TextField « Web « Spring Q&A

1. Spring 3.x way to trim all text fields    forum.springsource.org

My goal is to trim leading and trailing whitespaces from all the input and textarea fields during form binding. I also need to be able to tweak this behavior (i.e. disable ...

2. Change view size of text field    forum.springsource.org

Is it possible to make the size of the input text fields shorter (the physical size/view size of the field not the limit)? I've been looking through the generated roo files ...

3. Date binding from 3 text fields    forum.springsource.org

I wonder if there is a nice way to enter java.util.Date field from 3 HTML fields: [dd] - [mm] - [yyyy]. I looked through ServletRequestDataBinder but it looks like there is ...

4. validator for a dynamic list of textfield    forum.springsource.org

validator for a dynamic list of textfield I'm worknig on a project that uses the spring framework(based on the appfuse). I 'm trying to use validator for a User interface that ...

5. Formatting textfields with commas    forum.springsource.org

I have an int property that represents the year an event occurred. When I bind this using SpringRich, it insists on displaying this value as "1,976". After tracing through the code, ...

6. Working with large text fields    forum.springsource.org

Where can I find some examples of or instructions for updating tables with large text fields? Currently I am working with MySQL and have datatypes of mediumtext and text (I will ...

7. Dealing with quotes in text fields    forum.springsource.org

Dealing with quotes in text fields I am using Spring MVC with Velocity. Say you have a bean with a property called name, you have the following code in your velocity ...

8. TableFormBuilder - non-editable text field?    forum.springsource.org

protected JComponent createFormControl() { TableFormBuilder formBuilder = new TableFormBuilder(getBindingFactory()); formBuilder.row(); ((JTextField)formBuilder.add("your_field")[1]).setEditable(false);

9. binding dynamic textfield name and value to command class hashmap    forum.springsource.org

binding dynamic textfield name and value to command class hashmap hi all pls help me with this problem. I have a form with dynamic textfields. I want to bind the name ...

10. Binding empty text field to command object    forum.springsource.org

Binding empty text field to command object I need to bind the empty text field to command object property such a way,that the property would be null. The current binding results ...

11. Position in textfield...    forum.springsource.org

Hi I have a form that displays fields from a model. I have some disabled text components (greyed). Sometimes the text MAY be too long for the field, the problem is ...

12. Display Textfield Value    forum.springsource.org

Display Textfield Value Hi, Value in TextField should persist after button click. After button click page gets refreshed & value is not persisting in textfiled Have tried using form:tags ,spring:bind tags ...

13. Textfield Value Persistence    forum.springsource.org

Textfield Value Persistence Hi, Value in TextField should persist after button click. After button click page gets refreshed & value is not persisting in textfiled Have tried using form:tags ,spring:bind tags ...

14. Binding to textarea vs. text field    forum.springsource.org

Binding to textarea vs. text field I've noticed that there is a difference in the binding behavior on a textarea and the binding on input type="text", when using the spring form ...

15. Dynamic Form - How to bind an unknown list of text fields    forum.springsource.org

Dynamic Form - How to bind an unknown list of text fields Hi! Ive being searching for a solution and trying to solve my problem in the last 3 days, so ...

16. HTML encode a text field before saving    forum.springsource.org

Hello everyone, this is my first post on this forum I hope this is the right section. What is the best practice about encoding text field before storing it in the ...

17. unbale to get value of text field in multicontroller    forum.springsource.org

hi i have a multicontrolleraction and i want to get value of the input box from a form so how can i bind? it is possible in simpleformcontroller using commandname property ...

18. Poupulate select when a textfield looses focus    forum.springsource.org

Hello everybody, I'm having trouble with spring MVC so please, any help is much appreciated. I've a textfield and a combobox. What i want to do is fetch data from database ...

19. unable to see g:textField    forum.springsource.org

20. how show text fields?    forum.springsource.org

Mar 9th, 2010, 05:01 AM #1 a_subscriber View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Aug 2009 Posts 167 how show text fields? my application-context.xml Code: