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1. Spring: Same object, different validation    stackoverflow.com

I have an object called User where I save all the data of the User. I have some annotations to perform validation and it works fine.

public class User{

2. Validators for nested objects    forum.springsource.org

Validators for nested objects I know I've seen this addressed before, but I cannot find it for the life of me. I have an object that has a nested object that ...

3. How validate object?    forum.springsource.org

How validate object? Hi, I have a html form with various form elements. I also have a domain object and a Validator. I think everything is hookep up correctly, but I ...

4. Validation errors on Command Object    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have an optional field on my form that represents a money amount. I have declared the corresponding Command class to have a BigDecimal to hold this value. Spring parses ...

5. Command Objects, Validation and SpringLbind    forum.springsource.org

Command Objects, Validation and SpringLbind I have a form extending SimpleFormController , which works well. I managed to integrate the commons-validator using the spring-validation bit from the springmodule's project. Validation works ...

6. validation with multiple objects    forum.springsource.org

validation with multiple objects I am looking at how Spring handles validation and I am curious how I can validate a form that using multiple objects. I will give you an ...

7. Validation errors with very complex objects    forum.springsource.org

Validation errors with very complex objects Hi all, I am running into a situation that must be common with Spring MVC, but I can't seem to find any previous posts covering ...

8. Accessing the command object if validation fails    forum.springsource.org

Accessing the command object if validation fails Using SimpleFormController, how does a template have access to the command object on which the form data was bound? I have a simple add ...

9. Validating objects in lists    forum.springsource.org

Validating objects in lists I'm having a bit of a problem trying to do something quite simple. On one of my pages I have a composite command object which has a ...

10. urgent:Problem with validator and wrapper object    forum.springsource.org

Jan 19th, 2006, 01:19 PM #1 LORDs_diakonos View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Oct 2005 Posts 79 urgent:Problem with validator and wrapper object Spring 1.2.5 I am ...

11. how to validate the command object?    forum.springsource.org

In spring 1.2.*, I can't find the classes like org.springframework.validation.commons.DefaultVali datorFactory, org.springframework.validation.commons.BeanValidat or which mentioned in <> Does spring support common validator any more? if not,what should I chose?

12. Empty command object returned after validation.    forum.springsource.org

Empty command object returned after validation. Hi. I am using SimpleFormController,my user has to fill out the form, the form backing object is being validated by the validator; but after errors ...

13. How do you repopulate the Command object on validation failure    forum.springsource.org

There are probably several ways to do this, but this is one way I can think of off the top of my head... Implement onBindAndValidate in your controller like this: protected ...

14. How do you return the Command object that has been submitted on validation failure    forum.springsource.org

Hi, What I want to do is have a form submit a request to a Controller, have a Validator object called by the controller and return the user to the same ...

15. Should validator modify an object?    forum.springsource.org

I have a philosophical question regarding Spring MVC pattern. It's correct if a Validator of a SimpleFormcontroller modify the object? For example... if a user enter "country code" field in lowercase ...

16. How to validate part of the command object using validator?    forum.springsource.org

I have a jsp page that list a List of Users, and each user information can be edited. When 1 or 2 users are edited, I want to validate only these ...

17. List of Objects & Validation    forum.springsource.org

List of Objects & Validation Here's what I'm trying to do: I've got a page which lists the User & the Users details I've got a seperate Class / Object / ...

18. Spring Validator does not allow deletion of an object.    forum.springsource.org

Hey, I have a list of objects with checkbox beside each of them. I want to delete few selected ones but when I try to do that, the associated validator class ...

19. Alter command object after validation failure?    forum.springsource.org

Alter command object after validation failure? I'm using Spring MVC and the form taglibs. We have a requirement to clear out any password fields when a form fails to validate. When ...

20. New Spring Object Validation Mechanism    forum.springsource.org

New Spring Object Validation Mechanism Hi Everyone, I have written a little addition for Spring MVC that I thought some people may be interested in. I describe it as... 'An easy ...

21. How to make a validator reject an object if some attributes has changed    forum.springsource.org

How to make a validator reject an object if some attributes has changed Hi! We use hibernate3 and spring 2.0.3. For one of our domainobjects some attributes should not be changed ...

22. Validating Object based on calculations    forum.springsource.org

Validating Object based on calculations Hi all, I'm having problems in Spring Rich Client validation. There are two different type of validation I can't seem to get working in the following ...

23. repopulate command object after validation failure    forum.springsource.org

Hi After validation failure it seems that text fields are repopulate with the command values while fields like checkbox and select box not. any idea why? I looked at the question ...

24. One command object, x validation defs?    forum.springsource.org

One command object, x validation defs? I have a couple objects, Company and Employee. CRUD of these objects works fine. But there is a 1:n relationship between Company and Employee. So ...

25. Upgraded to Spring 2, Validation of Empty Field Broke for Command object    forum.springsource.org

Upgraded to Spring 2, Validation of Empty Field Broke for Command object In Spring 1, I was using masks (and the DefaultBeanValidator) to validate a command object. The relevant validation.xml looks ...

26. validation without command object ?    forum.springsource.org

dasvestis, I don't see why not. If you're using a ModelAndView you can perform any validation you'd like and inject the errors object into the view from the controller. ie Code: ...

27. JSR303 validation for nested objects    forum.springsource.org

JSR303 validation for nested objects Hi, I have some nested objects objects that I want to create/edit through a form: Code: public class User implements UserDetails { @Id @GeneratedValue(generator="user_sequence") private Long ...

28. Validation errors in sub objcects of command object    forum.springsource.org

Hi, there is an example. Let's say i have command object 'Command': Code: public Class Command{ int size; Employee employee; } after binding and validation i want to know in the ...

29. Validator.supports firing for object not marked as @Valid    forum.springsource.org

Validator.supports firing for object not marked as @Valid I am using Annotations to configure my controllers. I have created a custom validator that implements org.springframework.validation.Validator. My controller is marked as @Controller ...

30. Multi-Level Object Validation    forum.springsource.org

I'm currently using JSR-303 Bean Validation API for validating the bean. I did a small program wh just primitive types. Book.java Code: public class Book { @NotEmpty private String name; @Size(min=1, ...

31. Scope of command Object in a Validator    forum.springsource.org

In a Validation class is it possible to change the values of the command object? I am assigning a new Object to the command Object like so : Code: command = ...