RequestMethod « Web « Spring Q&A

1. Why duplicate enums HttpMethod and RequestMethod?

What was design decision behind choosing to create org.springframework.http.HttpMethod when there was already org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMet hod? Will latter be deprecated? Regards, Stevo.

2. @RequestMapping: RequestMethod.GET and RequestMethod.POST advantages and disadvantage

@RequestMapping: RequestMethod.GET and RequestMethod.POST advantages and disadvantage i've seen the below code from spring reference 2.5.6.SEC01... just wondering why it uses both the GET and POST.. please guide me on... Code: ...

3. RequestMethod.POST should set Http status code as SC_CREATED ?

Hi, I was writing a RESTful controller in Spring 3.0. Had one annotated controller method Signature below : @RequestMapping(value = "/conversation", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String create(@RequestBody Conversation conversation, ModelMap modelMap) ...

4. difference between requestmethod.get and

can someone explain to me the difference between requestmethod.get and i will be using them in my spring mvc project and i just need to know how they should be ...

5. RequestMethod.GET Method Not Working with HttpEntity Argument

RequestMethod.GET Method Not Working with HttpEntity Argument I'm developing a RESTful web service with the Spring 3 MVC approach. I have the following method defined in my controller: @RequestMapping(method=RequestMapping.GET, value="/getXXXXYYYY/person/{identifier}") public ...

6. RequestMethod enum

Ok, here's very simple question. How do I use the @RequestMapping annotation for HTTP methods not contained in the RequestMethod enum? Best regards, Julian