RequestMapping « Web « Spring Q&A

1. Where is RequestMapping?

I downloaded There is the RequestMapping javadoc in spring-framework-2.5.6.SEC01\docs\api\org\springframework\web\bind\annotation\ But in the spring-framework-2.5.6.SEC01\dist\spring.jar I can't find the RequestMapping class and the package org.springframework.web.bind. Am I downloading the correct file?

2. requestmapping with Spring, automatically adding extension

I am trying to map a function to two URIs: api/members/editPreferences.xml and api/members/editPreferences.json when i test it in the browser, api/members/editPreferences.xml works, and api/members/editPreferences works, automatically redirecting to api/members/editPreferences.xml however, api/members/editPreferences.json does not ...

3. RequestMapping Question - Newbie

RequestMapping Question - Newbie I am inheriting an application and trying to make it work and only some of the @RequestMappings work. The others come up with 'request sent by client ...

4. dynamic @RequestMapping behavior

dynamic @RequestMapping behavior Hi, I'm trying to use the @RequestMapping attribute but am not sure how to use it for some complex behavior, or if I should be using a different ...

5. RequestMapping - missing something

RequestMapping - missing something Hey guys, just wondering what I'm missing here. I have in my web.xml: Code: dispatcher org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet 1 dispatcher *.do I have ...

6. Two parameters used in @RequestMapping doesn't work

Two parameters used in @RequestMapping doesn't work Can anyone explain the following test case? If you call /paramtest() you'll get a simple 2-parameter form. If I submit that form with paramA=true ...

7. RequestMapping based on zero or any parameters?

Why do you need this? You can have a single handler method, annotated with @RequestMapping(value="/root/widgets/search"), which will intercept both kinds of requests, within it check whether there are any query parameters, ...

8. Issue wtih @RequestMapping

@RequestMapping(value = "{categoryPath}/category.action", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView showCategory(@PathVariable("categoryPath") final String category, final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) { //Biz Logic }

9. RequestMapping not working with path separators

RequestMapping not working with path separators Spring 3.0.5 Java 1.6 Tomcat 6.0.26 I have a SpringMVC controller and I've seen this work before but I can't figure out why my browser ...

11. @RequestMapping Not working

@RequestMapping Not working I am using Spring web 3.0 Below is my code snippet of my controller Code: @RequestMapping(value = "/preview/${jobName}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String updateNLaunch(ModelMap model, @ModelAttribute("jobName") String jobName, ...

12. Problem with @RequestMapping on method level

Problem with @RequestMapping on method level Hi all, I've experienced problems with @RequestMapping in a project, now reduced it to the simplest imaginable setup but the problem still exists. I use ...

13. @RequestMapping with PathVariable in the middle

14. @RequestMapping values

Hi all, why when I specify a request mapping value in this code below spring automatically create /home, /home.*, /home/ paths? Code: @Controller @RequestMapping(value="/home") ..... Probably is correct because specifying nothing ...

15. @RequestMapping is not working

@RequestMapping is not working Code: My application context is given below

17. RequestMapping with a semicolon ;

18. Don't work component-scan RequestMapping

Jul 28th, 2011, 03:16 PM #1 jillansa View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2011 Posts 8 Don't work component-scan RequestMapping I'm a new programmer on ...

19. @RequestMapping, URITemplate and optional path parameters

I have the following mapping: Code: @RequestMapping(value = "/{first}/**/{last}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String test(@PathVariable("first") String first, @PathVariable("last") String last) {} Which for the following URIs: foo/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/bar foo/a/bar foo/bar maps foo ...

20. @RequestMapping when using extensions - is it possible to exclude the extension?

I have my DispatcherServlet mapped as follows in web.xml: Code: dispatcher *.html In my Controller, it seems the .html extension is required again for the @RequestMapping annotation. Code: @RequestMapping("/users.html") ...

21. @RequestMapping and wildcards

@RequestMapping and wildcards Hi, i have been playing around with the new features in Spring 2.5 MVC, and particularly with the @RequestMapping annotation. One thing I was not able to figure ...

22. Problem with @RequestMapping("/*.do")

Problem with @RequestMapping("/*.do") Hi I've have a simple HTML Form with an action set to In my Controller marked with @Controller @RequestMapping("/*.do") I have a method called public String addEmployeeAnno(@ModelAttribute ...

23. @RequestMapping and inteceptors

How can I decide which interceptors apply when using annotations for the mappings? Is this possible at all? I have more or less: @Component public class X extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter { } ...

24. @RequestMapping method resolution is not deterministic

Mar 5th, 2008, 04:02 PM #1 ari1974 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2005 Posts 3 @RequestMapping method resolution is not deterministic My description of ...

25. specifying view with @RequestMapping method

i've seen @RequestMethod methods which return Strings interpreted as thr view name and some which return arbitrary elements which are somehow added to the model. what are the "rules" about return ...

26. RequestMapping, "non-matchers", regular expressions?

RequestMapping, "non-matchers", regular expressions? Folks, not sure whether this is possible / intended to be done at all: So far, for a given purpose I do have a setup like that ...

27. @RequestMapping

Hi, I have a 2.0 MultiActionController which I want to migrate to 2.5 with DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping. Unfortunately it seems that I have to annotate every method with @RequestMapping. Methodnames are no longer ...

28. Problem with subclass using @RequestMapping

Problem with subclass using @RequestMapping Maybe I'm going at this the wrong way, but I have something that works in the 2.5 release, but it no longer works once I upgraded ...

29. @RequestMapping with multiple params with OR condition

Hi, Can someone suggest me for defining Request mapping with multiple params with OR condition. I tried to define like this @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, params = {"page","sort"}) it is always taking ...

30. Using @RequestMapping twice to a same method?

I am exploring more on SpringMVC Annotated style config. Is there way to do map two url to the same method? There seems to be compile error when I use @RequestMapping ...

31. Narrow @RequestMapping by domain name

Narrow @RequestMapping by domain name Hello everyone, I wanted to get peoples thoughts on a problem Im trying to solve where we are developing a shared MVC layer using Spring 2.5 ...

32. Form handling with requestMapping at method level

Hi all, I've seen spring documentation relative to annotation driven controllers and i would like know if is possible create an annotated controller, with requestMapping at method level (like multiactioncontroller) that ...

33. how to make dynamic @RequestMapping

how to make dynamic @RequestMapping Hi, it is possible that the @RequestMapping annotaion is dynamic ? i mean something like this: Code: @RequestMapping(Configuration.CONTEXT_PATH + "home.html") public ModelAndView galleryHandler(@RequestParam("homeId") long homeIdValue) { ...

34. Best match for multiple RequestMapping path problem

I have the following 2 request path mappings to 2 different methods in my Controller Code: @RequestMapping(value="/rest/mail/v1/ipm/*", method=RequestMethod.GET) @RequestMapping(value="/rest/mail/v1/ipm/*/**", method=RequestMethod.GET) Given the request path /rest/mail/v1/ipm/JA8AAAAAAAAAKwAB4awBIfRXAeRU it chooses the second path as ...

35. RequestMapping value attribute as string array

Hi, is it possible to pass mapping paths as array? I tried this, but with no success: Code: private static final String[] COMMISSION_LIST = {"commissionList.htm", "openCommissionList.htm", "closeCommissionList.htm", "stornoCommissionList.htm"}; ... @RequestMapping(value=COMMISSION_LIST, method=RequestMethod.GET) ...

36. Default @RequestMapping ?

Default @RequestMapping ? I have a number of older pages that I would like to handle with one controller that maps them to a path-based view name. As I have thousands ...

37. Issue detectingt handler method using @RequestMapping

Issue detectingt handler method using @RequestMapping Hi, I'm using Spring 2.5 Web within a web application that has one Spring Dispatcher Servlet mapped to the URLs *.html and /resources/* defined in ...

38. Testing @RequestMapping

Could anyone tell me if there is a good method to do JUnit tests on @RequestMapping's? I would like to have the possibility to test different URLS and see if Spring ...

39. @RequestMapping and the Errors parameter

Hi All, I have a controller and I have defined a method like this: Code: @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST) protected ModelAndView processFormPost( @ModelAttribute(value="command") final CommandObj commandObj, final Errors errors, final HttpServletRequest request, ...

40. Multiple params in @RequestMapping

I know that I can set @RequestMapping(params = "control=OK"), but how can I set multiple params here? @RequestMapping(params = "control=OK,.....")

41. Limiting MAC accessability with RequestMapping

Limiting MAC accessability with RequestMapping Hi all I have problems getting this Annotation working, basically I want some MultiActonController methods to only work via POST requests, so I put @RequestMapping(methods={RequestMapping.POST}) above ...

42. @RequestMapping pattern matching problems

@RequestMapping pattern matching problems I'm having a hard time trying to get Controllers to honor the @RequestMapping in the order that I presume they should. For example: @RequestMapping(value = "/user/member/{username}/roles", method ...

43. @RequestMapping using wildcards fails with a NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException

Jun 4th, 2009, 04:22 PM #1 chriswk View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date Apr 2007 Location Oslo, Norway Posts 9 @RequestMapping using wildcards fails ...

44. Getting the value matched with @RequestMapping

I have an annotation "@RequestMapping("/*.xml")" and I'd like to do something with the value that matches. For instance, if someone is looking for "/blah.xml" I'd like to be able to look ...

45. RequestMapping issue

Is it possible to specify a request mapping as @RequestMapping(value = "/shippingorder/{id}.json", method=RequestMethod.PUT) @PathVariable Long id I am using Spring 3.0.0M2 and this doesn't seem to be working.

46. @RequestMapping at type level vs method level

@RequestMapping at type level vs method level if you define the url at the type level to be @RequestMapping("/form/create/user") and then at the method level you have @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public ...

47. Problems with @RequestMapping

Problems with @RequestMapping I'm trying to implement a RESTful API using Spring 3.0 and @RequestMappings but I'm encountering some issues. The API involves using email addresses as part of a REST ...

48. Trouble with @RequestMapping

Trouble with @RequestMapping I have been trying to create a Spring MVC app with separate controller classes which map to a particular value params mapping, each mapping to a different controller ...

49. @RequestMapping not working as I expect

@RequestMapping not working as I expect Hi, Using Spring 2.5.6, Java 1.6 in Jetty 6.21. applicationContext-mvc.xml (used by web.xml, DispatcherServlet) Code:

51. @RequestMapping & Spring 3.0RC1 problem

@RequestMapping & Spring 3.0RC1 problem Hello, I've got a strange problem. What I want is to have controler like this Code: @Controller @RequestMapping("/something") public class Controller { @RequestMapping("/yellow") public String showYellowPage(){...} ...

52. problem with @RequestMapping

I am very new to Spring. I have created simple Controller with annotations. The problem is if i write my controller like that Code: @Controller public class NewOffererDataCaptureFormHandler { @RequestMapping("/newOfferer.dc") public ...

53. RequestMapping questions

Jan 6th, 2010, 11:29 AM #1 patriarch24 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2008 Posts 13 RequestMapping questions Hi all, First, I wish you an ...

54. RequestMapping with 3 PathVariable doesn't work

RequestMapping with 3 PathVariable doesn't work This RequestMapping doesn't work: @RequestMapping(value = "/administration/user/{id}/account/{accountId}/transfer/{accounttransferId}", method = RequestMethod.GET) This RequestMapping works: @RequestMapping(value = "/administration/account/{accountId}/transfer/{accounttransferId}", method = RequestMethod.GET) During startup, in both cases, Spring ...

55. RequestMapping issue - Urgent

RequestMapping issue - Urgent With spring 3.0, I am trying very basic functionality with requestMappings. e.g. The use case is - > Find a book with some search criteria. I am ...

56. @RequestMapping

@RequestMapping I have the following controller.. Code: @Controller() @RequestMapping(value = "/{toc}/portal/state/{user}") public class PortalStateController { @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public void getUserStates(@PathVariable("toc") String toc, @PathVariable("user") String user, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ...

57. Problem with RequestMapping and PathVariable

Problem with RequestMapping and PathVariable I'm having a problem getting path variables to work in Spring 3.0.0. I keep getting this error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find @PathVariable [task] in @RequestMapping This ...

58. Documenting @RequestMapping

Hi Is there a tool (a la javadoc) that could gather all the @RequestMapping in my source code and show me, on one page, the URLs handled within my system? How ...

59. @RequestMapping and multiple directories

I'm stuck trying to get a @RequestMapping into a @PathVariable with multiple directories in it. The url would be something like: The part I would like to match is in ...

60. A dot (".") in @RequestMapping value

@Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/test/1.0") public class TestController { @RequestMapping(value = "/helloWorld", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView helloWorld() { return new ModelAndView("test", "message", "Hello, World!"); } }

61. RequestMapping with PathVariable and RequestParam doesn't work

RequestMapping with PathVariable and RequestParam doesn't work Here is one of the methods of the controller Code: @RequestMapping(value = "/posts/search/poster/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView searchPostByPosterId( @PathVariable("id") Long id, @RequestParam(value = ...

62. HttpServletRequest and @RequestMapping

HttpServletRequest and @RequestMapping I have been trying to get the value of fields in the following form: Code:

Using ...

63. RequestMapping question

RequestMapping question Hi, I'm new to Spring. So please be tolerant if I'm asking silly questions. I'm trying to make a multiaction controller like as following: Code: @Controller @RequestMapping("/") public class ...

64. @RequestMapping drops requested "file" extension

@RequestMapping drops requested "file" extension Hello, all I am writing controller that provide downloading uploaded file from directory out of deployment. It handles HttpServletResponse manually, streaming file in it. The problem ...

65. @RequestMapping and web.xml question

@RequestMapping and web.xml question Hey guys.. I apologize in advance if someone had already posted this question.. I am currently trying to migrate a web application to start using Spring annotations ...

66. @RequestMapping syntax

Hi All, I'm very new to Spring world and specially with annotations framework. I saw several places the following syntax @RequestMapping(value = "/list/{id}", What is {id} referring to here? This is ...

67. RequestMapping issue

In earlier versions of Spring (2.x) this was possible: @RequestMapping("/show/*.js") In Spring 3.x this no longer works. It seams that the * is not allowed inside a string. Only at the ...

68. Problem with @RequestMapping and Interfaces in 3.0.x

Problem with @RequestMapping and Interfaces in 3.0.x Hi folks! I have a problem with a controller-class, which implements an interface. I am using the new namespace-configuration with no special adjustments, just ...

69. how to set charset for @RequestMapping

70. Using similar RequestMapping-patterns for different methods

Using similar RequestMapping-patterns for different methods When defining the request-mapping in a xml-document, one can use something like this: /foo/bar/foo.html=X /foo/**.html=Y In this situation, the first matching pattern will win. So, ...

71. Spring @RequestMapping with multiline issue

72. @RequestMapping value and params

Hi Everyone, in roo 1.1.. my requestmappings were changed to something like: @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", params = "form", method = RequestMethod.GET) but these mappings don't seem to work. before it used ...

73. Spring @RequestMapping and Error 400