Gateway « Web « Spring Q&A

1. SMS Gateway ?

could some one give me couple of best SMS Gateway that people are using in any of their projects/company. We have a project to build Events & Notifications system so i ...

2. http:outbound-gateway and custom http headers.

http:outbound-gateway and custom http headers. Hi, We are using 2.0.1 version of http:outbound-gatway to make a webservice call to an external legacy application. They are not wsi-compliant so the SOAPAction and ...

3. Chain/Gateway error handling

Chain/Gateway error handling I have a chain that uses gateways to call other chains and I want to ensure that if one gateway call fails from an error the other items ...

4.  getting response headers

getting response headers I've configured an which works just fine. I can submit a request to it and have the return type be a String and the value is ...

5. No means to disable expectReply on inbound http gateway

No means to disable expectReply on inbound http gateway Hi, I have an http:inbound-gateway component configured. I need its behavior to be that as specified when the HttpRequestHandlingMessagingGateway, (and HttpRequestHandlingController), has ...

6. Add cookie to http outbound-gateway request

Add cookie to http outbound-gateway request Using spring-integration 1.0.4. We have a service-to-service interaction where the SI is posting data to another web service. This post request must include a cookie ...

7. How to pass URL value to

Given the following outbound gateway configuration, is there some way the url attribute can be passed in rather than statically defined? Or perhaps define it using a URI template and pass ...

8. Outbound Http Gateway: How to set Header Content-Type

Outbound Http Gateway: How to set Header Content-Type Hi, I implemented a HeaderMapper that subclasses DefaultHttpHeaderMapper. (Impl below). In mine I set the Content-Type to text/html. We have a partner who ...

9. A "gateway" in the middle of a "chain" resets the error channel header

A "gateway" in the middle of a "chain" resets the error channel header I have a chain processing a message coming from a channel ("startChannel"). The message has a custom error ...

10. http inbound-gateway

11. Gateway embedded in a chain restores removed header

Gateway embedded in a chain restores removed header With 2.0.2.BUILD-SNAPSHOT: I have a chain which reads messages from "channel1". On a message I set two headers "h1" and "h2". Then I ...

12. 2.0.3-RELEASE - int-http:outbound-gateway error

Feb 15th, 2011, 05:25 AM #1 celso View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2011 Location Uberlndia, MG, Brazil Posts 5 2.0.3-RELEASE - int-http:outbound-gateway error I ...

13. HTTP Inbound Gateway

HTTP Inbound Gateway I have a couple questions about using the HTTP Inbound Gateway that I can't seem to find documentation on. Here is my use case: Web app through REST ...

14. http:outbound-gateway, ConverterNotFoundException

I've got a http:outbound-gateway that is failing with the error: Code: Caused by: org.springframework.core.convert.ConverterNotFoundException: No converter found capable of converting from 'java.util.UUID' to 'java.util.List' at at when the gateway ...

15. http-outbound-gateway does not work with JAXB2 and MarshallingHttpMessageConverter

http-outbound-gateway does not work with JAXB2 and MarshallingHttpMessageConverter My scenario is to pass a JAXB2 enabled object to an outbound http gateway, and the message conversion will be handled automatically by ...

16. Gateway Schema Validation

I am working on an enhancement and have a couple of questions: 1. Is there any documentation on the development environment usage? Specifically, I'd like to just build and/or run unit ...

17. How to get channel name used in gateway?

Code: it's my gateway configuration. Now i can get the gateway instance from the application context. It's an instance of 'JmsMessageDrivenEndpoint'. ...

18. HTTP Inbound Gateway - return HTTP error on timeout?

HTTP Inbound Gateway - return HTTP error on timeout? I have configured an in my app. Finally figured that I need queue channels in order to make the timeouts work. ...

19. Status of Atmosphere/WebSockets gateway

Status of Atmosphere/WebSockets gateway I've been looking into using websockets in a Spring web app and noticed there was some early work in the SI sandbox done via AsynchHttpRequestHandlingMessagingGateway by Gunnar ...

20. Chaining a http outbound gateway

Hello Just wondering why cant we use the http outbound inside a chain ? I'm getting below issue Code: Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration problem: child BeanDefinition must not be null sample ...

21. Bug in HTTP Inbound gateway while setting content-type?

Bug in HTTP Inbound gateway while setting content-type? Hi, It looks like HTTP Inbound gateway always returns content-type as text/plain to the caller irresepective of what is set in the message ...

22. HTTPS in http:outbound-gateway

23. automatic setting of gateway method and interface names

automatic setting of gateway method and interface names I have multiple gateways reusing the same request channel (common header enrichment), and I would like the method and interface names embedded in ...

24. Unit Testing http:outbound-gateway When Wrapped in EventDrivenConsumer

I would like to unit test (like a real unit test) an http:outbound-gateway configured like so: Code:

25. file:outbound-gateway: Allow SpEL to generate the filename generation

Right now, I have an external bean that generates the filename based on a header value for a file outbound. However, I believe this feature should be available via the expression ...

26. http outbound gateway custom headers

http outbound gateway custom headers I have java object that I would like to pass as a custom header to my request on the http outbound gateway. Below is a snippet ...

27. gateway is returning invalid type

28. Content-Length in http:inbound-gateway Reply Channel

Content-Length in http:inbound-gateway Reply Channel I have a simple REST service provided by SI 2.0.5 that takes a JSON request through an http:inbound-gateway, does some processing in a POJO service activator, ...

29. http:inbound-gateway not returning response

http:inbound-gateway not returning response Hi, I am using an http:inbound-gateway for processing a request on server and sending the response back to the client. The problem is that it always returns ...

30. want to restrict options available with int:gateway to keep the config very simple

want to restrict options available with int:gateway to keep the config very simple Hi, We are looking for developing a thin framework for mediation using spring integration. Depending upon the invoked ...

31. Outbound gateway timeouts and returns nothing

Forwarding Request parameter Map from Http Inbound Gateway to HTTP Outbound gateway Hi, I am using Spring 3.0.6 and Spring Itegration 2.1.0.M3. I am forwarding a HTTP inbound request to a ...

32. Forwarding Request Parameters from Inbound Gateway to Outbound Gateway

Forwarding Request Parameters from Inbound Gateway to Outbound Gateway Hi, I am using Spring 3.0.6 and Integration 2.1.0 M3. I am forwarding one request from Inbound Gateway to outbound gateway. I ...

33. Suggestion: "Listenable" Futures for async gateway

Suggestion: "Listenable" Futures for async gateway Async gateway currently allows a Future implementation to be returned. What about supporting a ListenableFuture implementation as well? This type of Future would allow the ...

34. bad gateway

bad gateway Hello, I'm using remoting 1.2.7 and all works fine.... on some machines:-( If i use the same application on some machines it works and on some in the same ...

35. Bad Gateway - Error 502

Bad Gateway - Error 502 Hello. A very simple app we are creating has to connect to a Web Service, to import a not-so-simple XML response. I am getting an error ...

36. Gateway questions and sugestions

Gateway questions and sugestions I spend the last few days implementing a Gateway and I have a few questions and suggestions. Q1) Seeing the example in GatewayProxyFactoryBeanTests, I realised that although ...

37. Http Invoker Gateway

Oct 28th, 2008, 11:06 PM #1 zjulyy View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2008 Posts 18 Http Invoker Gateway I used http invoker gateway in ...

38. Gateway layer

Gateway layer Hi, I just wanted to clarify the position in which the Gateway layer is introduced to the software architecture. Scenario 1 - If the gateway program talks to a ...

39. Gateway not working with RC1.0

Hi, we have used SI 1.0.0.M6 version about one months ago , but this week I found that particular module is completely not working , we use SI Gateway to communicate ...

40. unidirectional counterpart of @Gateway ?

unidirectional counterpart of @Gateway ? Hi all, I have a use-case where I want a component to put a message into a channel, much like an event. First off, i implemented ...

41. Help using httpinvoker:inbound-gateway

Help using httpinvoker:inbound-gateway Hello, I have set up an http invoker example taken from the following post - and executed the timeService successfully. Now what i want to do is ...

42. Declaring a Simple Gateway in XML

public interface MyGateway { @Gateway(requestChannel="") void myOperation1(MyMessage1 myMessage1); @Gateway(requestChannel="") void myOperation2(MyMessage2 myMessage2); }

43. help with http headers in gateway

Currently Http Gateways (both in and outbound) do not seem to support custom http headers. Is there a specific configuration to bring up this support? JMS gateways pass all headers by ...

44. Cannot instantiate Gateway in 2.0.0M1 w/ Spring 3.0.0RC3

Cannot instantiate Gateway in 2.0.0M1 w/ Spring 3.0.0RC3 When attempting to instantiate a Gateway, the following results: Code: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/core/convert/support/DefaultConversionService Gateway Configuration snippet: Code: It ...

45. Setting Charset in outbound-gateway

In section "17.3 Writing files" it is stated that you can configure "the encoding and the charset that will be used". It would be nice if it is possible to do ...

46. Splitter to file outbound gateway- question

Splitter to file outbound gateway- question Hi, The splitter builds a set containing two Message's with strings stored in it and returns the set. The output is going to a file ...

47. Can http:outbound-gateway be part of a chain?

Hi. I am unable to include a http: outbound-gateway in a chain pipeline (...) beacause the 'request-channel' attribute is required. Is this by design? Does annybody know of an out-of-the-box workarund ...

48. Copying header values from gateway request channel to reply

Copying header values from gateway request channel to reply Hello, My current gateway follows a publish-subscribe-channel which adds SEQUENCE_SIZE, SEQUENCE_NUMBER and CORRELATION_ID Message headers tto the messages in its request-channel. After ...

49. Outbound Gateway Dilemma

Outbound Gateway Dilemma I am using a using an outbound gateway in a request/reply scenario. I am able to send one request and receive the reply. Efforts to send a second ...

50. 2.0.0.M5 - http:outbound-gateway expected-response-type guidance

2.0.0.M5 - http:outbound-gateway expected-response-type guidance Hello, I have create a small example (see attached) using Springs RestTemplate and then tried to duplicate the functionality using Spring Integration. I seem to either ...

51. 2.0.0.M5 - http:outbound-gateway losing header values

2.0.0.M5 - http:outbound-gateway losing header values When using the new RestTemplate backed http:outbound-gateway, I appear to be losing header values ($correlationId, $sequenceNumber, $sequenceSize) which are added by a publish-subscribe-channel (with apply-sequence="true") ...

52. Getting into a loop with http outbound gateway

Getting into a loop with http outbound gateway Hi I have a setup like this : - Message received by http inbound channel adapter - Message is sent to a publish ...

53. Gateway timeouts

Gateway timeouts The 2.0.0M7 schema support indicates that gateways throw exceptions on timeout. They appear to actually return null and never throw exceptions. I'm not sure which is correct, but I ...

54. Async gateway reply via callback

Async gateway reply via callback I'm starting out with Spring Integration 2.0 M5. I have a gateway which needs to work asynchronously. I see that an async gateway function has been ...

55. gateway

Thanks for the response. But those sending string and getting response as string. I specifically looking for sending bean and receiving bean as response. Im trying out some example

56. Race condition when using file:outbound-gateway

Race condition when using file:outbound-gateway Hi, I'm encountering a race condition when using the following configuration: Code: ...

57. http:outbound-gateway works in 1.0.4 but not in 2.0.m6

http:outbound-gateway works in 1.0.4 but not in 2.0.m6 1.0.4 configuration looks like below. The message is a HashMap that arrives on request channel "httpPostChannel"

58. Need detail information on http outbound gateway

Need detail information on http outbound gateway Hi, I am beginner to spring integration and working on a requirement where I need to send xml file via http POST to external ...

59. possible bug in http:outbound-gateway (using nightly build)

possible bug in http:outbound-gateway (using nightly build) By default there are about 7 message converters that get registered with RestTemplate, but if i try to install a custom message converter, it ...

60. Outbound Http Gateway Issues

Outbound Http Gateway Issues I upgraded from SI 1.0.4 to 2.0RC1. In upgrading my outbound http gateway I have discovered that it isn't working properly the way it did in 1.0.4. ...

61. HTTP Outbound gateway - 'url' attribute

Using namespace support in application context, HTTP outbound gateway does not show attribute 'url' - however when I use it, it works. It is just that XSD validation shows that I ...

62. inbound gateway -> outbound gateway

inbound gateway -> outbound gateway I'm trying to get my first spring integration sample to work. This is what I like to do: browser(http request) -> inbound gateway -> outbound gateway ...

63. How to correlate int:gateway request and replies without tempReplyChannel header?

How to correlate int:gateway request and replies without tempReplyChannel header? Hi, So imagine I have an int:gateway(interface proxy), a request and reply channel, and a service activator which bounces request messages ...