validation error « Web « Spring Q&A

1. Spring - remove a validation error?

In the context of Spring Webflow 2.0.x...... Is it possible to REMOVE a validation error from within the Spring Errors object during validation? I cant see anything in the API. i.e.

public class MyValidator ...

2. Spring 3 validation error

I'm trying to get some validators working with Spring 3. I keep getting an error:

org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyException: Invalid property 'name' of bean class [java.lang.String]: Bean property 'name' is not readable or ...

3. Spring Validator Errors ObjectError

If I have an objectError (of class ObjectError), now when I do **messageResource.getMessage(objectError,Locale.US);** How can I get exactly which partucular code(out of all the codes in codes list in objectError) got ...

4. How to get Errors(validation) in SpringFramework?

I wrote a class to implement the interface "Validator",and now how can I get the errors message without web environment?Thanks

5. error while using validator - NotWritablePropertyExcep

error while using validator - NotWritablePropertyExcep Following is the validatior I am using :

6. Handle submission without get validator error

Do you mean going back to the form view without any errors in the Errors object or do you just want to hide any error messages in the view. For the ...

7. SelectOneMenu - Validation Error: Value is not valid

Mar 29th, 2011, 04:39 PM #1 diego.g.a View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2011 Posts 2 SelectOneMenu - Validation Error: Value is not valid I'm ...

8. Validation Error

Validation Error Hello developers, I am building a web application and i got some error: Code: javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException: No validator could be found for type: java.lang.Integer org.hibernate.validator.engine.ConstraintTree.verifyResolveWasUnique( org.hibernate.validator.engine.ConstraintTree.findMatchingValidatorClass( org.hibernate.validator.engine.ConstraintTree.getInitializedValidator( org.hibernate.validator.engine.ConstraintTree.validateConstraints( org.hibernate.validator.metadata.MetaConstraint.validateConstraint( org.hibernate.validator.engine.ValidatorImpl.validateConstraint( ...

9. Fake validation error msg on using "PropertyPathFactory

Hi, I have bean configurations like: Code: exportConfig outputDir The ide plugin reports the following fake error msg: ...

10. Need Help -- Validation Error

Nov 18th, 2004, 01:18 PM #1 spring04 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Nov 2004 Posts 159 Need Help -- Validation Error In my FIRST spring ...

11. java/validation/validation error

Oct 29th, 2011, 12:43 PM #1 spaulger View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2011 Posts 3 java/validation/validation error I am very new to both Java ...

12. Strange Validation error after update

Strange Validation error after update After update Spring Tool Suite for Eclipse from 2.7.1 to 2.8, there was some strange validation errors that I never hit before. e.g. I got a ...

13. Default toString() appears upon validation errors.

Default toString() appears upon validation errors. I have a form that has a few complex objects. I have a property editor that looks them up based on the input string just ...

14. Client-Side Validation Error

Client-Side Validation Error I am trying to setup client side validation. The server side works fine. But, when I add in the following line to my .jsp file I get an ...

15. Validation only supports Errors

The validation object works quite well with the SpringBind tag for displaying errors. But how do we handle warnings and success. It would be nice if we could use the same ...

16. Validator, needing resource bundles for args to errors

I have form labels and error messages in a resource bundle, like so: Code: error.required={0} is required label.firstname=First Name label.lastname=Last Name In the case of a validation error, I'd like to ...

17. ideas on displaying validation errors

ideas on displaying validation errors I am trying to display a web form with validation on submit, but am having a hard time displaying errors in a neat way. Currently, I ...

18. Validation Errors will not display

Validation Errors will not display I am having problems displaying validation errors on a JSP page. I successfully traverse my validator classes validate() method but the error messages are not displayed. ...

19. validator sets error, but error not thrown

validator sets error, but error not thrown Hi, My page has a link to an AbstractCommandController, which has a validator. The link simply contains two 'id' parameters, and the validator checks ...

20. Help with showing validation errors on client side

Help with showing validation errors on client side Hello, I have the server side validation working correctly, but I cannot get the errors to dispaly on my JSP page. I was ...

21. Trapping parse errors in the validator?

Trapping parse errors in the validator? I have a CustomDateEditor registered via initBinder(), but what I can't work out (although I'm sure it must be obvious and I'm just having a ...

22. validation error forward

validation error forward Hi there, I have a SimpleFormController and a validator attached to it. When the validation fails, the controller does a forward to the form view. So far, so ...

23. how to get validation errors displayed?

how to get validation errors displayed? Hello folks, I have the following bean configuration with Valang expression: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

24. How to Resolve Error before Validation

How to Resolve Error before Validation Hi Guys, I have html form, now on its command object one of its field is a float datatype. On loading of the form what ...

25. rejectValue validation error

rejectValue validation error Hi All I am using the following function to produce an error in a validator. void rejectValue(String field, String errorCode, Object[] errorArgs, String defaultMessage) A real example of ...

26. Remove error on validate

Remove error on validate Hi, Has anyone experienced this problem before ? I am using a SimpleFormController, and a Validator for that controller. My POJO has one field, which is: Code: ...

27. validation error display!

validation error display! Hello, following this tutorial spring:hasBindErrors name="credentials"> when i use above code when error fires from, on jsp it displays "${status.errorMessage}" in red ...

28. validation errors display in AWFC

hi i m using AWFC it works accordingly. i did validation using Validator .. i displayed errors on start of each page. at first page its work. but on other pages ...

29. Spring S-Side Validation Error Msg

Spring S-Side Validation Error Msg I've managed to return the error messages from the validatorcontroller and display them as well. But it doesn't give me a great deal of power when ...

30. Urgent! Help! Can't get validation errors displayed.

I have a simple piece of code to show validation error message in jsp: Code: my validation class has been constructed as: Code: public boolean supports(Class ...

31. jumping to error section if validation fails

jumping to error section if validation fails Hi, I have a lengthy view of a web page for which user has to scroll to view complete page. That view consists of ...

32. Validator: Errors and warnings?

Hi, I was wondering if I could do this by using a validator. I use a SimpleFormController and before I submit I start the validator which gives errors if the info ...

33. Errors implementation for unit testing a Validator

Errors implementation for unit testing a Validator Is there a simple Errors implementation I can use for unit testing my Validator classes? The Errors interface, along with its BindingResult subinterface, have ...

34. Displaying validation errors

Hi, I have a MultiActionController with a validator. I want to display the validation errors in the jsp. In a FormController I always use Code: which works fine. ...

35. How do I check if there were validation errors?

I am using the SimpleFormController to display a form, but I need more control over what HTML to show when there are errors then I can achieve simply using the form:errors ...

36. Validation setting error arguments

int minAge=18; errors.rejectValue("age", "feedback.error.age.invalidFormat", new String[] { String.valueOf(minAge) }, "Invalid age format");

37. Select becomes empty once validation error occurs

Select becomes empty once validation error occurs I have a form and a select box with list of values in a select box. IF user don't select any value from the ...

38. Display file name on validation error

Display file name on validation error I am not sure this is possible due to how works, but I thought to double check. I have, in my form, along ...

39. execution of onSUbmitAction method even if there are some validation errors

execution of onSUbmitAction method even if there are some validation errors I'm facing a strange behaviour. IN my controller, i'm doing validation as well using onBindAndValidate method. If some errors, i ...

40. PKIX path validation failed error

Hi, I have a spring based web application that calls another spring based web service application. I had tested this application on a NON SSL Tomcat server, however now when I ...

41. spring validation errors

Apr 16th, 2009, 05:22 PM #1 RSM View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2009 Posts 3 spring validation errors I am having some problems in ...

42. How to clear Validation.Errors

How to clear Validation.Errors hello all, I have a custom validator that implements Validator interface. In the Code: public void validate(Object obj, Errors errors) I need to clear the "errors" parameter ...

43. BeanPropertyBindingResult cannot be cast to org.springframework.validation.Errors

Hi, I've been trying to move my portlet to liferay on weblogic 10 while at the same time upgrading it from spring 2.0.6 to 2.5.6 I've run into quite a few ...

44. Validation Error: {0}Value is not valid

Jun 18th, 2009, 04:08 PM #1 kormem View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jan 2009 Posts 31 Validation Error: {0}Value is not valid the following is a ...

45. Dropdown disappears after validation error

Dropdown disappears after validation error Hi! I'm puzzled by a feature of the petclinic sample application. In experimenting, I noticed that the dropdown control containing pet names disappears when the owner ...

46. Weird attribute validation error

Weird attribute validation error Hi! I have the following XML Schema: Code:

47. Spring adds curly braces on validation error

Hi, Does anybody know why spring is adding curly braces in fields in jsp when the validation error occurs? Suppose I have a zip code field of Integer type. When I ...

48. Error validating config file

That works, Christian, thanks! As a side note, just like the issue in this thread, I needed to delete all the text in my XML file, save it, paste the text ...

49. Indicating validation errors

Hi, if a form has validation errors I do NOT want to put the error message into an extra span or div, but I want to make the color of the ...

50. throwing errors on samepage after validation

throwing errors on samepage after validation Hi, Am using MultiActionController to save data with Validation. Validator is invoked and if theres any errors on validation, it does not redirect to the ...

51. OXM validating file error: White spaces are required btwn publicId and systemId???

OXM validating file error: White spaces are required btwn publicId and systemId??? I am getting this Compile error in webmvc-config.xml. The errors below were detected when validating the file "oxm" via ...

52. validation errors

53. How can I simplify displaying of validation errors?

How can I simplify displaying of validation errors? Hi, I'm using Spring 3.0. Currently, we do validations through annotation. We use a validator created by Code: @Bean public Validator getValidator() ...

54. Why aren't my validation errors displaying?

Why aren't my validation errors displaying? Hi, I'm using Spring 3.0. I have this JSP page (/account/edit-profile) ... Code:


55. internationalization off validation errors using @Valid

internationalization off validation errors using @Valid I cannot get internationalization to work for validation errors using the @Valid annotation. I have the following example: The JSP file: Code: <%@ page language="java" ...