Request 2 « Web « Spring Q&A

1. Multiple Requests from Browser

Multiple Requests from Browser Please forgive the vagueness of this post, but I'm sure it will trigger a few replies if any of you have encountered this before. We are developing ...

2. Processing request

Hi all I am newbie of spring and i want to ask for a question? That is: how can i process the comming prameters of request, example when i submit a ...

3. How to inject the locale/request?

How to inject the locale/request? I have an application that stores some dynamic internationalized strings in the database. This means that for many of my dao implementation methods i need to ...

4. Problems with request.getPathInfo()

Problems with request.getPathInfo() I am using a Spring MVC dispatcher and a SimpleUrlHandlerMapping to integrate Axis 1.4. So far so good, but I am having problems id I add a path ...

5. Handling Multiple Requests

Handling Multiple Requests Hi I'm using Spring WS and I have been trying to get my web service to handle multiple requests simultaneously (approx load : 20-30 users at a time). ...

6. Same old problem, neither instance or request attribute for Object project...

Apr 23rd, 2007, 04:37 PM #1 sinoea View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Mar 2007 Posts 33 Same old problem, neither instance or request attribute for Object ...

7. Implicit request.getUserPrincipal() for backend singleton

Implicit request.getUserPrincipal() for backend singleton I have an document retrieval interface to a backend document store which has two pluggable implementations (depending on what particular document store is being used). One ...

9. Yet another help request for HttpInvoker-testing

May 3rd, 2007, 11:21 AM #1 julio View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Nov 2006 Posts 217 Yet another help request for HttpInvoker-testing Hi, I got ...

10. why doesn't CommonsHttpInvokerRequestExecutor provide http get requests

why doesn't CommonsHttpInvokerRequestExecutor provide http get requests Hi There, The title says it all but I'll re-iterate. Why does the commonsHttpInvokerRequestExecutor provide he ability to send http post requests but not ...

11. HttpInvoker request returns error code 302

Hi! I am accesing through a client to a Spring Service using HttpInvoker protocol and I am getting the following error: "org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException: Did not receive successful HTTP response: status code = ...

12. Request for small CheckboxTag improvement

Hidden input part of CheckboxTag rendered output should be really styled with "display:none;". I was run into some issues with display because of CSS inheritance, where hidden input tag inherits some ...

13. Adding attribute to request in onSuccessfulAuthentication method

Adding attribute to request in onSuccessfulAuthentication method Hi, here is my problem. Im using acegi and struts. I have overrided the onSuccessfulAuthentication method in the AuthenticationProcessingFilter class in order to add ...

14. Problem with scope request

Problem with scope request Hi. I want to test a bean of scope request ,but i failed. Follow is the code. applicationContext.xml

15. request attribute to my form view jsp

request attribute to my form view jsp want to pass request attribute to my form view jsp, any one have idea how to do it ? like from here down code ...

16. Per pattern request intercepting

You can implement your own DelegateHandlerInterceptor that based on it's configuration will delegate requests to sub-handlers. Currently spring packages don't provide such handler interceptor.

17. request parameter to the for view!

request parameter to the for view! Form Bean: true editUserForm com.rim.admin.model.EditUser

18. How to avoid duplicate request submission

Hi All, I am wrinting a Spring wired with Struts Web application. I want to avoid duplicate request submission when refresh is clicked after submit button. Can any one help ? ...

19. Loading application context for each request

Loading application context for each request Just for learning Spring MVC I have decided to use its web framework on my web application. However I have encountered a problem. To comform ...

20. optional request parameter

optional request parameter Hi, A controller in my application extends AbstractCommandController and the handle method looks like this Code: protected ModelAndView handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors) throws Exception ...

21. Using ParameterHandlerMapping but Spring using command object from previous request

Using ParameterHandlerMapping but Spring using command object from previous request I am using Spring Portlet MVC. I have Code: ...

22. Retreiving command object from request

I'm using dwr to do some ajaxy stuff with my form, however, I need to get the command object from the request in my dwr ajax call. Under what attribute name ...

23. Handling common request parameters

Our site has multiple pages where a user may enter with a refer_id=x query parameter. Using Spring, what's the correct way to intercept this parameter before the controller is called to ...

24. Jaxb2Marshaller, generated schema obejcts, empty request

I've successfully setup a webservice using Jaxb2Marshaller, PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping and XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder, along with JAXB schema generation through the I have one endpoint that takes no input but returns a string. Here ...

25. modify request params

Hi, I need to modify a request parameter (by trimming to 10 characters) that is sent to several controllers. I have little or no experience with interceptors, but it seems like ...

26. Request scoped command

For the BaseCommandController you can override the getCommand method, and than you can do whatever you like (as in formBackingobject method). Lately I have been playing around with the idea of ...

27. a class-level object per request ?

I have a multiaction controller and define an object in class level. Then I found each request will share same object. I want to achieve a class-level object per request. Except ...

28. chaining a command object in request

chaining a command object in request How would I go about chaining a command object to the request for use in several views. For example I have a client object with ...

29. Resolve a view depending of the request

Resolve a view depending of the request This subject has been raised a couple of times, but it seems there is no generic way to handle it. Here is my use ...

30. request parameter enoding problem

request parameter enoding problem Hello, i've got some login-problem on my (german)webapp when the usersname contains some special characters like '', which will be encoded as "" i think this is ...

31. Custom date format on GET requests

Custom date format on GET requests Hi there! I'm trying to use the CustomDateEditor for displaying and binding a date value. I've read several threads, still I found no real solution ...

32. Determine the unmarshall request

Determine the unmarshall request Hi there, We've migrated the current implementation of our Web Services to Spring WS Framework. We used JibxMarshaller to unmarshall our request and marshall our responses. Currently, ...

33. how to catch multiple request?

Hi, i have the following problem in my web application. If a user clicks on a button twice for example, the application works in two threads for two request. If this ...

34. Saving Objects for Next Request

Saving Objects for Next Request I'm new to Spring (and web MVC in general), and have a pretty basic design question. For the sake of the question, assume the application is ...

35. Spring's Request Processor

Hi All, Is their anything available in spring like the Struts's Request Processor? i.e if i need to check the authenticity of the user whenever the user switches from one screen ...

36. Limiting the request

Hi everyone i have web service project in my company. I want to limit the the number of the requests . With this limit mechanism i want to manage the memory ...

37. Error : No handling method can be found for request

Error : No handling method can be found for request I have this error : Code: WARNING: No handling method can be found for request [org.apache.catalina.connector.RequestFacade@12394f8] Jan 21, 2008 7:33:31 PM ...

38. Phantom get request????

Phantom get request???? I have a web app with a session problem. The user needs to accept terms and conditions before entering, the user posts the T and C form, the ...

39. Issue with request.getUserPrincipal() in Spring Project

Hi, I am developing an web application with JAAS, Spring and JPA. I will be validating the authentication of services by using following methods. 1. request.getUserPrincipal() 2. request.isUserInRole(). Both are working ...

40. How to force the server to "forget" previous request?

How to force the server to "forget" previous request? Greetings, I'm not even sure as to how or what am I supposed to search for. Here's what I want: Everytime the ...

41. case sensitive request parameters

I hope there's a simple answer out there! I have some legacy systems I'm integrating with, and they pass a request parameter 'Name' for example, as opposed to 'name'. The problem ...

42. Bad/malformed request

Bad/malformed request Hi all, I'm developing a WS with spring-ws-1.0.3. In my schema (than wsdl) I definded a string field restricted to an enumeration of values: ...

43. How to extract X509Certificate from a Request

How to extract X509Certificate from a Request Hi all, I have to implement a webservice and make it secure. Securing a WS is not a problem, but what it's not clear ...

44. dynamic injection based on contents of request

Hi, First, this is a legacy application - so i have limits to what i can do. The http request contains xml and is delegated to a spring mvc controller. This ...

45. Submit a form - Maintain Request variables

Submit a form - Maintain Request variables I dont know how would I achieve maintaining Request state with Springframework. If I have set certain values on my bean, how should I ...

46. Request send only

Request send only Hi, I am designing web service where the request is send asynchronously to a service using a JMS queue and the response back to an MDB using another ...

47. Problems handling illegal characters in client request.

Problems handling illegal characters in client request. Hi I'm a newbie with Spring Web Services, so please excuse this if the question is too obvious. I have spent a couple of ...

48. LocaleContextHolder and comet-style request

Hi, sorry for my english. If I am using comet requests (Glassfish Grizzly) will the LocaleContextHolder working properly? LocaleContextHolder store data in ThreadLocal valiables, but in Grizzly there is no thread ...

49. Get all registered CostumEditors from Request in View (ServletRequestDataBinder)

Hello, How can I get all, in the initBinder-Method registert CustomEditors. In my case I can't use the findCustomEditor() Methode of the ServletRequestDataBinder. Friendly Regardes Kai

50. Binding XML instead of request parameters

Binding XML instead of request parameters I'm looking to add XML (and JSON) processing to allow for various methods of object creation. Rather than code separate POX or SOAP controllers and ...

51. Parsing UUID Request Parameter

Parsing UUID Request Parameter (All the at symbols had to be replaced with (at) because it won't let me post them) Hi, I've got a Spring Controller (2.5) marked with annotations ...

52. Request parameters How to

Hi, I have a problem with the request. My params are all empty. I don't know how to pass parameters to one page to another in Spring. I put my parameters ...

53. problem setting parameters request scope

problem setting parameters request scope I am trying to set some variables that will be accessible on my jsp pages. I set the parameter using modelAndView.addObject("message","Message Text"); This sort of works. ...

54. is there a interceptor for auditing all web requests

is there a interceptor for auditing all web requests I have a requirement to intercept each and every request that is made to web application. I would intercept and save it ...

55. Binding request-parameters to arbitrary setter

public class Person { ... public String getID() { ... } public void setID(...) { ... } public String getName() { ... } public void setName(...) { ... } }

56. Spring Context and Request Listener issue

Jun 23rd, 2008, 04:24 PM #1 jampak42 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2008 Posts 3 Spring Context and Request Listener issue All, I am ...

57. JibxMarshaller: unmarshals request, but not marshals responce

JibxMarshaller: unmarshals request, but not marshals responce I am using JiBX binding to marshal/unmarshal request and response messages. It woks fine for the incoming request - I am able to receive ...

58. How to intercept MarshallingPayloadEndpoint BEFORE the request is unmarshalled?

How to intercept MarshallingPayloadEndpoint BEFORE the request is unmarshalled? I need to be able to intercept the processing of my EndPoint that is derived from AbstractMarshallingPayloadEndpoint BEFORE the request message is ...

59. X.509 Signing of Client Requests

X.509 Signing of Client Requests Hello forum! I'm attempting to create a web service client using Spring WS that signs outgoing requests with a X.509 certificate. I searched through the forums ...

60. ConcurrencyThrottleInterceptor - are requests queued?

ConcurrencyThrottleInterceptor - are requests queued? Hi all, I am looking at using ConcurrencyThrottleInterceptor to limit concurrent requests to a part of my application where there is contention on the database. ConcurrencyThrottleSupport ...

61. Request/Reply with temp/dynamic queue, how ?

Request/Reply with temp/dynamic queue, how ? Hello, I'm using a service activator to handle a JMS request. The reply has to be sent back to the temporary queue created by the ...

62. Handling non-http requests

Handling non-http requests Hi, I have developed a web application which can be deployed on JBoss but is not aimed to handle http based requests (but ftp requests). This simple application ...

63. Simulate requests to Spring

Simulate requests to Spring Hi, I'm new to Spring and I hope you can tell me if the following is even possible in Spring or not. I'd like to get the ...

64. Problem with doubly execution of request

Oct 2nd, 2008, 07:07 AM #1 Martin Valach View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2008 Posts 8 Problem with doubly execution of request Hi, can ...

65. How to forward request with parameters after handle a Multipart Requests?

Code: protected HttpServletRequest checkMultipart(HttpServletRequest request) throws MultipartException { if (this.multipartResolver != null && this.multipartResolver.isMultipart(request)) { if (request instanceof MultipartHttpServletRequest) { logger.debug("Request is already a MultipartHttpServletRequest - if not in a forward, ...

66. Accessing request parameters before resolving multipart

Accessing request parameters before resolving multipart I have a form where the user can set data which is not part of the command object. For example: Name: user_inserted_name Start time: user_inserted_start_time ...

67. Routing with request-reply

Routing with request-reply I want to create a request-reply transaction where the generic request channel can route the request to other request channel, so the specific handler can handle these requests ...

68. JmsGateway fails when used with in request/reply mode

JmsGateway fails when used with in request/reply mode Hello, I need to read a message from a JMS queue, do some processing and then send the result as a reply to ...

69. How can i get the path of a request?

How can i get the path of a request? I have a number of methods in my controller mapped as @RequestMapping("/*/getUser") public View getUser(String name) throws Exception {...} I would like ...

70. sending requests

Hello, How can I send requests via Spring Integration to a Spring WebService for every lets say every 5 mins automatically??In other words how can a client invoke a Spring WebService ...

71. handling http range requests and multiple requests

handling http range requests and multiple requests hi, in my webapp i provide a download controller for users to download files. while the download works fine, even if paused, things will ...

72. request: ResourceAwareItem*Writer*

request: ResourceAwareItem*Writer* hi, short story: I want a resource aware Item Writer. There is such class for item readers, why not writers? long story: I have a job which produces files, ...

73. RendezvousChannel for Request-Reply szenario

Hi, following section 3.2.4 of the manual we used an anonymous RendezvousChannel to implement a synchronous request-reply communication. In M6 for this to work we had to register that anonymous channel ...

74. How to make sure than EACH request is checked?

How to make sure than EACH request is checked? Hello I'm using Spring Security for a while already and I was using the remember me service to make sure any http ...

75. Spring - custom error page - request

Spring - custom error page - request I'm trying to implement a custom error 500 page using MyFaces 1.1.5 and Spring 2.0.7. In my web.xml I have Code: 500 /pages/system/error500.xhtml ...

76. Adding Request Parameters

Hi, How can I add some dynamic request parameters to the incoming authenticated request. This is based on the role of the user which is loaded from the database and the ...

77. Get HttpServletRequest of current request

Is there a static way to get the HttpServletRequest of the current request?? I am using Spring MVC with annotations, and I am writing some static helper methods that need the ...

78. request feature: Configurable GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor

Allow users to configure GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor or different GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor so each application just has one file (GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptor) to control allowed fields or disallowed fields, property editor or converter. Now DataBinder has some ...

79. problem with remberMe and multiple async client requests

problem with remberMe and multiple async client requests Hello, I am trying to set up the remember me functionality for gwt based client. Problem in brief: if user is making several ...

80. No args request

No args request Hi I want to create an endpoint method that gets all of the holidays, the method will take no arguments. I have tried to get this working but ...

81. request.getRemoteUser() is null

request.getRemoteUser() is null request.getRemoteUser() for our app is returning null. I also created a simple test app with one jsp page that spits out request parameters, and those are null, too. ...

82. ReferenceData only appears on first request

ReferenceData only appears on first request Hello: I SimpleFormController in which I load some reference data to populate a select list. However, the values in that combo box only appears on ...

83. New method request to StepExecutionDao

Hi, Could you please add a new method to StepExecutionDao as below, to return the steps executions for a given jobExecution public List findStepExecutions(JobExecution jobExecution); I can extend StepExecutionDao and create ...


Once again a HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR Hi, It seems that very few people have had this problem and I can not seem to understand how they got rid of it. I currently get ...

85. facing problem in geting value from request object

facing problem in geting value from request object Hi, I am using spring 2.5 and hibernate3. I could not get key/value from request. I am setting an object in HttpServletRequest in ...

86. Complex form request - how to adress params?

Hi there, I am a SpringMVC newbie and need help with a complex form request. The form displays a table of objects, all of which can be edited by the user. ...

87. How can I count the requests?

Try using a static counter variable in your servlet/controller class .Then, you can just add the code to increment the counter in a method named as HandleRequestInternal(if your controller extends SimpleFormController) ...

88. handling http request parameters

handling http request parameters I'm in the process of designing a suite of add-on applications to a a software product that my company is purchasing. When the custom apps are called, ...

89. How to Get Current Request?

How to Get Current Request? I'd like to get the current request that is coming into my system as soon as possible so that I can do some checks against it's ...

90. JAXB Generate Stub, but request not getting added

JAXB Generate Stub, but request not getting added Hi, I am using JAXB2 for generating stubs, it genereate stubs, I am not sure whether impl stubs are required or not. JAXB ...

91. XML request

XML request Hallo, I have the following problem: In a Controller-Server I want do commit a Java-Object with the help of xml. My Contoller looks like: @Controller public class adding{ @RequestMapping(value="/adding", ...

92. Factory - creating objects depending on a request parameter.

Factory - creating objects depending on a request parameter. Hi, I am new to Spring MVC and Spring at all. During a little project that I am doing with Spring I ...

93. Injecting request scope parameters

Hi Guys, I have the following issue. I need to inject the logged user in some application bean services, so I can filter some queries by user information: - How can ...

94. Persistence schema generation request

Persistence schema generation request I would like to see roo take the information in the JSR-303 annotations such as @NotNull @Size(min = 1, max = 40) private String conferenceName; and then ...

95. Request parameter

Is there any spring wrapper class for getting all request parameter for all content type like MultipartForm request,application/x-www-form-urlencoded so i do not required to check for contentype of request...

96. Strange problem with request.getParameter

Jul 15th, 2009, 11:55 AM #1 aman0711 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2009 Posts 13 Strange problem with request.getParameter Hi Experts, I am facing ...

97. where is scope=request in spring 3.0.3m?

I am trying to find the scope=request in spring 3. is it no more available? how can I use other way? how can I build a new bean with the factory ...

98. How to save the XML Request

How to save the XML Request Hi everybody, I have a little problem: for the project I am working on, I need to save incoming requests but for what I understand ...

99. Problem with request params

Hi, I've got a problem when I setting params in request or adding model to redirected view on form, in form controller of success view the params are null. I think ...

100. Customizing requests for interceptor

Hallo, my case is the following. I'm using annotations and I have registered 2 interceptors in applicationContext.xml. Code: ...