Request 1 « Web « Spring Q&A

1. Is there a static way to get the HttpServletRequest of the current request

I am using Spring annotations, I can pass the HttpRequestContext from the Controller to the Service. I am looking for a static way or any better solution than passing RequestContext around. ...

2. Getting server name in ContextLoaderListener

My listener is filling Cache (Terracota) and if something goes wrong at application start, ExceptionInInitializerError is thrown. I would like to get server name (like on HttpServletRequest - getServerName()) to know ...

3. Does Spring Framework support streaming mode in mutlipart requests

I coulnd't find any indication in Spring documentation that it support read of files in streaming mode in its object MultipartHttpServletRequest that handle multipart requests.

in similar way that ...

4. Request error in spring

I get this error

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'scopedTarget.userSessionServiceObject': Scope 'session' is not active for the current thread; consider defining a scoped proxy for this bean if you intend to ...

5. Http Call to a Non-spring Application from a Spring Application

I am working on a spring application which has to make a HTTP call to another applciation (not running on Spring). How can i make this call using spring framework? Note: ...

6. Get the Servlet Request object in a POJO class

I need to get the current page URL in a POJO that is being called from an Acegi class (need to add some custom logic for the app I'm working on) ...

7. Spring Request and Prototype Scope?

Below are the difinitions of prototype and request scope in spring. prototype Scopes a single bean definition to any number of object instances. request Scopes a single bean definition to the lifecycle of ...

8. Spring File Upload. Syntactically incorrect request?!

Spring File Upload. Syntactically incorrect request?! Hi guys! I'm having a problem while trying to upload a file to a database. The error I get from the browser is: Code: HTTP ...

9. Request size limitation when using MultipartHttpServletRequest of Spring 3.0

Request size limitation when using MultipartHttpServletRequest of Spring 3.0 I'd like to know what is the size limitation if I upload list of files in one client's form submition using HTTP ...

10. HTTP Inbound - Retrieve Request Parameters

HTTP Inbound - Retrieve Request Parameters Apologies if this has been discussed before. I am still a bit new at this Spring Integration stuff. I have an HTTP inbound gateway and ...

11. Does anybody care about merge requests?

In his posts Keith Donald advocates social coding, a thing that eases patch reviews very much. I gave it a try and submitted a simple feature that has already been asked ...

12. Add parameters to the current request

Is there any way of adding parameters to a request in an interceptor prehandle method? I need to check if a paramter exist and if not add it. I am trying ...

13. RequestMapping and PathVariable on DELETE request

Hi, my id for an resource is a full path like /folder1/folder2/folder3/... how can i map this path to na @PathVariable, my mapping looks like Code: @RequestMapping(value = "/**", method = ...

14. Getting my paws on the request XML

Hello, Can someone point me to an example of how to use the AbstractDomPayloadEndpoint, specifically how to wire in a marshaller? I've read through the reference material, but I don't see ...

15. Dynamic finders - Objects as request parameter

Dynamic finders - Objects as request parameter Hello, I'm using Roo 1.1.1.RELEASE and spring 3.0.5 and I have a doubt with the dynamic finders. I want to 'findAbyB', having two entities ...

16. Spring.Context.Support.MvcContextHandler request context issue

Spring.Context.Support.MvcContextHandler request context issue Hi, There's an odd issue in regards to the MvcContextHandler when it comes to the request scope of the object. Even though I've marked an the object ...

17. NULL request

NULL request I am getting a null value in the request: here's my request sanjeev sanjeev I get a null ...

18. ServletWrappingController should override request.getPathInfo()&getServletPath(), no?

ServletWrappingController should override request.getPathInfo()&getServletPath(), no? I just implemented ServletWrappingController to wrap a 3rd party servlet I wanted to use in Spring-MVC (and enable Spring-Security on). But I ran into a bit ...

19. Parameter not available when include from Multipart Request

Parameter not available when include from Multipart Request Hello, I've configured the org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsM ultipartResolver to resolve all my multipart/form-data requests of my webapp. My problem starts when I include a resource ...

20. request for configurable JdbcTokenRepositoryImpl

request for configurable JdbcTokenRepositoryImpl I understand that I can wire in my own PersistentTokenRepository implementation, but it would be nice if the out-of-the-box JDBC implementation or remember-be could work with databases ...

21. /name/tom/course/chem105 formatted get request????

/name/tom/course/chem105 formatted get request???? @RequestMapping(value = "/compare", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String compare(@RequestParam("input1") String input1,@RequestParam("input2") String input2, Model model) { int result =, input2); String inEnglish = (result < 0) ...

22. WARNING: No matching handler method found for servlet request

May 11th, 2011, 04:39 AM #1 msabaana View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2011 Posts 1 WARNING: No matching handler method found for servlet request ...

23. Spring.Context.Support.MvcContextHandler request context issue

Hi, There's an odd issue in regards to the MvcContextHandler when it comes to the request scope of the object. Even though I've marked an the object with a scope of ...

24. gzip & memcache requests/responses

gzip & memcache requests/responses Hi, I'm having an problem enabling gzip on Jetty with Spring. It seems to work with default Servlets provided by Jetty, but on Spring servlets there is ...

25. request dosent goes to myAccessdecisionmanager

request dosent goes to myAccessdecisionmanager Hi Guys, I have written my accessDecisionmanger . I want is except for my login page all the requests that end with .do should be directed ...

26. request.getRemoteUser()

Ben, Can Ageci set the correct remote user on the request object on successful authentication? ie Code: request.getRemoteUser() should transparently return Code: ((net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.dao.User) auth.getPrincipal()).getUsername() Some third party libraries/filters like Clickstream use ...

27. Timeout / Abandon HttpInvoker Request

Timeout / Abandon HttpInvoker Request My application is multi-layed application, in which there are three layers - Web Server (JSF + Flex) - Application Server - Database Server Now, in order ...

28. Use interceptor to change action=something request parameter

We are using Spring 3.0.6. I am trying to write an interceptor that if it detects the session is null will change the "action=something" request parameter so that Spring will route ...

29. Implementing AutoWire at request.

Hello Springers. I found the AutoWire capability of the Framework quite appealing when it comes to integrating 3rd party modules, or to wire-up parts of the application built by different members ...

30. Help Routing Unmapped Requests and Routing to Local Resources

Help Routing Unmapped Requests and Routing to Local Resources Hi, I'm implementing a proxy that routes all unmapped requests to an external URL. To identify unmapped requests requests, I use a ...

31. @RequestParam value field for POJOs holding request parameters?

@RequestParam value field for POJOs holding request parameters? Hi Please excuse a somewhat stupid question but I am having a problem with @RequestParam which I can't seem to get around. Im ...

32. "Request method 'PUT' not supported" with 3.1.0.M2 but works fine with 3.0.6.RELEASE

"Request method 'PUT' not supported" with 3.1.0.M2 but works fine with 3.0.6.RELEASE Hi, I started to build a Todos application server sample, it is mainly based on RESTful services with spring-MVC, ...

33. How do I configure incoming requests to be strings?

How do I configure incoming requests to be strings? I have a basic Spring Integration-ws inbound gateway, that uses UriEndpointMappings to direct the incoming SOAP messages to channels. Right now those ...

34. Request method 'HEAD' not supported, how to avoid this error

Request method 'HEAD' not supported, how to avoid this error Hi We are using the Spring framework, for our website. We noticed the "Request method 'HEAD' not supported" in the log ...

35. Request scope - help needed

Request scope - help needed I am very confused how to implement some things in Spring Web MVC Framework, which require changes in behavior depending on HttpServletRequest. When I wire all ...

36. Using request.setAttribute in interceptor - good or bad? :)

Hi! We have an object (a topicmap object) that is created in the beginning of the request (we create it in an interceptor) and it should live until the end of ...

37. Dispatching requests.

OK maybe I was asking this wrong!? :? How would I dispatch requests from one servlet to multiple "components" remotly. The servlet will act as a signle point of access to ...

38. Request scope - how to

Request scope - how to The Spring Framework is great in applications which can be wired of several stateless beans. However it is not clear what to do when we need ...

39. new features request?

new features request? Hi, I wonder where is a good place to submit 'feature requests'? (I know, ideally it's 'do it yourself and submit the code', but probably someone already implemented ...

40. Supported Way to Emulate request.getUserPrincipal?

Hello, I'm trying to migrate our application to use Acegi. I can't seem to find a supported way for request.getUserPrincipal to work. Is there a filter impl that wraps a normal ...

41. PARAM_PAGE request attribute function

Hi there, I've been playing around with the AbstractWizardFormController and for the most part got it to work. What I didn't figure out yet is how to use the PARAM_PAGE request ...

42. How to set setCharacterEncoding on Request?

How to set setCharacterEncoding on Request? Hi, I am woking on a site that receives input in CJK. This may be a naive question: I am using org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet as my servlet ...

43. Adding to request

Everything in the model is automatically added to the request by Spring. You can also add stuff yourself (request.setAttribute(x, y)), which is essentially exactly the same if you're using a view ...

44. where's my request params

When I just implement the Controller interface, or extend AbstractController, I can't see any parameters, POST or GET, on my request, but using the commandControllers I can see post parameters, but ...

45. A couple of requests

A couple of requests Hello, I'm completing the integration of acegi into an existing application, and I was wondering what is the best way to propagate custom information with the SecureContext ...

46. What is the good way to set locale regardless request's ...

What is the good way to set a locale for a session in Springframe regardless what is in a request's locale? I could do so by calling the set method of ...

47. Dispatch request to OpenCMS

I want to have JSP template save in CMS like OpenCMS. Since openCMS is just another servlet, I think I can dispatch my request to openCMS after it is processed by ...

48. Upload issue: request.getParameterNames() returns null

Upload issue: request.getParameterNames() returns null I'm having trouble implementing upload feature using Spring-MVC. I checked out the imagedb demo and it works just fine. However in my application, the values are ...

49. IntegrationFilter bug in case of simultaneous requests?

IntegrationFilter bug in case of simultaneous requests? During application debugging we saw a strange behavior in HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter. Here is the scenario: A client application issued two simultaneous requests to the same ...

50. How do I bind a request to multiple objects?

My request has up to 15 name value pairs in it. ex) ?id=1&name=Joe&id=2&name=Fred&id=3&name=Tom... Is there a way in MultiActionController to do a bind() and generate "n" amount of a ValueObject called ...

51. Processing GET requests

Processing GET requests Hello, after digging the documentation and this forum I couldn't find a feasible way to get my problem solved. On one page a have a list of items. ...

52. bind request to multiple objects?

My request has up to 15 name value pairs in it. ex) ?id=1&name=Joe&id=2&name=Fred&id=3&name=Tom... Is there a way in MultiActionController to do a bind() and generate "n" amount of a ValueObject called ...

53. enhancement request

54. How weird: the request.getRemoteAddr returing

How weird: the request.getRemoteAddr returing I use the getRemoteAddr method of HttpServletRequest to keep track of a user's location. After getting my Spring framework application up load to my remote ...

55. request attribute

Could anyone give me a clue what this error means: Code: javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: Neither Errors instance nor plain target object for bean name 'penduduk' available as request attribute org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.BindTag.doStartTagInternal( org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.RequestContextAwareTag.doStartTag( Thnx in ...

56. Locale Incorrectly Set in Request

The request.getLocale() method returns the locale from the Accept-Header the client sent along with the request and does not always correspond with the locale set by the LocaleResolver. If you set ...

58. ContextHolderAwareRequestFilter changes request attributes

I'm currently in the process of trying to integrate JSPWiki with Acegi Security. Everything works fine until I toss ContextHolderAwareRequestFilter into the fix. It seems to change a bunch of request ...

59. Get the view where current request comes?

Get the view where current request comes? Hi, I am facing a problem about how to get the view where current request comes? I use one controller with a hashmap command ...

60. Cryptography of Request Parameters

Hi, How do I cryptograph sensible information in such a way that the cyphered text contains only characters permissible to be used as request parameters? I'm not pretty sure this question ...

61. File upload and request values

File upload and request values Hi, I am trying to get file upload working on one of my projectcs. It seems to work. But I have got one problem. I am ...

62. BindStatus constructor (request for change)

Is it possible to change the constructor of ? I would like to have beanName = the reason for this: ...

63. long running request

64. Scoped Components: Request for Enhancement

Scoped Components: Request for Enhancement I've started using the scoped components support in Spring, and, although I've had to deal with some issues with lifecycles that are different than my implementation ...

65. Retrieving parameters from Multipart Request

Retrieving parameters from Multipart Request Folks, I'm hitting a rather strange error. I have a class which implements RememberMeServices, in much the same way as TokenBasedRememberMeServices. Instead of using a cookie ...

66. authenticating/authorizing request in xml format

BASIC authentication: - widespread client support - no HttpSesison required - simply to implement Otherwise you'll be writing something that parses XML in your deserializer to find the username/password, authenticate it, ...

67. Form binding - ignore case on request parameter name

What's the easiest way to get your command bean bound with uppercase name params from request? ex. My class MCommand has confirmationID field. With normal getter and setter - getConfirmationID() & ...

68. DataBinder: Request parameter names vs. POJO attribute names

DataBinder: Request parameter names vs. POJO attribute names This is a strange question, but I'll ask it anyway. I have a mainframe application that is posting data to my Spring-MVC Java ...

69. replacing request.getParameterValues in servlet

replacing request.getParameterValues in servlet in the jsp i have textbox name same but different values;how can i read values in servlet instead of using this method request.getParameterValues("user");Is there method in servlet. ...

70. MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean and Request

MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean and Request Hi I am currently using the spring framework tied in with struts for the front end mvc work, I connecct the two using the DelegatingActionProxy class. The problem ...

71. Executing previous request?

Executing previous request? In our application, we have a few places where the user can perform some action, and upon completing that, returns to their original location. For example, they might ...

72. CommandObject shared between requests??

I implemented AbstractCommandController for fetching terms entered on a searchpage. It looks like the commandObject is being shared between requests. Properties from the previous request are still available in the next ...

73. request parameter somehow cached?

request parameter somehow cached? I have a simple page that deletes a row from my database, this controller is mapped to /delete.htm and is used e.g in the form /delete.html?del=22 where ...

74. ServletRequestHandledEvent missing request.getParameterMap()

We have a business need to track all http request parameters for debugging and data mining purpose. I think implementing an ApplicationListener is ideal for things like this (pls correct me ...

75. Castor is unable to find the correct class for unmarshalling a request

Castor is unable to find the correct class for unmarshalling a request I have created an endpoint using Castor as the marshalling framework. However, when a request comes into the engine, ...

76. Passing back the original Request Parameter

Passing back the original Request Parameter I have the following situation: I display a Person view page (backed by a Person command object). the url that triggers this view is of ...

77. request.getReader()

78. ServletFileUpload.parseRequest(request) returns empty list (Spring2 RC2)

Code: MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; Iterator fileNames = multipartRequest.getFileNames(); if (fileNames.hasNext()) { String fileName = (String); System.out.println("***** fileName = " + fileName); MultipartFile file = multipartRequest.getFile(fileName); System.out.println("***** file size ...

79. Request for file download library

Request for file download library Hi, I'm currently struggling with working around the cursed Internet Explorer caching bugs with sending the browser file attachments from my Spring-based application. Searching forums result ...

80. Getting hold of request specific variables

Hello, In my service and domain layers I need to know who the logged in user is. I do not and cannot use acegi at the moment. My question is how ...

81. Binding request params with a prefix

My form contains params whose names are "inquiry1, inquiry2, etc". The numbers correspond to unique IDs of domain object, Inquiry. Is it possible to write a custom property editor for binding ...

82. How to resolve the jsp form for specific request

Hi, i have the jsp page and itz folder structure is WEB-INF -> jsp -> user -> userhome.jsp. i'm using the url pattern as .view. suppose if create the hyperlink i ...

83. How to keep objects between two requests ?

How to keep objects between two requests ? Hi ! I'm wondering how to achieve this : keep in memory objects from [controller1] and access them in [controller2]. My application is ...

84. A 'Lost' Request problem

A 'Lost' Request problem Hi there, I'm currently building an application using Spring mvc. I have come across a situation to which i'm sure Spring must have a solution but i'm ...

85. Every other request is not authorized.

Every other request is not authorized. I've wired Acegi into AXIS 1.4, everything works great... on every other request. I'm obviously not losing the context between requests since it's there for ...

86. Delegating HTTP Request Object

I need a thread safe way to delegate the HTTP Request object to back-end custom dao's which require the HTTP request object to initialize. Any suggestions would be helpful.

87. Spring 2.0 Request Scope

Spring 2.0 Request Scope Ive been waiting for new Spring request scope feature and already tested in a small web app. My problem now is that I havent found the way ...

88. Monitoring http requests

Monitoring http requests Hi every one. I'd like to monitor the http requests coming to my server. I'll like to monitor 2 things : the time to proceed the http requests ...

89. Accessing http request in object method.

Hello I am trying to define an object which should be aware of HTTP Request like following MyObject { public map getData(HttpRequest request){ // retrieve something from request and put the ...

90. Best Practice: Ensure only one request parameter

Best Practice: Ensure only one request parameter Consider this scenario: You have a controller class extending SimpleFormController. The command object has a bean property called 'username'. The accessors are defined as: ...

91. spawn new request

spawn new request Hi, I need to provide a quick response to an http request, and then have some more background processing done that the user doesn't care about. Is there ...

92. doInPreparedStatement - remedial help request

doInPreparedStatement - remedial help request ... I've run into problems with the doInPreparedStatement part of jdbcTemplate.execute (PreparedStatementCreator psc, PreparedStatementCallback action ) The PreparedStatementCreator part works fine (at least stuff gets written ...

93. How do I set request when going back to form view?

Hi, there. I have a form, which has a selection of product category. All category options are retrived from database. So in the form controller's onBindOnNewForm, I get all category ID's ...

94. Spring generating multiple requests!

Nov 16th, 2006, 10:48 AM #1 AdrianoMonteiro View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2006 Posts 2 Spring generating multiple requests! Hi folks! I'm having a ...

95. HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean - cancel long running requests

HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean - cancel long running requests Hi, I'm just creating a rich client that uses services on an application server. I'm using the HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean to create proxies of my business services ...

97. Request Processing Failed

Request Processing Failed Hello guys, Im attempting to capture the values of the check boxes and place them in a text file. However I have come across an error i dont ...

98. Disable binding on form change request?

Disable binding on form change request? Is there any way to disable binding when a form change request occurs, or does the binding occur before the isFormChangeRequest() method is called on ...

99. GET Request *Noobie*

GET Request *Noobie* Let's say I'm populating my form via a given GET request parameter (Constants.BIBLE_ID_REQUEST_PARAM) in the formBackingObject method. The implementation bellow works. But am I doing it right? I ...

100. Converting String type request parameter value to any other java type

Converting String type request parameter value to any other java type Hello, As we usually have jsp forms containing html elements and when we submit data from this form, the request ...