HTML 1 « Web « Spring Q&A

1. Best way to set HTML head title in a Spring+Tiles2 application?

I have a usability problem in my Spring webapp which uses Tiles as the view technology. At the moment all of the pages display the same HEAD_TITLE and the PAGE_TITLE is page ...

2. I need the Spring API CSS File

I am developing a project using J2EE and Spring .. I need to create JAVADOC [API] inmean time i nedd the CSS File of

Spring Source API
Please help ...

3. How do I use a variable as the value for the div title attribute

This spring message tag will display the property value of the samples.title.dialog variable on the page:

<spring:message code="samples.title.dialog" text="samples.title.dialog"/>
This div tag only shows the literal string "samples.title.dialog" on the page.
<div id="dialog" title="samples.title.dialog">
How ...

4. Escape & symbol in MailTo

I have a URL like this: http://localhost:9001/view/shopindex/display?keyword=test&searchPostcode=Postcode and I'm putting it in the body of a new email message using HTML mailTo (I know that there are better options ...

5. Don't displayed custom error page on jsp

I wan't to displey own 404 page. in web.xml i defined

In my filter I throw this error the next way:
System.out.println("telst log: 404");
In logs ...

6. How do I combine spring errors tag logic with jstl logic

I have the following div for displaying my spring messages. errorContainer DIV and errText UL contain the classes to show my error icon and format my error message text.

<c:if ...

7. How to disable html button using JSTL tags

I want disable HTML button depending on value present in Spring bean.I am using JSTL empty property but no luck.
Here is my code

   <input type="submit" value="SendEmail" disabled="${empty reportNotificationFbo.providersList}" > ...

8. How do I reference my javascript files with this folder structure?

This is a very simple thing that I can't seem to get to work. What is the correct way for referencing my resources folder in my script and link tags? ...

9. spring. see something on the browser

I'm trying to approach spring. There are other questions and answers about getting-started with srping. I don't want "something" to start, but the things that i must have.
The goal is very ...

10. formatting a string with html for localization in spring

I have a string with urls in them.
eg: Under maintenance. <a href="site-url">Try again</a> after sometime
I want to pass the complete string to the translators.
I see that there are two options
1. ...

11. External javascript file giving problems

I am new to javascript and working on a small form validation project...I have used external javascript file for this purpose but it is giving me problems.I have included this file ...

through javascript

This is my spring form code in jsp.

<div id="mainDiv">
    <div id="itWillRepeat">

13. Can only show index.htm, all other pages 404

Ty to invoke a view registration.htm. I get this error message:

WARNING: No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/HelloSpring/registration.htm] in DispatcherServlet with name 'dispatcher
edit: I downloaded the code, imported it into ...

14. How to create a MessageBodyWriter to return a custom object as HTML in RestEasy?

I'm using RestEasy together with Spring in Tomcat. I have a simple controller method which I want to use via Ajax (with JSON or XML response) and via a standard browser ...

15. Spring form tag and HTML 5 still incompatible?

I am using a spring form tag

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="form" %>

<form:input path="name.lastName" cssClass="text" maxlength="30"/>
When I try to add the new required html5 attribute
<form:input path="name.lastName" required="required" cssClass="text" maxlength="30"/>
I get this error message ...

16. Parse Date from HTML Conditional Get Header

I am working with spring and trying to parse a http header date in the common rfc format: "Sat, 29 Oct 2011 19:43:31 GMT" The problem is, that my DateFormatter can't parse it: Unparseable ...

17. select list html

I'm trying spring roo and i find it fantastic. I write some finder and i found that isn't possible have html select option empty. When there is or condition is really ...

18. Tomorrows Tech Today: HTML 5 by Scott Davis at GIDS 2011

Tomorrows Tech Today: HTML 5 by Scott Davis at GIDS 2011 As software engineers, we take comfort in the idea of concrete specifications. As web developers, our hearts are either broken ...

19. HTML output with Spring 3 and JSTL

Hi all, I am trying to inject HTML to the view using jstl but it is not being rendered as HTML but as plain text. Here is a sample of what ...

20. html5 + webmvc

How does one push the html5 envelope safely with input elements or anything else? I am reading and wonder how to use spring and yet have things like

21. HTML render problem

HTML render problem Dear All, I'm working with spring3 and Tiles in my project. I have a problem related to customer's request, for which I do not found out solution. The ...

22. @ResponseBody Content-Type changes to text/html

Hi, I've a method annotated with return type @ResponseBody Customer. When I run this application on Tomcat the response content type is as expected i.e. "application/json". However, when I run the ...

23. HTML5 input types (e.g. type="date") and spring JSP form tag library

HTML5 input types (e.g. type="date") and spring JSP form tag library Hi I'd like to use HTML5 in a webapp, but the spring JSP form tag library doesn't seem ...

24. Unsupported Content-Type: text/html Supported ones are: [text/xml]

Unsupported Content-Type: text/html Supported ones are: [text/xml] Hi, We have a client application in Java and need to connect to their webservice.we are sending byte[] as request , but when i ...

25. Should I use Thymeleaf or JSP for the HTML layer?

I'm creating a webapp using Spring MVC, and I already programmed some JSPs for displaying data... The problem is that some colleagues of mine talked to me about a template engine ...

26. HTTP Status 404 - /helloworld/welcome.htm

HTTP Status 404 - /helloworld/welcome.htm Hi guys! I am newbie in spring framework. I try to run Helloworld but I get not found error. Codes are below : web.xml: Code:

27. HTML 5 Canvas Upload

Hi, I'm trying to upload to the server the content of an HTML5 Canvas. I have read how to do it with PHP (, but I didn't find anything about how ...

28. HTML5 form tags

It's my understanding that spring 3.0 doesn't really currently support html5 form tags very well. I've seen some people say that you can include your own type attribute and that it ...

29. Major Question: URL and HTML encoding

Major Question: URL and HTML encoding Hi, I'm figuring out how to best use the Spring framework and there's just two things coming up all the time thatdon't seem to be ...

30. Go to Page and spring js ajax not working

Go to Page and spring js ajax not working Using the following code, clicking on the link does not work. STS is not pointing out an errors and Firebug ...

31. Spring cannot parse html standard conform date ? - malformed at "GMT"

Spring cannot parse html standard conform date ? - malformed at "GMT" Hello, I am trying to realize a conditional get in one of my controllers. Therefore I set the "If-Modified-Since" ...

32. from index.html to index.jsp in WEB-INF/jsp directory?

from index.html to index.jsp in WEB-INF/jsp directory? Hi, I am doing a Spring web application. ALL my jsp files are stored in WEB-INF/jsp, including the index.jsp file, which is the home ...

33. HTML escaping issue

Hi all, I have a problem with HTML escaping. i have a form field which i am binding to a integer field of command object. I have not written any validations ...

34. Escaping HTML in views

Escaping HTML in views I'm using velocity for my views, and some spring macros provide HTML escaping support (such as #springBind) but as far as I know there is now way ...

35. Date object in a HTML form

Date object in a HTML form Hey I started with Spring about 3 weeks ago and I'm very happy with it. There is one question I have regarding date objects. I'm ...

36. Html Select using Tag file

Html Select using Tag file I'm thinking of the best way to do a nice, more or less general, html select tag using a tag file. The problem is that I ...

37. HTML multi-select bind to Set

HTML multi-select bind to Set Hi, I've found several older (2004) references to the general area of binding, e.g using initBinder, custom editors and so on, but nothing recent. Is there ...

38. JSP to html file

I am using Spring ModelAndView to display a JSP. I have a requirement that I need to produce an HTML page, to be placed on a different server. This will be ...

39. using two submit buttons on same HTML form

Hello , I have page with OK and Cancel submit button. I was using initially struts in that this Cancel pressed can be recognized by isCancel() method in Action class. Now ...

40. Can we retrieve Object from html:select?

I display some objects (say Person objects) using html:select or nested:select, via the optionsCollection. I don't know of a way to retrieve the selected object as opposed to having just a ...

41. Displaying an .html file

Displaying an .html file Hi, I have a petclinic.html file in my web application. I just stuck the file from the petco example in my war to figure out how to ...

42. Spring HTML tag generate URL?

Hi, I'm new to Spring. Is there a Spring tag to generate URLs that are mapped in the XXX-servlet.xml config file? Something equivalent to Struts' ??? Can anyone recommend a ...

43. Getting the html generated by the jsp before loading

Hai all Tks 4 u r continuous support.I am having a small doubt.Can i get the html file/text that was created from the jsp file when the browser requests that page.The ...

44. Binding HashMap attribute to HTML form

Binding HashMap attribute to HTML form Greetings, I've been working on this thing for days, now, and so far, haven't reached any progress, yet. I have a Class that has a ...

45. When is an action attribute to html
or Spring 2.0 needed?

When is an action attribute to html or Spring 2.0 needed? Hello, Using a Spring Web MVC application I am uncertain about when I need to add an action ...

46. How to open .chm (HTML help file) in html using link

How to open .chm (HTML help file) in html using link Hi friends, I am having problem opening .chm files in my webpage. i have .chm file that someone created for ...

47. HTML Validation

HTML Validation Hi there.. I'm building this web-app, and thus I'm requiring input validation. ( Can't trust those users nowadays ) I want my users to be able to use a ...

48. Spring - publishing WML + HTML

Hi I'm about to build a website that must publish to HTML, XHTML and WML, depending on the device / browser the user is being used. So, is spring capable of ...

49. How to set HTML text

How to set HTML text How do I set HTML text? My current code below and I like to be bale to set two different Text message and HTML message at ...

50. Spring 2.0 tag libraries (readonly HTML attribute)

I am using 2.0 RC3 and I noticed the form tags are missing the HTML readonly attribute (although the disabled attribute is there). Are there any plans to add this before ...

51. html:tags not in Spring 2.0RC4 Download

I am looking for the *.tag files that are associating with the html namespace. I have downloaded spring-framework-2.0-rc4 And i cant find the the files in there I also read somewhere ...

52. Servlet/html

Hello I have a very very basic question. I have a servlet that supposedly has to show hello world on the screen. I want to create an html page with one ...

53. how to make default page (index.htm)

how to make default page (index.htm) Hi all, Im trying to make my index.jsp file the first page that loads when i load my spring app. Here is what i tried ...

54. Customize HTML TAG using tag library

Customize HTML TAG using tag library Hi All, Am planning to customize few HTML tags like TextBox. In the OnSubmit event of the form or any action, i want to invoke ...

55. Setting Html-Tag

Is it possible to ready a value out of the command object and integrate it to the html-code? for example: we got an opening tag like

and i like to ...

56. double HTML escape in formTextarea macro

Hi The formTextarea macro in spring.ftl does a html escape before printing the value. This results in a double html escape. Code: <#macro formTextarea path attributes="" > <@bind path/>