Part Number", "ARL Location", "PO Line Number", "PO Distribution Number" based on a ...

41. How to use a JButton to display another form    forums.oracle.com

TODO add your handling code here Where you find the above comment you add your custom code. Have you read the Swing tutorials that show you how to create a display a JFrame? Well the code is bacially the same. In the future Swing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum. If you search the Swing forum you will ...

42. Need Help urgently (ImageIcon is not displayed on JButton)    forums.oracle.com

Hello, In my source code there is an action listener, bound to an array of JButtons. So when a button is pressed, it should display an image. (I get the pressed button from the ActionEvent e with e.getActionCommand()), so i can decide which button was pressed. The first image is displayed correctly, but if i press the second button, it parses ...