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1. Setting defaults in formBackingObject

Setting defaults in formBackingObject Hello All, We are using Spring MVC 2.5 and I have checkboxes that are grouped in the jsp as in:

2. Validating request parameters in formBackingObject()

Validating request parameters in formBackingObject() I was just wondering what the best way to validate a request parameter that is used to query a database for the command object e.g. Code: ...

3. Spring 2.5 formBackingObject problem with new form field values

Hi all! I use successfully formBackingObject to load data from my database and populate them in my form.When I submit the form I get the new values of the command object ...

4. formBackingObject called twice

formBackingObject called twice Hi, I am extending the AbstractWizardFormController and am running into the problem of the (overridden) formBackingObject method being called more than once in a wizard style form sequence. ...

5. formBackingObject bindings lost

formBackingObject bindings lost Hi! Im still working on getting Spring known and in my sample application I have got a user form to add and remove users. I created a simple ...

6. Binding before call to formBackingObject?

Binding before call to formBackingObject? I've just started using Spring and I have a quick question. What's the best way to bind data to the form before the call to formBackingObject? ...

7. File upload - formBackingObject called before onSubmit!

Jul 4th, 2005, 12:20 PM #1 pir8ped View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Aug 2004 Location Devon, UK Posts 132 File upload - formBackingObject called before ...

8. Why does the the formBackingObject get called on a submit ?

seems like the expected action is for the formBackingObject to be called on both the initial form display and submit, although in all the examples, the returned object is always retrieved ...

9. Bind & formBackingObject

Bind & formBackingObject I am having sever trouble getting the bind and getBackingObject working together. Ultimately I would like to be able preset a select option through a command object. I ...

10. FormbackingObject and validation

Hi, I'm using a simpleFormController with a formbacking object. I would only like to validate 3 of the 5 fields on the jsp. When I click on the submit button, it ...

11. FormBackingObject not called

I cannot figure out why formBackingObject is not being called when forwarding to a new form. When I forward to the success view like return new ModelAndView(getSuccessView()); I am getting the ...

12. Do the formBackingObject ought be called when click the submit button?

Do the formBackingObject ought be called when click the submit button? I thought the formBackingObject method of the SimpleFormController were only called right before popping up a form. I have a ...

13. getSuccessView() and formBackingObject()

getSuccessView() and formBackingObject() I want to have a select list (names of database tables) on top of the page. Below that it is a list of records/values for the selected table. ...

14. Question on formBackingObject

Question on formBackingObject Hi, I am using SimpleFormController from spring mvc and read all its documentation so far. One thing that is still very unclear to me is why spring calls ...

15. Problem with typeMismatch (and formBackingObject)

Error: typeMismatch Field error in object 'retailer' on field 'id': rejected value []; codes [,,typeMisma,typeMismatch]; arguments [MessageSourceResolvable: codes [,id]; arguments []; default message [id]]; default message [Failed to convert property ...

16. formBackingObject Question

formBackingObject Question I'm currently overriding the formBackObject to pre-populate my form with existing values from the database. I retrieve my form backing object (i.e., the command) from the database, based on ...

17. FormBackingObject gets called twice

FormBackingObject gets called twice Hi all, I was trying to work out why formBackingObject was being called twice - on a GET and on a POST. This is annoying as its ...

18. formBackingObject always create new command object

formBackingObject always create new command object Hello I have a SimpleFormControler as the following In my view form, I have a button named "addHour" to update a command object called "template". ...

19. validation after formBackingObject() call?

validation after formBackingObject() call? Newbie question: In a SimpleFormController, is there a way to run validation after formBackingObject() is called? My formBackingObject is being loaded from the DB and I need ...

20. formBackingObject not getting called

formBackingObject not getting called Hi Folks, I have a jsp page with links that map to my controller that extends SimpleFormController. The links have a query string at the end to ...

21. Redirect to 403 if formBackingObject should not be retrieved.

Redirect to 403 if formBackingObject should not be retrieved. I have several pages that accept a request parameter eg. where the id represents the object to be retrieved from the ...

22. formBackingObject function

Hello In FormBackingObject, I have protected Object formBackingObject (HttpServletRequest request) throws ServletException{ MyCommand command= new MyCommand(); command.setComandDetails(commandManager.getMyComma ndDetails(request.getParameter("commandID")); return command; } I wonder what happen if the commandID is not in ...

23. formBackingObject() stopping handleInvalidSubmit() being called

formBackingObject() stopping handleInvalidSubmit() being called Hi all, Coming back to Spring MVC, having been away for a while on struts projects, and am having problems getting similar behaviour to Struts isTokenValid() ...

24. How to handle errors in the formBackingObject method

Hi Guys! I am using my business service method to a obtain command bean from a database. But there would be the following cases: 1. There is no any longer object ...

25. Portlets and formBackingObject

Portlets and formBackingObject I have a problem with the formBackingObject method in the SimpleFormController. I have created two portlets, the first performs a search, the second has a customer detail form ...

26. single formBackingObject() call

Hi! i have one SimpleFormController. on the first request, i fill my command object, and show the formView.. but on every submit the formBackingObject() method is called before the onSubmit() method, ...

27. formbackingobject keeps getting called

Hi, I thought if you set sessionform to true, the formbackingobject only gets call once and store the return the object in the session, so what name is the object stored ...

28. formBackingObject and null

Hi All, in this code if obj doesn't exist I'd get an error(because of null). I'd like to show an error "Id doesnt exist" same way as using Validator. how can ...

29. [Newb] What exactly is a FormBackingObject?

Hi, Could anyone provide me with a definition for this object, is it part of Spring, why I might want to use it, and some alternatives? I just went through most ...

30. Why do we need to initialize all complex objects formBackingObject?

Why do we need to initialize all complex objects formBackingObject? After reading all threads, I understand that to handle complex object graph, we must initialize all the complex objects in the ...

31. How to use formBackingObject()

How to use formBackingObject() I am fairly new to spring. Currentely i have a table from a page from where i need to select the records and get those records displayed ...

32. using a formbackingobject in a custom function

Hi, I have a custom function which I am using to do valadation. Inside the doGetResult method I need to set a boolean field in the formbackingobject to true once the ...

33. formBackingObject() called twice even when setSessionForm() is set true.

I have a simple application where the controller is overriding the formBackingObject() and showForm(). The formbackobject gets called first and then the showform before the screen JSP is presented. But then ...

34. how to use the formBackingObject() method in edit operation

how to use the formBackingObject() method in edit operation Hi all, I'm doing the edit page now. My controller have two command objects, I'm deciding the command class using the formBackingObject ...

35. Null FormBackingObject

Hi all I have come accross a problem. I have few JSP's and an AbstractWizardFormController. The controller is getting called and am populating the command object in formBackingObject. Here the command ...

36. Problems with formbackingobject

Hi I trying to update a database record , I display details in a form and allow users to modify details , but once details have been modified the form backing ...

37. formBackingObject() method and refernceData() method

formBackingObject should be used when you typically want your command object to be prefetched with values before showing it (the first time) using your SimpleFormController. Useful for EditXXX use cases. referenceData ...

38. formBackingObject - Flow help needed

formBackingObject - Flow help needed Hi All, I am new to spring frame work. I am working with exisisting project. I found it took too much time to load data from ...

39. question about formBackingObject

hi guys i need your suggestion about this i am working with SimpleFormController and has this configuration Code: public TransaccionSalidaAlmacenController(){ setCommandName("CabeceraSalidaAlmacenCommand"); setCommandClass(CabeceraSalidaAlmacen.class); //setValidator(new PersonaValidator()); setFormView("transaccionSalidaAlmacen"); setSuccessView("inicio"); } protected Object formBackingObject(HttpServletRequest request) ...

40. Error reject in formBackingObject-Method

Hello, im loading 2 lists into my formBackingObject in the formBackingObject-Method. I would like to show an errormessage in my jsp if the lists are empty. Is there a possibility to ...

41. referenceData() depends on formBackingObject() Class

referenceData() depends on formBackingObject() Class Hi all, formBackingObject method of my SimpleFormController decides which subclass of BaseItem class to use as its commandClass. Now, reference data has to put into the ...

42. Spring Portlet- formBackingObject() is called multiple times while rendering.

Hi, I ran across this weird issue with Spring Portlet MVC framework. I have a portlet which extends SimpleFormController. I use formBackingObject to intialize the command Object, attached to the view ...

43. Error handling in formBackingObject()

Hi, In my formBackingObject() implementation I would like to catch errors and throw up an error page to the user. What's the best way of achieving this? Is it possible to ...

44. formBackingObject

formBackingObject Hi, I'm a newbie in spring. I have a Controller that extends from SimpleFormController. This controller was a commandclass of a UserInfo class (a class that store the user info ...

45. formBackingObject, more than one object?

formBackingObject, more than one object? Hi there, I am new in hadling with the SpringFramework and now I have a little problem I can't resolve. For my application it is neccessary ...

46. Show an error when formBackingObject fails

Let's say I have a SimpleFormController for editing employee data. The employeeId is taken from GET and is used to load the emp data from DB in formBackingObject(). I want to ...

47. Problem tracing formBackingObject...

Still stuck on this one. --------- ...or any method within class except execution(handleRequest). My class extends SimpleFormController (which extends AbstractFormController). I'm using schema-based AOP in Spring 2.0 with JDK 1.4.

48. is formBackingObject() will be callled only incase of Get?

Hi I am using AbstractFormController. I am setting the sessionForm=true in order to keep the command across the session. But some how formBackingOBject() is being called in case of form submission ...

49. help with formBackingObject()

help with formBackingObject() hopefullly you guys can help me out. what i want to do is have a textarea on a form populated with information from a database. the jsp page ...

50. formBackingObject() must not be null ERROR

formBackingObject() must not be null ERROR Hey, Hopefully you all can help me out. I am getting this error Code: javax.servlet.ServletException: Form object returned by formBackingObject() must not be null org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractFormController.getErrorsForNewForm( ...

51. formBackingObject() is called twice for each form.

formBackingObject() is called twice for each form. Hi, I noticed that the "formBackingObject(HttpServletRequest request)" method is called twice as follows: 1. when the form is loaded first time. 2. when the ...

52. formBackingObject not being populated

formBackingObject not being populated Hi all, I've been struggling with a problem for the last 3 or 4 days straight now! I have a formBackingObject which I populate with some lookup ...

53. send back Obejcts for the formBackingObject()

send back Obejcts for the formBackingObject() Hallo Spring Friends, my English is really Bad. Sorry. I have 2 Pages with 2 SimpleFormControllers. On the first Page there is a Form with ...

54. setSessionForm(true) calls formBackingObject

setSessionForm(true) calls formBackingObject Hi, I am a newbie trying to implement spring MVC in our web app. I have a SimpleFormController where i have setSessionForm(true). But still, on form submissions, the ...

55. formBackingObject's problem

Hi all. I have been in trouble for three days. The formBackingObject has been The page can not be transfered to a.html. This is my controller and config: Code: public ...

56. formBackingObject - redisplay previous input

formBackingObject - redisplay previous input In my simple web application, the user hits the url, the form is populated with default data within the formBackingObject() method. The user presses enter. The ...

57. formBackingObject calls

I have a SimpleFormController. When I submit my form, the formBackingObject method is called before the onSubmit method. Why? Have I wired something up wrong? Is there anyway I can stop ...

58. formBackingObject best practices

formBackingObject best practices Hello I've managed to build a simple jsp application using spring mvc forms taglib, it works but some things are not entirely clear to me : - is ...

59. FormBackingObject Failure

FormBackingObject Failure I have a save controller which is overridung formBackingObject method and onSubmit method. When I'm submitting my form it is giving me this error Code: JSPG0036E: Failed to ...

60. FormBackingObject for multiforms

FormBackingObject for multiforms I have jsp with two forms and I am trying to write one DisplayController and two appropriate controllers for each form. I have spent a lot of time ...

61. Can I use an Array of objects as formBackingObject?

Hi, I'm wanting to have an array of objects for my formBackingObject so that in my form i can edit multiple objects and submit all the changes at once. Is this ...

62. formBackingObject not called, only referenceData got called

Hi, everyone, I have a child controller extending from a parent which in turn extends a SimpleFormController. I have implemented formBackingObject and onSubmit in the parent controller, but implemented referenceData in ...

63. Displaying an array from formBackingObject

Displaying an array from formBackingObject Hi, Can someone please help me? I've been staring at this too long. I'm trying to figure out how to iterate through my formBackingObject, which is ...

64. Spring neophyte seeking formBackingObject guidance

Spring neophyte seeking formBackingObject guidance Hi all. I'm quite new to Spring MVC, and have a question. My code is working, but it seems clunky to me. I'm writing code to ...

65. how formbackingobject work?

Hi! i'v a this question about the formbackingobject method, i don't understand when we call it? i used it for the first GET for my form, but afer i use the ...

66. Neither referenceData nor formBackingObject are called

Neither referenceData nor formBackingObject are called I implemented several SimpleFormController without any problems, but this time my referenceData and formBackingObject methods are not being called and I have no idea why. ...

67. new to spring doubt regarding formBackingObject

new to spring doubt regarding formBackingObject hi iam new to spring and iam just learning it. i have doubt regarding formBackingObject() method The default implementation is to create an empty instance ...

68. Thank u uaine;But a small clarrification regarding formBackingObject()

Thank u uaine;But a small clarrification regarding formBackingObject() Thank u for ur reply uaine; But a small clarrification.Actually Form submission is a 2 stage process(form viewing and form submitting) in spring ...

69. FormBackingObject Method with a 'new Object()' ?

FormBackingObject Method with a 'new Object()' ? As you can see in this posting, I have difficulties changing the formBackingObject's properties. I found out, that the FBO-Method is called twice: Once ...

70. referencedata and formbackingobject

referencedata and formbackingobject Hello all.. Just started with the SpringMVC framework. Writing a test application to get my hands around spring development. My test application for now is basically a simple ...

71. FormbackingObject

FormbackingObject Hi I have created a simple form application using the SimpleFormController. the requirement is 1. User accesses the data entry form 2. A Blank form is presented to the user ...

72. Why formBackingObject() method is being called when submitting form?

Why formBackingObject() method is being called when submitting form? Hi, When using SimpleFormController, the formBackingObject() method is called to prepare the Command object which contains the data to be displayed in ...

73. FormBackingObject + ReferenceData not working :(

FormBackingObject + ReferenceData not working :( hi guys i'm trying to display an edit-form and a list of current items in the db on a single page and i would need ...

74. formBackingObject() or referenceData() ?

75. formBackingObject called while submiting to another page

formBackingObject called while submiting to another page Hi Everyone. I think I've seem variations of this problem in other dif. sites but all I can see are work arounds and not ...

76. Bypass formBackingObject

Form is submitted, data processed in onSubmit(), want to return to same form and not invoke formBackingObject. Is this possible? Searching around seems to indicate I may want to use showForm() ...

77. Understanding formBackingObject()

Understanding formBackingObject() Hello, My understanding of formBackingObject() is this: If formBackingObject() is being called because the form is about to be shown, then the application should create a new object perhaps ...

78. Command Object Same in onSubmit as Set in formBackingObject

Command Object Same in onSubmit as Set in formBackingObject I have a SimpleFormController which I swear used to work, and I don't know what I might have done to the corresponding ...

79. How to avoid calling formBackingObject() on browser page refresh?

How to avoid calling formBackingObject() on browser page refresh? Hi, I have overridden formBackingObject() of SimpleFormController in my FormController. In this formBackingObject(), i am retrieving values from database to populate form ...

80.  form formBackingObject returns nothing

81. How to avoid calling formBackingObject() on browser page refresh?

How to avoid calling formBackingObject() on browser page refresh? Hi All, i am having a issue, when the page refresh, spring web flow is calling formbacking method. i have written some ...

82. Redirect/forward from formBackingObject()

Hi, How can I redirect/forward the user to another page from the formBackingObject() method? For instance if I want to check something in session before? Thanks.

83. formBackingObject() must not be null

Oct 21st, 2010, 02:44 AM #1 genocide View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Sep 2010 Posts 15 formBackingObject() must not be null Hi, I'm having this ...

84. FormBackingObject in AbstractWizarFormController is cleared when click "back" button

Hello I have AbstractWizardFormController with some pages, SessionForm and allowDirtyBack are both set to "true". From the first page, I fill in some data then go to the second page. When ...