jstl 1 « Web « Spring Q&A

1. In Spring/JSP, where should formatting be performed?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Spring, but this question applies to all JSP-controller type designs. The JSP page references data (using tags) which is populated by the corresponding controller. My question is, where is the ...

2. How to create hyperlink in Spring + JSP    stackoverflow.com

What's the proper way to create a hyperlink in Spring+JSP? There must be a better way than just coding in the <a href="..."> tag. Take for example a page that displays ...

3. spring 2.5 jstl view error    stackoverflow.com

I have the following controller

public class ProjectViewController {

 private static final String viewName = "projectView";

 @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
 public String showPage(Model model,
   @RequestParam(value="id",required=false) Long id) {



4. problem of jstl with spring framework 3    stackoverflow.com

i am writing following code in my project with spring framework 3

<c:set var="s" value="hello"/>
<c:out value="${s}"/>
the out put should be hello but its comming ${s} when i am running the same code in ...

5. i18n translation in JSP custom tag    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to write a custom JSP tag to take an i18n message key and output the translation phrase for the given request? Normally in JSP/JSTL, I do:

<fmt:message key="${messageKey}"><fmt:param>arg1</fmt:param></fmt:message>
And I get ...

6. JSTL & Spring: Accessing methods with arguments    stackoverflow.com

I have an object with a method

  public boolean hasPermission(String role) {
   return permissions.contains(role);
I want to do the equivalent of:
<c:if test="${row.hasPermission(role)}">
But I ...

7. How do I check the combo value and set value?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to rewrite an example of i18n found on the network to another component. With the exact link to the combo. An example found in the network looks Example is:

<span style="float: right">

8. Redirect to different page from inside c:import    stackoverflow.com

Is there any way I can redirect to a different page from a Spring Controller that gets called from a JSP using <c:import>? Scenario is as follows: I have a Spring WizardFormController, ...

10. c:import loads different view than the one specified in tiles    stackoverflow.com


  • Spring Web 3.0.5
  • JSTL 1.2.0
  • Apache Tiles 2.1.4
  • Resin 3.1.9
template1: imports jsp for url1
main jsp: imports /my/simple/url2 imported jsp: jsp page without imports nor includes tiles: logical view for url1: url1.view (extends tempate1)
logical view for url2: url2.view ...

11. Printing object values in Spring jsp    stackoverflow.com

I have a spring 3 application with select list.

    <form:select path="objectlist" >             

12. default value f:textarea    stackoverflow.com

I've a probelm with my JSP. I need to set a default value to a f:textarea field so, for that, on my MVC Controller I extract data from DB and on ...

13. call a javascript function from jstl foreach    stackoverflow.com

I am iterating over a list in JSTL to show its records. There is onclick="editList()" event on each <form:label. I want to send both ${item.id} and ${item.number} in the editList() function ...

15. How to use JSTL and other Spring tag in javascript file?    stackoverflow.com

I have two files, first one is list.jsp and other one is loadmore.js I am calling loadmore.js in list.jsp file. I want to use tags like <spring:message code="loadMore" /> and <c:out value="${loadmore}" ...

16. Issue with evaluating ${error} in Spring    stackoverflow.com

I have defined an expression as ${error} in my jsp page , and when i am printing the value of the same using <c:out value='${error}' /> , the output is ${error}. ...

17. NumberFormatException in a jsp with a list    stackoverflow.com

This question is another problem im having with my application which is described here. My model (a level) has a list of requirements which contains two strings, an id and ...

18. Arraylist in a jsp using jstl and springs    forum.springsource.org

Arraylist in a jsp using jstl and springs Hi, I am very new to spring and I was wondering if anyone could help me I currently have an array list in ...

19. Problems with redirect (JSTL)    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, I'm trying to develop an Spring MVC application, as it's explained there: http://static.springsource.org/docs/...tep/part2.html. If I try to get the page */hello.htm or */hello.jsp it works, but when I try ...

20. adding jstl to Spring 3 project    forum.springsource.org

21. JSTL nested foreach problem    forum.springsource.org

JSTL nested foreach problem Hi All, I'm having an issue with a nested JSTL foreach loop. The inner loop isn't recognising the inner list attribute. The outer loop works fine. When ...

22. jstl    forum.springsource.org

jstl Hi there I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but I am using Spring + JSP with JSTL. Say I have an object ...

23. JSTL and messageResource settings    forum.springsource.org

I am working on a Spring + Struts application and I am trying to set-up the Spring Resource Bundle. Here is my applicationContext entry: Code: ...

24. JSTL Help    forum.springsource.org

JSTL Help Is it possible to call a non-static method of a class in jstl? Ex. Given the code below, how would I call getPayableAmount()? Code: public class BillingStatement extends DBObject ...

25. JSTL 1.0 why?    forum.springsource.org

Greetings, Moving into spring MVC over the past couple of days, I quickly found that Spring 1.1 and 1.1.1 both are packaged with the older jstl.jar and standard.jar for JSTL 1.0. ...

26. Struggling with MAV variable not visible to JSTL view    forum.springsource.org

Struggling with MAV variable not visible to JSTL view Hello! I've returned to the Spring fold after a 5 year LAMP excursion. So many great things in Spring 3. Loving annotations, ...

27. Can not find the tag library descriptor for http java.sun.com jsp jstl core    forum.springsource.org

Can not find the tag library descriptor for http java.sun.com jsp jstl core when I create a spring mvc project, the "home.jsp" file appear the error:"can not find the tag library ...

28. Accessing referenceData from custom JSTL    forum.springsource.org

Is there any way to access a form's model (set by referenceData()) from within a JSTL class? I would like to be able to reference an entry in the model by ...

29. JSTL Bind Problem [status.errorMessage]    forum.springsource.org

I'm trying the Spring Framework and I'm focused on the Form Validation. But there's a problem....all work fine but in visualization I have strange think. ...

30. JSTL or not to test object values?    forum.springsource.org

JSTL or not to test object values? Hi, I wonder what is the best way to test an object state in a JSP. I explain. You can whether use the test ...

31. JSTL question: expression in expression?    forum.springsource.org

JSTL question: expression in expression? Hi, how can I make an expression in an expression? I've got something like this: Code: ... <%@ include file="/selectLehrer.jsp" %> ... ...

32. Setting locales in jstl views    forum.springsource.org

Hello, I have a problem with the locale resolver and the locale change interceptor in my jstl views: even though resource bundles are picked up correctly, the request locale (as specified ...

33. Load JSTL views from outside the web-app    forum.springsource.org

Load JSTL views from outside the web-app Hi, I have a case where I need to store my views in a central repository (perhaps on another box from the servlet container). ...

34. Template engine + JSTL    forum.springsource.org

Template engine + JSTL Hi, I've heard a little bit about Velocity, Freemarker and what template engines can do for you in general. However, as far as I've read so far, ...

35. JSTL problem in WSAD    forum.springsource.org

I have seen this somewhere in the forum, someone was having the same problem, but this is before I had the problem. Now I cant seems to find the thread. Anyone ...

36. Anyway to get the View ID from JSTL?    forum.springsource.org

Is there a way to get the View ID from JSTL? I am thinking of doing something like this: So I can print out the page title from resource ...

38. use the JSTL's forEach with spring    forum.springsource.org

use the JSTL's forEach with spring In order to display something like: I used the JSTL's forEach, like this: ...

39. Implement JSTL tag    forum.springsource.org

Implement JSTL tag Currently I encounter a difficulty in resolving the JSTL tag in the JSP page, such as using

40. locale issue, Spring conflicts with JSTL??    forum.springsource.org

locale issue, Spring conflicts with JSTL?? Hey, currently I have a problem with the using message bundle in spring application. Instead of using LocaleResolver from spring, I simply use the functionality ...

41. Newbie Question - Format tag of JSTL    forum.springsource.org

Newbie Question - Format tag of JSTL All, I am doing Developing a Spring Framework MVC application step-by-step tutorial. It is using format taglib of JSTL. I am doing exaclt what ...

42. Problem with spring:bind and jstl    forum.springsource.org

Jun 29th, 2006, 12:38 AM #1 jpcutler View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2006 Posts 1 Problem with spring:bind and jstl Open an existing object: ...

44. Show correct uri using jstl    forum.springsource.org

The URL you see in the web browser is client side, therefore I would use a client side technology like JavaScript to retrieve the value. Like this: