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1. Bindings exposed in JSTL but not in Form tags    forum.springsource.org

Bindings exposed in JSTL but not in Form tags Please forgive my general idiocy in this, but I am stumped. I have a relatively simple controller method: Code: @RequestMapping(value="/upload") public ModelAndView ...

2. JSTL: fmt:setLocale not working with own implementation of LocaleResolver    forum.springsource.org

JSTL: fmt:setLocale not working with own implementation of LocaleResolver Hi, I implemented my own org.springframework.web.servlet.LocaleResolver thats uses URL pattern. e.g. www.domain.com/en/* , www.domain.com/de/* , www.domain.com/es/* Code: But somehow ...

3. jstl tags not getting displayed    forum.springsource.org

jstl tags not getting displayed I have created an application with 4 Osgi bundles. 1) Model 2) Service Interface 3) Interface Implementation 4) UI (Spring MVC with JSTL tags) These bundles ...

4. JSTL & javaScript    forum.springsource.org

Hi i tri to send a ArrayList to javascript in the jsp i use .... but I want to use ${stuff.arr} to assign a var in js like var ...

5. JSTL & EL not getting parsed inside form:form    forum.springsource.org

You can't "nest" JSP tags in the attribute value of another JSP tag. The attribute value could be a JSTL expression (if the tag allows expressions for that attribute), but it ...

6. Question About Spring JSTL    forum.springsource.org

Hey Everyone, This may be pretty easy but I have a view that lists a bunch of resources I did this by making the following form. Code:

7. JSTL issue !    forum.springsource.org

JSTL issue ! Hi Techies, I am using spring annotations, the following is controller, ========================= @Controller @RequestMapping("/contactmanagement.html") @SessionAttributes("details") public class ContactManagementSystem { private AppoinmentDAO appoinmentDAO; @Autowired public void setAppoinmentDAO(AppoinmentDAO appoinmentDAO) { ...

8. Way to write this in JSTL?    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I'm using Spring 3.0 with Tomcat 6.0.26. I'm trying to clean up scriptlet logic on my JSP pages and one of the clauses I have is Code: User user = ...

9. @ResponseBody and JSTL outputting to same page?    forum.springsource.org

@ResponseBody and JSTL outputting to same page? I'm using the Datatables JQuery component to show search results that are returned from a Spring MVC Controller class. The Spring 3 MVC support ...

10. JSTL and string concatenation possible?    forum.springsource.org

I have ${stub} = 2@3# and ${levels} = [1, 2, 3, 4] I would like to do something like Code: resulting in 2@3#1 2@3#2 2@3#3 ...

11. How to acccess ApplicationContent in custom JSTL function class    forum.springsource.org

I have custom JSTL function class like: public class Functions { public static char charAt(String input, int index) { return input.charAt(index); } } As you can see a custom JSTL function ...

12. JSTL without el to bind in spring    coderanch.com

13. Jsp and spring problems    java-forums.org

15. Spring binding in jsp    java-forums.org

16. Jstl, Tiles and Spring    forums.oracle.com