showForm « Web « Spring Q&A

1. help me to use showForm()

hi, in my controller i have to use a redirect- for redirecting the view. for that how i can make use of the showForm method?? help me pls.....

2. how to use onSubmit() showForm()

friends... can any one help me to deal with these.i refer its syntax from. but i couldn't understand.and what are the pakages that i should import....pls help me...

3. How to obtain command object in showForm method?

How to obtain command object in showForm method? Hi all, What is the proper way to obtain the command object in my showForm method? I need to fill the model with ...

4. Problem With showForm And

I've got a JSP page that shows a set of navigation tabs at the top and the current page passes a parameter in to indicate which option to highlight (the current ...

5. onSubmit not working with showForm

onSubmit not working with showForm Hi friends, In one data entry page, I am populating a dropdown list using showForm() method. But when I click on the Submit button, the control ...

6. field validation when using showform method.

field validation when using showform method. Hi, my validator is not working when using the showform method. I am using showform and onsubmit methods in the simpleformcontroller. I have used the ...

7. referenceData and showForm

referenceData and showForm hi came to know of very peculiar behaviour of spring yesterday. when u implement showForm method and referenceData method in SimpleFormController, it stops calling referenceData method. without showForm, ...

8. showForm() versus referenceData()?

Ok, thanks. I'm not sure I entirely understand though. The question I should have asked is "what's the difference between the model in showForm and the model in referenceData?" Is it ...

9. showForm inside a onSubmit

Hello Normally, inside a SimpleFormControler, I can use onSubmit to get a successView as the following: public ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors) throws Exception { MyObject object ...

10. How to retrieve command object in showForm() ?

My command object is set by the formBackingObject() and returned. Then the showForm() gets called ...The showForm() makes a decision which view to show and then passes the command object to ...

11. How to validate in formbackingobject or showform?

I want to validate if user entered any text in a field before doing a get. It first calls forbackingobject and then showform. How do I pass error back to screen ...

12. Implemented showForm() - binder/CustomEditor not Called

I have implemented showForm() in a SimpleformController an I return my own ModelAndViewObject (not calling super.showForm()) In case of this my registered customEditor is not I only see the value ...

13. showing a view using showForm

showing a view using showForm Hi During a GET process, I am trying to display data using the specified view class that I have created. I am trying to display the ...

14. changing command object values in showform method

changing command object values in showform method I have two questions. 1. I have a two jsp pages one to add customers and another to search existing customers. in the search ...

15. When submiting a form, showForm() is called

When submiting a form, showForm() is called Hey guys I am having some trouble here. I got a CancellableFormController to insert categories in my database. Not a rocket science indeed, but, ...

16. included form POSTs, redirects back to parent, showForm called, doesn't get displayed

included form POSTs, redirects back to parent, showForm called, doesn't get displayed I have a pv.jsp file, which is backed by Parametrized View Controller PV. On PV.handleRequestInternal(), PV adds sf.jsp to ...

17. showForm not doing what I expect

showForm not doing what I expect Hi, I have a login page which uses a validator to check for empty fields etc, works fine. If the fields are filled in, the ...

18. Issues with Showform method!!

Issues with Showform method!! Hi guys, I am new to Spring. I am facing the following issue in my application. User1 logs into my application. I am using a Singleton SimpleFormController. ...

19. ShowForm

ShowForm Hi, I have two steps for a user to logon to my website. If on the 2nd page, the user locks themselves out, i want to use showForm() to redirect ...

20. Combining showForm, onSubmit, and formBackingObject

Combining showForm, onSubmit, and formBackingObject Is there a different forum I should use for this post? I have a SimpleFormController that uses showForm (I want to be able to programatically pick ...

21. showform

22. Prevalidating and submitting form before showForm

Prevalidating and submitting form before showForm Ok, let me try to explain how I want this controller to work. I currently have it set up as a SimpleFormController. When I request ...

23. ShowForm on the onsubmit method

ShowForm on the onsubmit method Hi, I am currently uncertain if what I did was correct in my SimpleFormController. Please take a look at my code. Code: public class ManageController extends ...