Form Binding « Web « Spring Q&A


1. Binding multiple objects in a spring form

I have problems with getting my jsp-view right. What I intend to is to send an List that containts questions and each question object is a text field and a List ...

2. Bind a set in a spring form

I am trying to bind a spring form with a set in the command object. In my command class AInstance I defined set as

private Set<BParameter> bParameters = new HashSet<BParameter>();
In jsp I ...

3. What is for? When to use it, and when not to use it?

I am having problems with submitting form data in spring. <spring:bind> seems to be a part of the solution. See my full problem here. The documentation of BindTag

4. Can't get Spring form binding with subclasses to work!

Can't get Spring form binding with subclasses to work! tried the same thing as this thread suggested I added custom edtior. It still doesn't work for me. I found a ...

5.  to bind on object in form.

to bind on object in form. I'm having a wee challenge using the form:select tag and I'm wondering if anyone knows the answer. I realise that this may well have ...

6. Newbie bind question: bind an entire form?

Is it possible to use the bind tag to bind an entire form, instead of binding each control individually? I'm thinking of the way Struts does it (sorry for using the ...

7. [newb] Binding Multiple POJO's and Form Backing Objects

Hi, I am new to Spring and would like to use the MVC framework. AFAIK, I can only bind one POJO to a Controller as the form backing object. What about ...

8. binding to arraylist of objects in my form

binding to arraylist of objects in my form how to you bind to a ArrayList object, because i cant make my work. example: Code: ...formBackingObject(...){ ArrayList objects = new ArrayList(); ...

9. Form submition without binding

Form submition without binding This thread somewhat continues an earlier post called "Form controllers, binding and the "Cancel" action" ( I have a form with multiple fields, some have custom binders, ...

10. Binding form to immutable objects?

Binding form to immutable objects? Hi all, Just would like to know if anybody has done something similar to what we are trying to achieve below. We are developing a latency ...

11. form:form commandName / spring:nestedPath / spring:bind

form:form commandName / spring:nestedPath / spring:bind Wanted to put this up for discussion before submitting as an issue. RE the new form tags, nestedPaths are intended to be supported but don't ...

12. form binding with xslt view

Hey, we're evaluating the xslt view for use with spring. My question is: what is the equivalent way to the jstl version's ? I.e. how can we set up the xslt ...

14. Binding form input to an ArrayList

Binding form input to an ArrayList Hi, I'm using the following Spring convention to bind my input values to an ArrayList: Actually the JSP looks like:

15. Problem with form binding

Hi everybody, i have a class with a int field (and other fields..), and i have a form which i submit to create the class istances. During the submit, i have ...

16. how to bind 2 objets from the same form?

how to bind 2 objets from the same form? Hello! On my page there is a form, which serves 2 domain objects - image descriptor (several text fields) and image data ...

17. spring:bind works but form:select not.

Feb 5th, 2007, 04:55 PM #1 jefo View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2005 Location So Paulo, Brazil Posts 14 spring:bind works but form:select not. ...

18. Binding a form programmatically?

Binding a form programmatically? Hi there, is it possible to bind the form parameters programmatically? In my webflow views I'm rendering the form fields from an XML Schema by transforming the ...

19. Binding forms to command

Hi, In the JSP , I have two forms, each with its own submit button. My problem is that only fields in one form are successfully binding to the command, but ...

20. Binding null to a java boolean from a form:select

Hello all, I'm creating a web mvc enterprise app and I have ran into a speed bump. I am trying to bind the value null to a tag that path's ...

21. multipart form binding

Apart from the file input I have some text input within my "multipart/form-data", but it seams that these fields is not binding to my command class. I am using common-fileUploader for ...

22. form binding: two multi select transfer

form binding: two multi select transfer Hi I have a one to many relationship, where I need to choose multiple values to be associated with an entity. But it is too ...

23. whats the difference in using form:select to using spring:bind in a form

HI i was updating information from a form like this: Code:

24.  and constructing form backing object

and constructing form backing object We are beginning to use Spring in our j2ee application and have a few questions. If I want to show a new form based on ...

25. Binding complex object with forms

Binding complex object with forms Hi Team, I have the following form which I need to submit. Code:


First Name :

26. Binding form:select items at runtime

Binding form:select items at runtime Guys... After a few fruitless hours of searching, I've yet to find an answer. So i throw this out in the hope that someone smarter than ...

27. Question regarding binding

Question regarding binding I'm having an issue with Spring 2.0's tag that I'd like some advice on. I have two classes, UserInfo and Name (details omitted for clarity): Code: ...

28. How to handle the binding if the form which has increasing no. of input fileds?

How to handle the binding if the form which has increasing no. of input fileds? Hi, I have a form with few input text fields in a row and when i ...

29. Form / Binding: Double as Percent

Hi, I try to create a form where the user is able to enter a double representing an interest rate. Now I do not want to show the double formated as ...

30. Decimal separator in spring form binding

Hi, I have tried to search on information how to change the decimal ceparator in forms using spring webmvc. E.g. i have a price input which is bound ...

31. Strange binding occurring using

Strange binding occurring using I'm running into a very odd binding problem using in Spring MVC 2.5. I have the following JSP code: Code: ...

32. The way form binding works

The way form binding works I've got a question about the details of putting an object in the Model, displaying an edit form, then capturing the edited object in the controller ...

33. Bind many-to-may relation in a form

Bind many-to-may relation in a form Hi, I can't find a solution for the following situation. We've got two entities Projects and Employees, which are combined in a many-to-many relation. My ...

34. form:select bind value

The binding value from a form:select tag is a comma separated string, even if the form:select tag is configured to be multiple=false. Binding from my form:select tag sets my form with ...

35. Trouble binding an object to a form:select

Trouble binding an object to a form:select I am having some difficulties binding an object to a form:select. The object is not a primitive type and I create a PropertyEditor for ...

36. Binding and getting the result from a form

Hi All, So what I am trying to is the following: Pass an object to a form by using model.addAttribute( "course", course ); where the course is defined as a sessionAttribute ...

37. form:select binding

Hi all, I'd like to know what's possible and what's not with the

38. Binding of form inputs to command object and retrieval

Hi Everyone, I need to know how can we bind form parameters (inputs) to command object and retrieve them. please provide me an example Best Regards, Ramesh Kangamuthu

39. Spring:bind Vs form:hidden

What exactly is the difference between spring:bind and form:hidden tags? Do they both carry back the values to the controller? What is the best way to carry the selected values back ...

40. Spring Form: Attribute 'value' is required when binding to non-boolean values

Spring Form: Attribute 'value' is required when binding to non-boolean values Hi all, It's all about the Spring form tag . I need to use non-boolean type which is something like: ...

41. Form binding with complex param structure

Hi there, I am a SpringMVC newbie and need help with a complex form request. The form displays a table of objects, all of which can be edited by the user. ...

42. form param bind error

form param bind error I'm using a SimpleFormController which will bind to a command object. There are several fields to bind but one of them is giving me trouble. One of ...

43. Binding enums but displaying 'display name' in forms.

Binding enums but displaying 'display name' in forms. I have some jsps that have a command backing object with some enums types as fields. The jsps currently display the enums values ...

44. Bind to self-defined class in form

Hi folks, I get one question regarding form filed binding. Suppose I have two classes: public class Address { private String roadName; // other fields and getter/setter } public class Order ...

45. form:input becomes string[] after binding error

Hello there, again I have aa problem with the new Spring3 annotated controller. I have got a jsp with a form:input Code: and a controller with this method ...

46. Bind arraylist to form

Bind arraylist to form Can anyone here please help me? I have classes like this: class FatherForm { String name; String surname; String company; ArrayList children; } class ChildForm { String ...

47. Need small help in spring form binding

Hi, We are facing a typcial problem in our project. We are using Spring MVC 2.0.7 version. 1. The problem is that in few cases when jsp pages are submitted and ...

48. InnerHtml with form:select + spring:bind

InnerHtml with form:select + spring:bind I can't get bind to work using innerHTML and javscript to add rows to table dynamically. Without innerHTML, it seems okay... What is the trick that ...

49. Binding Form

Binding Form Hi, I have a jsp with the following form: ...

50. modify form:input after bind errors

Hello everybody, I have a registration form with a form:input bound to command class: Code: On submit this form gets validated: ...

51. Spring forms and binding behavior

Spring forms and binding behavior Hi. I am planning to create a form bean, and I would like to have the form bean wrap a database entity instance. I would like ...