URL 3 « Web « Spring Q&A

1. custom URLs i.e. mydomain.com/person1, mydomain.com/person2    forum.springsource.org

custom URLs i.e. mydomain.com/person1, mydomain.com/person2 Hi, Essentially, every time a new user registers, they get their own special profile page with their userName in the URL. Therefore, I need to construct ...

2. RESTfull url    forum.springsource.org

RESTfull url Hi, Is this possible to define endpoint ( controller ) url by providing some option in command ( new controller automatic ... ) ? Next question is : why ...

3. Detecting If Url existes or not    forum.springsource.org

I am using RedirectView that redirects to the specified URL but if that URL doesn't exists or is wrong? is there any way to check this.? I am doing something like ...

4. @RequestMapping for multiple URLs?    forum.springsource.org

With the XM: driven URL mapping, multiple URLs can be mapped into one single controller method. Can it be done with the @RequestMapping or an additional method is needed to call ...

5. Clear URLs    forum.springsource.org

6. extra characters are being added to url    forum.springsource.org

extra characters are being added to url I am working on Springs I am getting an error as resource not found. I finally observed that the url given and the url ...

7. MultiController not able to get request from URL in browser    forum.springsource.org

Aug 18th, 2009, 05:53 PM #1 chinna View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2009 Posts 1 MultiController not able to get request from URL in ...

8. Url suffix after dot is omitted after spring version upgrade    forum.springsource.org

@RequestMapping("/admin/doc/download/{file}") public void downloadDocument( @PathVariable String file, OutputStream out, HttpServletResponse response) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { .... }

9. @RequestMapping url vs return url    forum.springsource.org

in a book i'm reading it uses @RequestMapping("/form/register") at the class level and then in the form() function it is returning a url without the initial "/". What is the reasoning ...

10. for some URLs, should not ask for login    forum.springsource.org

Hi I am implementing spring security and authentication not needed for some URLs. I tried the following, but still it's redirecting to login page. and ...

11. URLs for localized pages. Best practice?    forum.springsource.org

URLs for localized pages. Best practice? Hello, We have a web-application based on Spring and now we would like to internationalize it. The only problem I have with this task is ...

12. how to cancel action know the previous url    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I am implementing a controller which contain a cancel button, this controller comes from two difference JSP. I want to know if there is a way to know the previous ...

13. Failed to evaluate expression-sec:intercept-url    forum.springsource.org

Sep 29th, 2009, 01:59 PM #1 asheikh View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jun 2007 Posts 37 Failed to evaluate expression-sec:intercept-url hi, I have configure the following ...

14. Most flexible way to use intercept-url    forum.springsource.org

Most flexible way to use intercept-url I'm using jdbc-user-service way... that's nice. Solve almost 100% of my problem. I'm using to write the pattern: Code: ...

15. Invoking same url from diferent clients that use distinct autentication methods    forum.springsource.org

Invoking same url from diferent clients that use distinct autentication methods Hello, I have a problem configuring an specific url from my web application with spring security 2.0.4, to be accessed ...

16. Using non-ASCII characters in URL make redirects fail    forum.springsource.org

Using non-ASCII characters in URL make redirects fail I know this is not a Spring Issue, but I've been bouncing my head for a while now and can't come up with ...

17. Enabling intercept-url expressions without the sec:http namespace    forum.springsource.org

I am trying to enable expressions using intercept-url like so: Code: Referenced ...

18. Consistency: url and his content    forum.springsource.org

Consistency: url and his content Hi, I have controller for register a new user: Code: @RequestMapping(value = "register", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView nuovoUtente() { return new ModelAndView("users/register", "utente", new Utente()); ...

19. how to use interceptor for only specific url request    forum.springsource.org

Hi All, I have a question regarding spring interceptor, How can I configure the interceptor so that it will be invoked for only pre specified request.

20. Intercept-url configure programatically    forum.springsource.org

Hi, Is it possible to add intercept-ur patterns on the fly. For example we have an app with a uri like /test/. So we add /test1/ is there a way to ...

21. logout-success-url does not work    forum.springsource.org

logout-success-url does not work Hey! I have a problem with logout tag in my security configuration. When I click logout the page refresh and not redirect me to the login page ...

22. how open jsp in the another URL?    forum.springsource.org

Code: public class ResultSearchMemberGroupController extends ParameterizableViewController { @Override protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ... ModelMap modelMap = new ModelMap(); modelMap.addAttribute("memberGroupMap", memberGroup.getGroupMap()); modelMap.addAttribute("selectedMemberId", memberId); modelMap.addAttribute("selectedGroupTypeId", groupTypeId); return new ...

23. match url with HttpMessageConvert    forum.springsource.org

match url with HttpMessageConvert hi i'm making simple web-app with @MVC and i want to represent to xml and json with suffix ex) http://localhost/customer/tom.xml http://localhost/customer/tom.json how can i match url with ...

24. Prevent RequestHeaderPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter from checking token for URLs    forum.springsource.org

Prevent RequestHeaderPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter from checking token for URLs Hi All, I am using: Spring 2.5.6 Spring security - 2.0.5 myfaces 1.1, icefaces 1.8.1 I have the following configuration: web.xml Code: ...

25. urls to intercept in multiple files    forum.springsource.org

urls to intercept in multiple files Hello, I'd like to ask if it is possible to have "intercept-url" elements defined in defferent files and have them "harvested" and built SecurityMetaDataSource based ...

26. customize logout url    forum.springsource.org

customize logout url With spring security, the default logout url is /j_spring_security_checkout. Id like to customize this url to be something like /mylogout.do, so once user hits the link pointing to ...

27. Custom Login and login-processing-url    forum.springsource.org

I just read a few posts down (in "form login not working on Glassfish v3") that somebody had a problem with his application and the j_spring_security_check. I am also using a ...

28. URL Rewrite with Spring    forum.springsource.org

URL Rewrite with Spring Hi all, I have the following spring bean configuration in servet config (spring 3.0) [code]