XmlBeanFactory « XML « Spring Q&A

1. Springs XmlBeanFactory is deprecated    stackoverflow.com

Am Trying to learn Springs.am following this site http://www.roseindia.net/spring/spring3/spring-3-hello-world.shtml i tried one example in that. am using some what like below..but here it showing XmlBeanFactory is deprecated.what i have to ...

2. XInclude and XmlBeanFactory    forum.springsource.org

Does XmlBeanFactory support any type of file inclusion, such as XInclude to allow the beans file to be broken out into multiple layers of bean xml files? Or, would it be ...

3. reload / refresh XmlBeanFactory    forum.springsource.org

hi, I'm quiet new to spring so maybe it's a trivial question. Is there a way to reload a XmlBeanFactory when the underlying beans.xml has been changed ?[/code]

4. Should I write my own XMLBeanFactory?    forum.springsource.org

Should I write my own XMLBeanFactory? I have just recently discovered Spring and am about to begin a project where IoC will be very useful. Its a reporting engine where each ...

5. Error constructing XmlBeanFactory    forum.springsource.org

Error constructing XmlBeanFactory I'm a newbie to Spring so when I was trying to get the some simple examples running I was suprised whenever the following failed to compile : InputStream ...

6. Works with XmlBeanFactory, but not with ClassPathXmlApplicationContext    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, I have the following code: Code: ... HibernateCallback callback = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) { ... criteria = session.createCriteria(modelClass); criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); Object result = criteria.uniqueResult(); //This prints ...

7. XMLBeanFactory can't handle absolut unix file names?    forum.springsource.org

XMLBeanFactory can't handle absolut unix file names? Hi, I have a problem with abslolute file names and the XMLBeanFacroy. Let me explain on an example. Code: String userHome = System.getProperties().getProperty( "user.home" ...

8. Creation of XmlBeanFactory using a xml outside classpath    forum.springsource.org

Hi Im trying to create an XmlBeanFactory using a xml that is inside the WEB-INF directory. I try to use Resource res = new ClassPathResource("applciationContext.xml"); XmlBeanFactory bf = new XmlBeanFactory(res); but ...

9. how to use XmlBeanFactory?    forum.springsource.org

how to use XmlBeanFactory? i follow the code in "spring in action" but it's told me: C:\user\src>javac hello\HelloApp.java hello\HelloApp.java:12: XmlBeanFactory(java.io.FileInputStream) org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanFacto ry BeanFactory factory = new ...

10. applicationContext.xml/XmlBeanFactory problem    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I'm new to the whole springframework and have been thrown into a project that is very complex. I need to create an XmlBeanFactory! I have tried several ways but all ...

11. javac can't find XmlBeanFactory    forum.springsource.org

javac can't find XmlBeanFactory here is the classpath: C:\>set classpath=.;C:\;D:\; C:\SpringFramework-2.0\dist\spring.jar; C:\spring-framework-2.0\lib\jakarta-commons\commons-logging.jar; C:\com\springinaction\chapter01\hello\ here is the compilation command C:\>javac com\springinaction\chapter01\hello\HelloApp.java here is the result - can't find the XmlBeanFactory com\springinaction\chapter01\hello\HelloApp.java:1 1: ...

12. XmlBeanFactory not working?!    forum.springsource.org

XmlBeanFactory not working?! Hi all, i'm using spring framework version 2.0.6. Apparently, the following code I work with since version 1.x is no longer valid for use (causes exception since XmlBeanDefinitionReader ...

13. XmlBeanFactory returns NoRouteToHostException    forum.springsource.org

XmlBeanFactory returns NoRouteToHostException Using spring 1.2.1. I construct my XmlBeanFactory by passing in the name of the applicationContext.xml file. This works successfully in a tomcat and also oc4j web container but ...

14. XmlBeanFactory casting problem    forum.springsource.org

XmlBeanFactory casting problem hi i am new in SPRING. I have a problem see the code ================================================= XmlBeanFactory beanFactory = new XmlBeanFactory(new ClassPathResource( "SpringHelloWorld.xml")); Spring3HelloWorld myBean = (Spring3HelloWorld)beanFactory; ================================================= last line ...

15. First app and XmlBeanFactory error    forum.springsource.org

First app and XmlBeanFactory error Hi there, I have a very simple code in MyApp.java main class as follows: Code: public static void main(String[] args) { try { FileInputStream fie = ...