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Tiles, used in Roo ...

It works OK. Now I want to display also the price per month in this ...

1. binding to a Set in Spring    stackoverflow.com

If I have a list object I know that I can bind class property fields to form using the code below.

<c:forEach items="${items}" var="i" varStatus="itemsRow">
   <input name="items[${itemsRow.index}].fieldName" type="text"/>
</c:forEach> <form:errors path="items" ...

2. Fill a list from JSP in Spring    stackoverflow.com

I have something like this in my Spring Application:

public class Book{ 
    public Book(){
       sheets = new LinkedList<Sheet>();

3. WYSiHat editing issue    stackoverflow.com

I am currently using WYSiHat rich text editor on my java spring project. It works very well, but once I try to edit a pre-made message, the HTML is normally retrieved ...

4. Language selection in the combo    stackoverflow.com

I configured my servlet to support internationalization, just as I showed below:

<bean id="messageSource"
    <property name="basename" value="classpath:messages" />
    <property name="defaultEncoding" value="UTF-8"/>

<bean id="localeChangeInterceptor"

5. Working with commandName in spring view    stackoverflow.com

I was working with spring and read about the use of commandName in view(jsp). I have a little trouble working with it can anyone help me how to effectively use it? i ...

6. Problem with rendering jsp view    forum.springsource.org

Problem with rendering jsp view I have set the mapping for my dispatchservlet to /* so to every call to the app come through this servlet. Problem is that when handler ...

7. JSP + Spring 3    forum.springsource.org

I have a problem with JSP. The request is: using Eclipse, JSP, spring 3 connect to Oracle database and show database (additional function add, update, delete) I don't have any knowledge ...

8. Display tree on JSP, recursion?    forum.springsource.org

Hi there I have a "tree" structure of Node objects, each containing a List of children Node objects etc. I pass the root Node object to a JSP, and would like ...

9. Want .java, .js, .jsp, etc. to auto reload on save    forum.springsource.org

Want .java, .js, .jsp, etc. to auto reload on save This is similar to the problem I was having deploying a grails application in STS TC Server. It was said is ...

10. Web page development in JSP is simple or not.    forum.springsource.org

It is true that JSP is a combination of HTML with some tags. But the usage and advanatges are more. HTML can be used only for static pages which no logic.JSP ...

11. Using && (boolean Operators) in JSP EL on JSP Pages    forum.springsource.org

I am trying to use the following statement on a JSP page : Code:

12. JSP's only in the first level directory?    forum.springsource.org

I want to organize my JSP's located under /WEB-INF/jsp in subdirectories like /WEB-INF/jsp/projects/ /WEB-INF/jsp/users/ etc. I couldn't make this work with PropertiesMethodNameResolver, I don't want to use a resource bundle. If ...

13. passing a variable from action to jsp    forum.springsource.org

passing a variable from action to jsp Hello everyone, First of all, thank you very much to all these that are trying to solve our problems in this forum I am ...

14. JSP served out as plain/text with source code    forum.springsource.org

JSP served out as plain/text with source code I have a JSP: Code: <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c" %> wtf

Hello World!


15. Adding customVoter to a jsp.    forum.springsource.org

Is it possible to ad a Voter to a JSP? This is the only placa besides in Hibernate, where my object methode is invoked. So is there a way to do ...

16. UFT-8 Static Content inside JSP    forum.springsource.org

UFT-8 Static Content inside JSP Hi, I am working on a project in which some pages require static UTF-8 content inside a JSP. I have my SpringSource environment all setup for ...

17. JSP requestScope work, spring bind input dont    forum.springsource.org

JSP requestScope work, spring bind input dont Hi im implementing a Controller with the associated view. Into jsp view i want bind field of my bean using spring form tags...

18. Use viewresolver for fronting jsp's?    forum.springsource.org

Use viewresolver for fronting jsp's? Please bear with me with this as it may be a silly question. Is it possible to use a view resolver to act as a simple ...

19. view problems in a jsp page    forum.springsource.org

Nov 2nd, 2004, 06:57 AM #1 psychorav View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2004 Posts 10 view problems in a jsp page i'm just thinking ...

20. problem view in a jsp page    forum.springsource.org

problem view in a jsp page Hi, I have a problem with the common taglib. You'll found here my jsp code. I store my java collection object itemList in item. I ...

21. JSP ViewResolver grabing all the views    forum.springsource.org

Tryng to intergrate csv file generation into a MVC app. When I activate a view to gen the csv the JSP resolver grabs the view and attaches the prefix and suffix. ...

22. Recommendations for location of JSP pages    forum.springsource.org

Recommendations for location of JSP pages Hello, I work as a computer architect and i need to use the Spring Security framework. When we analyse the tutorial application, we see that ...

23. SpEL can be used in JSP?    forum.springsource.org

SpEL can be used in JSP? Hi, Quick question: In Spring 3.0.5, can SpEL work in JSP? On some machines, it works. But others don't. In not-working case, "${exp}" is interpreted ...

24. How to get view-name in JSP ?    forum.springsource.org

25. How to get visitor's locale in JSP?    forum.springsource.org

I need to get a visitor's locale in my JSP pages so that I can properly display a drop down menu with a list of languages and have the selected language ...

26. JSP not accessing resources outsode of WEB-INF    forum.springsource.org

JSP not accessing resources outsode of WEB-INF I'm running TC6, Spring 3.0.3, Idea ide My directory structure is js WEB-INF jsp The web.xml contextConfigLocation /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoade rListener ...

27. Ignore attribute/field for jsp creation    forum.springsource.org

Hello, is there any possibility to say roo to ignore some fields for the jsp creation? I do not want them to be transient, but I do not want them to ...

28. Attributes in application scope into JSP    forum.springsource.org

Attributes in application scope into JSP Hi. What is the best practise in Spring 3 MVC to solve the following issue (using annotations) ? : When I start applicatiion I need ...

29. c:if using JSP variable and a spring:bind variable?    forum.springsource.org

I need to perform the equivalent of: where "dummyA" is a JSP variable, ie. <% String dummyA = .... %> and "dummyB" is a value. ...

30. Emp obj containing null address obj , how to handle in jsp    forum.springsource.org

when address is null , it throws an exception , what are others doing when child objects of parent object come back as null ? thanks

31. JSP/Servl et container within Spring?    forum.springsource.org

JSP/Servl et container within Spring? This may seem like a stupid question. :oops: As far as I can tell, Spring does not contain any JSP/Servlet implementation, right? You have to use ...

32. Using .jsp extension    forum.springsource.org

Using .jsp extension Hi, I searched around but found no answer to this. I'm building a straight webapp with Spring's MVC. I want to use .jsp extension for my URLs, not ...

33. jsp:useBean    forum.springsource.org

Hello, I have to integrate some very old style jsp with my springframework. These jsp use beans with tag: how can I get the beans initialized by Spring ...

34. accessing singleton in jsp    forum.springsource.org

What's not working? Try using the spring tags to print out your variable, ie Code: Error code:
Value is: ${status.value} ...

35. JSP precompilation    forum.springsource.org

JSP precompilation Anyone have a good strategy for JSP precompilation? I'm using JSP with Spring MVC, deployed in Tomcat 5.0.28. Ideally I'd like to precompile the JSP's when I create my ...

36. jsp-Spring bind-problem    forum.springsource.org

jsp-Spring bind-problem Hi, I've got a problem binding a selectfield correctly to a command object. What I'm trying to do is to get the data in the select field. my controller ...

37. EL Expressions are not resolved in my JSPs    forum.springsource.org

Has anybody experienced the problem that EL expressions like ${message} do not get evaluated, but are treated like normal characters, when they are used as a view inside a controller? example ...

38. Clarification on hrefs within a jsp please    forum.springsource.org

Clarification on hrefs within a jsp please In my springapplet-servlet.xml file I have the following url mappings,

39. Have one jsp used for add/edit how do set title accordingly    forum.springsource.org

Have one jsp used for add/edit how do set title accordingly I have a jsp and a simpleformcontroller that I am using for Add/Edit. If Im using the jsp for Add ...

40. Using spring:bind on jsp    forum.springsource.org

I want to write some Java code on a jsp page using <%%> tags. What I'm wondering is how do I get to the bound object passed in by spring within ...

41. ${...} resolution in jsp    forum.springsource.org

${...} resolution in jsp Hi all, I have a very simple web application in Spring. So far I have a single controller that adds a string to the model map and ...

42. is view name available on the JSP    forum.springsource.org

is view name available on the JSP Hi all I use AbstractWizardFormController for my forms and I need to obtain a view name of the current view on JSP side. All ...

43. Having problems with Spring BindStatus and JSP's    forum.springsource.org

May 9th, 2005, 07:55 PM #1 sheadley View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2005 Posts 11 Having problems with Spring BindStatus and JSP's I am ...

44. Enabling Spring in ugly JSPs    forum.springsource.org

Enabling Spring in ugly JSPs I'm porting an application to Spring that includes a number of ugly JSPs. By "ugly" I mean that the JSPs are not simply presentation devices, they ...

45. View does not render ${} in JSP    forum.springsource.org

View does not render ${} in JSP My elementary Spring application does not work; while my controller is invoked, the view does not subsititute ${} macros in the JSP with the ...

46. Accessing spring context from JSP 2.0 EL functions    forum.springsource.org

Accessing spring context from JSP 2.0 EL functions Out application uses a number of view-related JSP 2.0 EL functions. One of these is a function to format various domain-specific values. In ...

47. Strange and bizarre jsp compilation problem:    forum.springsource.org

Strange and bizarre jsp compilation problem: Hi all, I am working on a colleagues project and he is using Spring 1.0 something. He was also using jsp1. Whilst upgrading to jsp2 ...

48. getAsText() is never called; JSP page doesn't get formatted    forum.springsource.org

The model has Code: private Date issueDate; It also has getters and setters. I have the customDate editor registered this way in SimpleFormController. Code: protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder pBinder) { ...

49. Binding a List from JSP    forum.springsource.org

Binding a List from JSP Hi all, I am using abstract wizardcontroller... 1.User will enter question and will choose the number of the options that will have relation with that question. ...

50. Problem with stylesheet in acegilogin.jsp page    forum.springsource.org

Problem with stylesheet in acegilogin.jsp page Register Help Remember Me? Forum Today's Posts FAQ Calendar Forum Actions Mark Forums Read Quick Links View Forum ...

51. getting Command in JSP    forum.springsource.org

getting Command in JSP hello, is there a better way to get at the Command object in my JSP which it is binding to? here is what I have found, but ...

52. MultipartHttpServletRequest and jsp:param interaction    forum.springsource.org

MultipartHttpServletRequest and jsp:param interaction I am using Tomcat 5.5.9 I have a JSP form page which includes another JSP page with a parameter: Code: ...

53. RPblem with flushig information in JSP    forum.springsource.org

Oct 10th, 2005, 11:18 AM #1 mannobug View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Sep 2005 Posts 9 RPblem with flushig information in JSP Hi all i ...

54. JSP 2.0 Support    forum.springsource.org

JSP 2.0 Support I was assisting someone trying to run a web MVC sample in a JSP 2.0 container. It seemed that the spring:bind tag was not being recognized. I noticed ...

55. Setting the incorrect Context Path to include a JSP    forum.springsource.org

Setting the incorrect Context Path to include a JSP Hi, I am attempting to get the Spring Portlet Framework integrated with the Vignette Application Portal server (VAP) (7.1), running on Tomcat(4.1.27). ...

56. Directly forward to a JSP page    forum.springsource.org

100% Spring Framework based web app. In the index.jsp page, I try to create a link that when I click on the link, it will forward to a JSP page such ...

57. can't compile acegilogin.jsp?    forum.springsource.org

This is the error I'm getting from tomcat: Code: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP An error occurred at line: 15 in the jsp file: /WEB-INF/views/login.jsp Generated servlet error: session ...

58. Problem facing while using onChange() function in JSP    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, In a page Ifirst I am populating one combo box with a list of values. Then I want, on selecting one value from that combo box, another combo box ...

59. Compressing rendered jsp pages    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I need some help with the following problem: The system I am working on is able to produce html reports. Sometimes these reports get rather large, so the users wish ...

60. Editing JSP: How does everyone else do it?    forum.springsource.org

Editing JSP: How does everyone else do it? Hello all, This is more of a process question than a technical question about Spring. When it comes to editing HTML/JSP I use ...

61. JSP 2.0 supported ?    forum.springsource.org

JSP 2.0 supported ? Hi all, I'm evaluating Spring for a medium web-based application. I'm playing with it and seems JSP 2.0 configuration dosen't work properly. In particular with "prelude" and ...

62. getting jsp evaluated content    forum.springsource.org

I have a page that doesn't change from begging to end of my session, so I need to process it just one time, and reuse the generated code in my others ...

63. How to render jsp pages which are placed in two diff folders    forum.springsource.org

How to render jsp pages which are placed in two diff folders problem is as follows i have created folder structure for my application in logical way i.e 2 parts /WEB-INF/views/jsp/core/ ...

64. Help with JSP...    forum.springsource.org

Help with JSP... Hello - I'm new to JSP - most of my work has been on back end Java components, so I'm fighting with the following simple problem: I need ...

65. how to apply mathematic in a jsp page    forum.springsource.org

Hello I have an object house that canbe displayed in a jsp as:


66. Best practise: Webconstants in jsps - hardcode vs maintainable?    forum.springsource.org

Best practise: Webconstants in jsps - hardcode vs maintainable? I'm wondering on how you all handle web constants in view pages. By web constants I mean things like - form name ...

67. how to test a jsp in isolation?    forum.springsource.org

hello everyone, i was wondering my self: how could I test the content of a jsp (whose fields display values returned by a controller) ? I don't want to test which ...

68. Hardcoding extensions in JSP    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I am a Spring newbie. I use an extension .html for thedispatcher servlet (maps to *.html) and so all my jsp's links use say login.html, register.html etc . Can i ...

69. i18n support for JSP's    forum.springsource.org

i18n support for JSP's I'm having problems settins up the i18n support for Spring in my jsp's, it does work in scriptlets however ... Check out the JSP: I couldn't find ...

70. Can not display jsp page    forum.springsource.org

Can not display jsp page Hi , I am trying to develop a sample login application. But, I can not display the login page. My web.xml configuration is as follows: Code: ...

71. How to integrate JSP and XSTL views?    forum.springsource.org

I am trying to populate a jsp which will also contain xslt. How can I accomplish this with spring? I know that the jstl view can render the jsp, but then ...

72. Problems displaying jsp pages in frameset    forum.springsource.org

73. conversion of Spring:bind to jsp variables    forum.springsource.org

conversion of Spring:bind to jsp variables This is a bit silly ask, I am researching on conversion of spring tld to jsp variables. I have a form thatz bound in my ...

74. Protecting included JSP    forum.springsource.org

Hi, Newbie question. I'm currently trying to protect jsp fragments included in an unprotected outer JSP (jsp:include). Is there a way to do that? I read something about protected jsp:forward, but ...

75. Problems setting the charset of my JSP    forum.springsource.org

I've been trying to use the org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFi lter class to set the characterset of my page. Using HttpWatch I see that it doesn't appear to work. Using a JSP tag of ...

76. I can't view the jsp page.please help me.    forum.springsource.org

I can't view the jsp page.please help me. My problem of program is :The requested resource (/resume/WEB-INF/jsp/name.jsp ) is not available. Below is my web.xml:

77. Adding text boxes to jsp dynamically based on a value    forum.springsource.org

Adding text boxes to jsp dynamically based on a value I have a requirement where when I enter a value in a text box. The value will determine how many text ...

78. SpringXT : JSP based component ?    forum.springsource.org

SpringXT : JSP based component ? Hello, I'm just starting looking at SpringXT. From documentation samples it seems I have to build the HTML replacement code using Components that map my ...

79. Problem displaying results on JSP    forum.springsource.org

Sorry for the repost, I posted in the other forum and didnt get any response... I need your help... please help me Posting the link to the post I made. http://forum.springframework.org/showthread.php?t=30005 ...

80. Saving JSP output stream and rendering to browser    forum.springsource.org

Is there a way to "intercept" the output stream after the jsp has rendered the html, and being able to save it prior to it being rendered to the browser? Any ...

81. How to show list values in JSP using Spring?    forum.springsource.org

Hello In the action class, i put list object in a request scope. List object contains POJO objects. List hospitalList = service.getHospital(). request.setAttribute("hospital",hospitalList); Please guide me how to show these value ...

82. How to direct to different JSP pages depending on dropdown value?    forum.springsource.org

How to direct to different JSP pages depending on dropdown value? sorry if this is more of a JSP question... Here is my situation. My landing page( home page ) shows ...

83. How to handle edit,add action in one JSP page    forum.springsource.org

How to handle edit,add action in one JSP page If I have a domain User, and I want to make a JSP page that can show the list of users, edit ...

84. JSP location exposed    forum.springsource.org

In my webapp, I have a link to another JSP page... there is no controller to handle its request... but I just want to call another JSP page... how do I ...

85. Amount formatting i JSP in success view.    forum.springsource.org

I apologize if this is more of a JSP question. I have a read-only amount field in my success view JSP. Its a BigDecimal in domain object....I need to format it ...

86. jsp accessing my context    forum.springsource.org

Does sum1 know how can I access my applicationContext from my jsp? I'm having to load another applicationContext just to pick a class up. <%org.springframework.web.context.support.XmlWebAp plicationContext context = new org.springframework.web.context.support.XmlWebAppl icationContext(); ...

87. Subdirectory under WEB-INF/jsp    forum.springsource.org

Subdirectory under WEB-INF/jsp Hi, I am new to Spring and want to know following. It is suggested that all JSPs should be under WEB-INF/jsp directory. This can be donw by having ...

88. Multiple Actions from JSP    forum.springsource.org

Hi All, This is my first post in this forum and I'm new to Spring framework. I have a framework question: If I have multiple actions from my JSP, to cater ...

89. More of a jsp/view question    forum.springsource.org

More of a jsp/view question I am having trouble doing basic view manipulation on data output from the expression language. I dont 'think' I need custom tags for this, and dont ...

90. trim spaces from JSP output    forum.springsource.org

Normally, I would add this to my global web.xml: trimSpaces true Since I'm not going through JspServlet anymore, but DispatcherServlet, is it possible I can still trim out the ...

91. Multi-language support with separated JSP's    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, I have been working on some language features based on the 'countries' example. What is the best way of allowing for a separate set of jsp's for each language, ...

92. binding & rendering lists in JSP    forum.springsource.org

Hi, i am having an issue I cant resolve here: I have an ArrayList that gets populated and added to the model: Code: ArrayList includedWorkOrders = new ArrayList(); ... ... myModel.put("openWorkOrders", ...

93. Confuse - How represent a Set variable in jsp page to be filled    forum.springsource.org

Hi guys (sorry for my grammar) i need really your help and your experience is need it i have a jsp page that represents a payment/buypaper form the first part of ...

94. JSP dropdown list    forum.springsource.org

Hi! I need a very simple example of how to populate a drop-down list for JSP using Spring. I have been using Spring 3 days now so do not get overly ...

95. viewResolver with more folders inside of WEB-INF/jsp    forum.springsource.org

Hello guys i have this configuration Code: if i create other subfolders ...

96. command name/class defined - why can't my jsp see it?    forum.springsource.org

command name/class defined - why can't my jsp see it? Hello, I'm having some trouble binding to my command object with spring:bind in my jsp view. Here is the relevant code ...

97. Supporting a Legacy JSP app    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have a Legacy JSP webapp. The webapp uses simple jsps, the jsps use POJOs/Beans and scriptlets to achive the required functionality. I want Spring to inject the Beans required ...

98. Precompiled JSP as a view....    forum.springsource.org

Hello - Looking into the possibility of precompiling JSPs, primarily to share them via jar rather than copying them between shared projects. What I would like to avoid is having to ...

99. Generating JSP from Command class    forum.springsource.org

Hi, is there already a generator which allows the generation of a jsp which uses spring forms from a given command class? It is always very annoying to write the jsp ...

100. Accessing Spring bind in JSP scriptlet    forum.springsource.org

Accessing Spring bind in JSP scriptlet I have begun to use Spring:bind to obtain names and values in my forms. I want to use ${status.expression} and ${status.value}, but I have run ...