form error « Web « Spring Q&A

1. form:errors

form:errors Hi All, I have a quick question about the form taglib. I have a query form all wired up using the form taglib. The bean backing my query object get ...

2. Spring Web project with Frameset and form causing an error

Spring Web project with Frameset and form causing an error I have a webpage(index.jsp) having two frames of lrightFrame.jsp,leftFrame.jsp. ---->In leftFrame.jsp i have a button which gives the prompt message. ---->In ...

3. spring form:error not working

spring form:error not working Hi Guys, I am using 3.0.5 spring. My requirement is as below and I am using annotationbased controller 1. I login and go to my default page ...

4. How does form:error works?

How does form:error works? Hi Guys, Can any one of you explain e how does form:errors work? Supppose i create a object of BindingResult explicitly Binding result =new BeanPropertyBindingResult(myobject, modelAttributeValue); and ...

5. How to check for form errors in jsp

I have a page that goes something like this: Code: Top half of page, including submit button If statement to check for form errors Bottom half ...

6. Displaying a global form error

Displaying a global form error In my SimpleFormController derived class, in onSubmit(), when the form contents are invalid I need to return the form page with an error displayed. i.e. You ...

7. error: DefaultBeanValidator does not support my form object class

Dec 18th, 2005, 07:11 AM #1 springChicken View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2005 Posts 17 error: DefaultBeanValidator does not support my form object class ...

8. Error handling with two forms on page

Mar 6th, 2006, 04:32 AM #1 sylvestris View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Feb 2006 Location London Posts 76 Error handling with two forms on page Error ...

9. Handling Error while Rendering The Form View

Handling Error while Rendering The Form View While rendering a form view using a SimpleFormController, if an error is encountered, how can this condition be handled....?? For example

10. form:errors creates invalid xhtml?

form:errors creates invalid xhtml? I'm using the tag and I keep seeing a name attribute upon processing: turns into: Select a breed This makes ...

11. Display only global errors with form:errors

Display only global errors with form:errors Can the tag be used to display only global errors, not field-specific ones? If not, is there any other way to do it? My ...

12. Displaying "no error" on a form

Hi all, How can I inform users that there is no error in a form? I have try something like this : Code: ...

13. Problem showing form errors

Problem showing form errors Hi Guys, Kind of new to spring and having a problem displaying form errors. I need to show an error while registering with a duplicate email address. ...

14. Display non-form errors

Hi all, Is there a best-practice of displaying non-form errors on a JSP page? For example, I have a non-form Controller that returns a new ModelAndView. Something goes wrong in the ...

15. Optional text for form:errors

Optional text for form:errors Let's say I have the following: Code: ...


17. Testing for form errors

Testing for form errors Hi all, I know this is probably a very simple JSTL expression, but I can't get it working. I have some code which displays error messages in ...

18. form:error usage question

form:error usage question Hi All, I have what seems to be a basic problem, but I'm making no progress on the issue. Basically I have an Employee class that holds references ...

19. Display JSP form errors without displaying original values

Display JSP form errors without displaying original values My app is built in Tomcat using JSPs and Spring 2.0. It has a password change form that accepts the old, new, and ...

20. Testing if form errors exist within JSP

Hi all. I have a JSP which is using the newer spring form tags, for example: Code: The form is validated by the usual SpringMVC ...

21. form:errors question

I am using the spring form taglib on one of my jsp's and I was wondering could someone tell me how you would go about adding an image (error icon) to ...

22. Simple spring question...

Hello, I can't seem to find how to easily check for the existance of form errors on a returned spring form with errors. I am currently using to display ...

23. How to display form:error in another frame

24. form:errors won't show errors.

form:errors won't show errors. Here is my goal. 1.) user selects some excel files (checkbox) 2.) he selects x number of them. 3.) we get errors cause rules are violated. 4.) ...

25. showing same form with error on loginfailue with spring

Hi, I wanted to do some server side validation and then if it fails i wanted to show an error message on the same form instead of redirecting it to another ...

26. c:If for error processing of forms

Code: public ModelAndView onSubmit(Object command, BindException errors) throws ServletException { User user = (User) command; try { userManager.isUserPasswordValid( user.getEmarketId(), user.getPassword() ); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); errors.reject("2004332", "UserId and/or password ...

27.  not working

Hi I have a jsp in which I am including several other jsps as follows : Code: ..... more code....


28. what are the attribute for 'form:errors'??

what are the attribute for 'form:errors'?? Simple question which I cannot find a straight answer anywhere on this site. Where can I find the spec for the tag form:errors??? I spend ...

29. form:errors formatting, one per line

I need to use form:errors to show all the errors in a list. Back when I used to work with Struts, I could make things presentable by setting some struts-specific properties ...

30. A simple check for form errors in JSP page?

A simple check for form errors in JSP page? Hello I need, what seem to me, a very simple check in a JSP-page to see if there are any errors at ...

31. How to display form:errors using

32. error while processing a form

error while processing a form Hello everyone, I am trying to process a login form. This is my Controller: Code: @Controller @RequestMapping("/index.htm") @SessionAttributes("user") public class LoginController { protected final Log logger ...

33. form:errors not showing all errors

I'm using spring 3.0.0.M4 If I use the jsp below in portletmvc Code: ... Then I get all errors that occur in my validator, however ...

34. Can I detect a spring form error in JSP?

I have something like this to display a form: Code: So if there's a problem with the name entered, I get a pretty error message. ...

35. Display errors without posting form

Hi, I'm trying to validate some inputs in the formBackingObject() using bindAndValidate(). The validator does get called and runs just fine but the errors are not "passed" to the view. When ...

36. Problem using

Hi constv, I am able to display all the errors bound to the form. My problem is I need to display an asterisk symbol (*) just adjacent to the corresponding input ...

37. Using SpringBeanFacesELResolver causes loss of form values on conversion errors

Hi, We are using SpringBeanFacesELResolver with JSF 1.2. Everything works fine except for one problem. If any form field has invalid value, then on reload of screen after the form submit, ...

38. form:errors

form:errors I am using anotated controller and having the following code: @RequestMapping(value = "/test_form.htm", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String save_form(@Valid @ModelAttribute AppForm form, BindingResult errors, ModelMap model) { System.out.println(">>" + this.getClass().getName() ...

39. Non bound form error.

Non bound form error. Here is the situation, I have a form where the user types in their email address to retrieve a forgotten password. Since it's a single field on ...

40. form:form jsp compile error

The fact that 2.5 is mentioned as provided is because there is also special /extra integration for those, and as we cannot have 2 versions of an api.... It is backwards ...

41. ConverterNotFound error on initial finder form action

There seem to exist a general bug in all Roo 1.1.0.x versions regarding @InitBinder. If you startup the application and as the first action click on a finder for a related ...

42. Usage of

Usage of Hi, I'm picking up Spring MVC recently and the usage of tag really confuse me. I get it working by studying from online examples but I'm not ...