tag 4 « Web « Spring Q&A

1. Question on Errors/BindingResults returned to JSPs form:errors tag    forum.springsource.org

Hi, The following is a snippet of code from my Controller: Code: protected String addOrder(ModelAttribute("cmd") OrderBean command, BindingResult results, Map model) { new OrderValidator().validate(command, results); if(results.hasErrors()) { return "order"; } try ...

2. tag bug?    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, I am using a SimpleFormController submitting data with tag. I noticed that if attribute "enctype" of is setted to "multipart/form-data" Spring does not bind the form ...

3. Tag Library (2.5.5)    forum.springsource.org

Hi, works perfectly. As in the documentation the following should also work: but I get an empty list. I ...

4. Using spring form:input tag    forum.springsource.org

Using spring form:input tag Hi, I'm working on a JSP that will display an old and new address value on a page. So for a street address. When I display the ...

5.  tag 2 issues    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I 'm currently having 2 problems with a spring form: 1. I 'm using this line Code: However, the Code: is not ...

6. Spring tags internationalisation problem - HUGE    forum.springsource.org

Spring tags internationalisation problem - HUGE Hi. Im trying to use the spring tags like this: Code: , but i want to use some internationalized ...

7. Hierarchical context, import tag, one XML file for each application part    forum.springsource.org

Hierarchical context, import tag, one XML file for each application part Hello, I need accomplish very simple task, but I seeking very long time and I found nothing. So, I need ...

9. spring 2.0.2 tag    forum.springsource.org

spring 2.0.2 tag Hey all, I need to be able to use a style class in tag in my spring 2.0.2 application but the cssClass attribute is not available ...

10. Cannot start bundle "Java JSP Standard Tag Library v1.2.0"    forum.springsource.org

Feb 10th, 2009, 03:50 AM #1 bjornharvold View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Jul 2008 Posts 115 Cannot start bundle "Java JSP Standard Tag Library v1.2.0" ...

11. Form Tags, Error    forum.springsource.org

Form Tags, Error Hi all, I need to have control of what html, the Error tag prints to the html page. I have a feeling i can do this, but I ...

12. what has been done by the sec tags    forum.springsource.org

As we know, we can use the tags provided by security schema to config the security framework just by a few lines of XML. But sometimes, I want to know what ...

13. Is it possible to ignore the tag inside the form?    forum.springsource.org

14. error when using tag    forum.springsource.org

error when using tag dear all my codings............

Emp Code:

15. Using the custom tag libraries.    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I'm reading the SpringSecurity.pdf documentation and in the 6.3 Tag Libraries section under 6.3.1 Useage its says to 'refer to the individual reference guide sections' ...where are the reference guides ...

16. http tag and custom logout handling    forum.springsource.org

http tag and custom logout handling I'm trying to figure out how to define custom logout handling whilst using the tag (e.g. I want to create a DB record indicating ...

17. Unable to compile class with @Override tag    forum.springsource.org

Unable to compile class with @Override tag Is iajc compatible with JDK 6. I have the following class that iajc isn't able to compile Code: public class TestBean implements Serializable, Comparable ...

18. Selected options in SELECT tag using Converter    forum.springsource.org

Selected options in SELECT tag using Converter Hi all, I noticed a weird behaviour using Spring webflow 2.0.6 and spring webmvc 2.5.6 over the select tag. I'm using a converter to ...

19. How to specify style attribute for form:input and form:select tags?    forum.springsource.org

I need to render following HTML code using spring form taglib.Specifically I am looking for a way to specify style attribute inside form:input and form:select tags. Code:

20. [JSP][Tags] Evaluating Spring tags in a jsp.    forum.springsource.org

Code: protected Map referenceData(final HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception, IOException { Map datas = new HashMap(); String fragment = manager.getFragment(); /* Fragment : "" */ datas.put(getFragmentName(), fragment); ...

21. Problem using Select tag    forum.springsource.org

And with your current setup that will never happen. You are binding to the 'group' property of your command object (which is a single string)... Also you are abusing the command ...

22. Tag library improvement    forum.springsource.org

HI all, I created a really simple tag lib that displays name/value pair as a row in a table where the name is a spring:message coming from the resource bundle. At ...

23. spring form tag bind problem    forum.springsource.org

spring form tag bind problem Hi, Apologies if this has been asked before but I couldn't find any information on my particular problem. I have a command object (Offer) that contains ...

25. Spring Form Tags rendering as in facelets. How do I troubleshoot?    forum.springsource.org

Spring Form Tags rendering as in facelets. How do I troubleshoot? Hello All, I have an application that's running Spring MVC + Spring Web Flow. I'm using facelets for my ...

26. Spring JS with tags    forum.springsource.org

Spring JS with tags I'm planning to build forms using the tag and some JS - the interesting JS/AJAX part I'd like to implement is extending the form by ...

27. Does the form input tag have the file type?    forum.springsource.org

I might have ask the same question more than a year ago. I was told that the input tag didn't handle a file upload if my memory is correct. If the ...

28. Can the options tag takes care of a two-tier of list    forum.springsource.org

I have a two-tier of category. A top tier is arts, for example, and visual arts and performance arts are under it. The category is stored in DB. I need to ...

29. Problem getting form:errors tag to show errors in my custom login page    forum.springsource.org

Problem getting form:errors tag to show errors in my custom login page I have a problem getting form:errors tag to work with my custom login page. It doesn't show any errors, ...

30.  tag not processed in JSP    forum.springsource.org

31. Extensible XML - Nesting standard tags inside custom tags    forum.springsource.org

Extensible XML - Nesting standard tags inside custom tags Hi all, I've read and understood the examples at: http://static.springframework.org/sp...sible-xml.html I'm trying implement a BeanDefinitionParser for some custom tags. Now I want ...

32. form tags vs spring:bind    forum.springsource.org

Hi all! Could somebody hint me how for example tag can be written in terms of spring:bind? I suppose it can be , but ...

33. How to handle input tags which should be inserted as list elements    forum.springsource.org

Hi dhosek, Not sure I understood your problem correctly. Do you want to put multiple input elements on your form and bind them to one list in your command bean? By ...

34. Is it a good idea to use spring jsp tags at all?    forum.springsource.org

Is it a good idea to use spring jsp tags at all? Spring provides custom tag libraries for jsp templates (e.g. form:form) In my organization, we try to follow the practice ...

36. Enhanced Input Tag    forum.springsource.org

Enhanced Input Tag Hi, It's very natural to have more than one input boxes for numbers having differnt precision requirement's e.g In one number box a user is required to enter ...

37. best way to create form:select tags for sequence of numbers?    forum.springsource.org

I need select elements for year on my form. Here is how I did it for year -- works, but seems hacky. Is there a better way (other than passing collection ...

38. form:option tag usage issue: how to show a selected item?    forum.springsource.org

I use the option form tag in a selection list. When I have an item selected, I can't see how the status is shown on the list. How to make it ...

39. How to write tag after rootTag in XML file    forum.springsource.org

Hi, i'm trying to write XML file using Spring Batch, which will looks like this: Code:

I know how to produce XML ...

40. Use form-tag with a list of objects    forum.springsource.org

@RequestMapping("/editCustomers.html") public String editCustomers(ModelMap model) { List customers = new LinkedList(); // populate list [...] model.addAttribute("customers", customers); return "my_view"; }

41. about triggering java script function in spring option tag...    forum.springsource.org

about triggering java script function in spring option tag... Hi guys, i have a option tag as follow: Code: from ...

42. Spring and pager tag lib    forum.springsource.org

Spring and pager tag lib I am currently using a pager taglib. This pager taglib spits out url similar to http://locahost:8080/springmvcapp/sp...ager.offset=10. I need this url to be sent to the jsp ...

43. How can I get a normal input tag's value?    forum.springsource.org

How can I get a normal input tag's value? I am using the spring MVC to implement the user registration, and I want to use the User object as a modelAttribute, ...

44. special char in options tag    forum.springsource.org

Hi, How could I insert a special char (like < ) in option tag? On my .jsp I have the following code: Code:

45. Can Spring automate generate jsp with spring tags for domain object ?    forum.springsource.org

public class ProceduresController extends MultiActionController { ... public ModelAndView create(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { removeAllDocumentsAndCharges(); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("procedure", "commandName", new Procedure()); return mav; }

46. Xml Escaping on springform tag    forum.springsource.org

Xml Escaping on springform tag Hi Everyone, First of all please accept all of my apologies. Because I am the (very) beginner on Spring. I am working on a Spring project ...

47. form:input tag rejected field value in RC1    forum.springsource.org

form:input tag rejected field value in RC1 Hello, I've got a problem with form:input tag using Spring 3RC1. I've got a double field in a bean, if the value is not ...

48. Unable to use spring form tags in jsp 2.0 tag files    forum.springsource.org

Unable to use spring form tags in jsp 2.0 tag files Hi, I'm new to spring framework. While I'm trying to use spring form tags in jsp tag files, I'm getting ...

49. spring-form tag lib's select tag does not work    forum.springsource.org

spring-form tag lib's select tag does not work I'm trying to get spring's select tag to work in spring 3.0.0rc1, and it doesn't work. Code: <@springForm.select path="myobject.province" items=provinces multiple=false itemLabel="name" itemValue="id" ...

50. Custom Tag support    forum.springsource.org

I have some UI componenets designed which use my home grown taglibs .For this tabglib to work fine i need to get access to Model Object in TagSupport class .How do ...

51. form:select tag [chose one option as selected]    forum.springsource.org

form:select tag [chose one option as selected] Hi! I am doing a project for my university and I have been a while gloogling for a solution about how to select one ...

52. How to obtain / retrieve the value of an option tag    forum.springsource.org

How to obtain / retrieve the value of an option tag Hi All I have got a couple of questions which I hope will be simple enough to answer. 1. I ...

53. tags spring    forum.springsource.org

hi, is there some table that shows equivalence between struts tags and spring tags. before to use only spring, I need to know if I have same posibilities with spring tags. ...

54. jsp 2.0 Tag File Attribute Question    forum.springsource.org

jsp 2.0 Tag File Attribute Question I am trying to pass a List of objects as a attribute to a custom tag file. The problem is that it looks like the ...

55. The absolute uri: http://www.springframework.org/tags/form cannot be resolved    forum.springsource.org

The absolute uri: http://www.springframework.org/tags/form cannot be resolved Can somebody help me in resolving this exception: 1. I have following line in my JPSs and they are working fine: <%@ taglib prefix="form" ...

56. Custom tag    forum.springsource.org

Custom tag Hello, I want to build a "authorized by link" security tag See this message if the current user has access to the given app_link. so ...

57. Custom tag library for generating DRY urls    forum.springsource.org

Dec 28th, 2009, 05:08 AM #1 bloudraak View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2009 Posts 25 Custom tag library for generating DRY urls Hello, I ...

58. Binding a Spring form tag's Selectbox    forum.springsource.org

Binding a Spring form tag's Selectbox After successful login, the controller receives the request and based on the user role, showForm method returns the view and the model. Based on the ...

59. Spring Form Tag Not Recognizing Command Name    forum.springsource.org

Spring Form Tag Not Recognizing Command Name Dear All, When I tried to redirect my registration page after success to Login Page, it throws an IllegalStateException stating that "Neither BindingResult nor ...

60.  tag works in one file but not in another    forum.springsource.org

tag works in one file but not in another Hi The spring tags work fine in one JSP I have (WEB-INF/jsp/newOrder.jsp) but not in another (/index.jsp). The latter is just ...

61. Problem using spring-form tags    forum.springsource.org

Problem using spring-form tags Hi, I m new to the spring framework. I have been playing around the the spring-form tags, but I am having the hardest time trying to get ...

62. "tags" folder confuses Subversion    forum.springsource.org

Roo web projects contain a src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/tags folder by default. If you commit such a project, Subversion (or at least, the Subversive Eclipse plugin) wrongly assumes that the "tags" folder contains SVN ...

63. localization of spring-form tags    forum.springsource.org

64. Spring 3 form tags binding to items in a list    forum.springsource.org

Spring 3 form tags binding to items in a list Hi all, I just upgraded to Spring 3 and have run into a problem with binding form elements to items in ...

65. 1.0.3.RELEASE tag build    forum.springsource.org

1.0.3.RELEASE tag build Hello, I've checked out 1.0.3.RELEASE tag from svn and tried to build it. It seems that two dependencies are missing in poms: 1. spring-integration-jms : spring-test 2. spring-integration-core ...

66. annoying Unknown tag warnings    forum.springsource.org

These Unknown tag warnings are really annoying. It's not the warning itself but the yellow curly underline that makes the text hard to read. Does anyone know how to switch off ...

67. Spring 3.0 tags remove brackets from form names    forum.springsource.org

Spring 3.0 tags remove brackets from form names I have a form backing command object which uses arrays and maps. I used to be able to use form tags to populate ...

68. Code breakage - spring from tag library's removing "[" and "]"    forum.springsource.org

Code breakage - spring from tag library's removing "[" and "]" I have some code that purposefully puts "[" and "]" in the path, which eventually gets rendered to the id ...

69. Spring Form Tag - Reusing form actions across pages w/o Explicity Command object    forum.springsource.org

Spring Form Tag - Reusing form actions across pages w/o Explicity Command object In Spring 3.0, I'm trying to use the spring form tag (form:form) for validation purposes (ie. so that ...

70. form tag action    forum.springsource.org

71. Spring Tag format issue when using @NumberFormat with a List    forum.springsource.org

Spring Tag format issue when using @NumberFormat with a List I'm using Spring 3.0. There appears to be an issue when using the form tags or the spring:bind tag and the ...

72. question from:tag    forum.springsource.org

question from:tag Hi community, I have a "simple" question about the form tags. Below i post a piece of my code in the jsp file Code: ...

73. What is the spring tag for dataTable?    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I am coming from a JSF background but am now using Spring 3.0 with Tomcat 6.0.26 (Java 1.6). What is the equivalent of the dataTable tag in spring? That is, ...

74. Help with tag.    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I was wondering if anyone of you know a complete tutorial regarding the Code: tag. I still haven't seen a complete tutorial and I don't know where the tag ...

75. Can form:option tage handle the fmt tag?    forum.springsource.org

76. How do I retrieve the index of the selected option from the tag?    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I am currently using the tag for the selection of taxpayers. After the user has selected a taxpayer from the selection and submitted the form, I want to retrieve ...

77. Spring tag and directives are displayed on a page    forum.springsource.org

Spring tag and directives are displayed on a page Hi, I'm new in Spring and I have a seroius (for me of course) problem with my project: I'm developing ...

78. How to nest tags    forum.springsource.org

How to nest tags Hi! I'm trying to nest form:form tags. The first nested form:form tag disappears from the generated page. But the other nested tags are well printed. How ...

79. form and forEach tag conflicts in rendering values    forum.springsource.org

form and forEach tag conflicts in rendering values Hi, (Questions are below) I hava an backing object which I want to use in a jsp: Code: public class XBackingObject { private ...

80. Spring tag    forum.springsource.org

Thats a very broad question with a thousand possible answers..lets start with what you have done so far ..and specifically what issue(s) you are having ..then the forum folks can help ...

81. Expressions in an import tag    forum.springsource.org

Expressions in an import tag I have been working on an application that loads spring security beans from a separate xml file based upon the settings in a properties file. However, ...

82. Not able to specify path for form:select tag with list of objects...    forum.springsource.org

Not able to specify path for form:select tag with list of objects... I have a doubt when using Spring. I have a model class (A) which has a list of objects ...

83. using c:url tag in form action    forum.springsource.org

84. Date Time converting incorrectly by Spring form:input tag    forum.springsource.org

Date Time converting incorrectly by Spring form:input tag The problem we're having stems from the Spring form:input tag. We store a date/time value in our database as UTC. The servers are ...

85. Spring Binding in custom JSP tag output    forum.springsource.org

Spring Binding in custom JSP tag output Hi. I've got the following situation: I need to create input fields during runtime (for a form editor). Additionaly, I bind those dynamically created ...

86. intercept-url tag    forum.springsource.org

Hi ALL! One simple question: where do I find info about this tag/bean? What kind of bean does it create? I want to know which kind of property can I set, ...

87. Problem in implementing one to many using Spring select tag    forum.springsource.org

Sep 7th, 2010, 05:02 AM #1 praneet View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2010 Posts 14 Problem in implementing one to many using Spring select ...

88. accessing command object outs side form tags    forum.springsource.org

accessing command object outs side form tags I have a web form which is using the spring tag and a form backing object to pre-populate the Values. This ...

89. regenerating tag files    forum.springsource.org

The tag files are installed along with the 'controller' commands. They are installed only once so the best way is to simply create a dummy project and copy them back over ...

90. Bind Tag question    forum.springsource.org

Bind Tag question Hi everyone, I never liked the way Spring handles custom error messages during binding. Declaring all non-String properties of an object in a message bundle to resolve them ...

91. Tree View Dojo Support as JSP tag    forum.springsource.org

Tree View Dojo Support as JSP tag Hi, I am just wondering if there is a Tag available in Roo for rendering Dojo Tree. I find it really hard to put ...

92. How do I get StaxEventItemWriter to close a tag rather than using a end tag...    forum.springsource.org

How do I get StaxEventItemWriter to close a tag rather than using a end tag... I know it is not exactly a Batch question but since it happens while using the ...

93. JSP & tags: Does not support runtime expressions    forum.springsource.org

94. Tag Errors    forum.springsource.org

Tag Errors When I work on a project in 2 computers, I did all my work and uploaded it to svn. Now when i check out everything in my other computer ...

95. Issue with "converter" tag?    forum.springsource.org

Issue with "converter" tag? Hi, There may be an issue with the new "converter" tag that was suggested in Mark Fisher's recent blog posting here: http://blog.springsource.com/2010/10...e-candidate-1/ Though I see the converter ...

96. problem in loading spring tags    forum.springsource.org

problem in loading spring tags Hi, I am getting this exception. javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: No message found under code 'customer.id' for locale 'en_US'. Jspfile ----- dispatcher-servlet.xml -------------------

97. issue with c:forEach tag    forum.springsource.org

I have a few dropdownlist boxes on a page that get their values from the backend DB. I use the "c" taglib like this: ...

99. org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.SelectTa g failed to lazily initialize coll    forum.springsource.org

org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.SelectTa g failed to lazily initialize coll I don"t know why is this happening, but the form:select tag is trying to access a collection of elements that nowhere in the JSP ...

100. form:option tag not generating "selected" attribute    forum.springsource.org

form:option tag not generating "selected" attribute I have a problem with the tag. It does not generate the selected="selected" attribute. As comparison, the following works perfectly: ...