Cookie « Web « Spring Q&A

1. RememberMe Cookie Cleared in Logout

If the user logs out the RememberMeServices cleans up all the remember me data (i.e. db and removes the cookie). The intent of Remember Me is if they close their browser ...

2. Cannot retrieve viewer params/cookies from SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper

Cannot retrieve viewer params/cookies from SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper Hi, I have integrated spring security into a webapp which relies on an authentication servlet outside of the webapp (at different host/url) to determine whether ...

3. Cross domain cookies

Cross domain cookies Hi, I want a user to be able to use a session across multiple sub domains. I understand that by default cookies are subdomain specific and in order ...

4. Remember-me cookie sent and processed multiple times during login

Remember-me cookie sent and processed multiple times during login I can't wrap my mind around this one. When the user attempts to visit my site, the browser, of course, sends multiple ...

5. remember me cookie not created,

remember me cookie not created, Hello Everyone, I am trying to use remember me service in spring security 3.1. However when i login, remember me cookie is not created. Code:

6. Remember Me for Custom Login Screen - Cookie based approach

Remember Me for Custom Login Screen - Cookie based approach Hi I am new to spring framework trying to use Spring Security for remember me in my Application. (cookie based approach) ...

7. Unable to set cookie after auethentication

Hi guys. I'm working on a project with custom spring security implementation. One of the custom features is that during the authentication process we should set some internal session id cookie ...

8. PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices and cookies

PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices and cookies Hey, i need to save the cookie signature of browser when remember me option is actived. I have this security configuration: Code:

9. Cookie after successful login

Hi, I'd like to set a cookie to user's response right after he logges in. I've tried to use event listeners, but they are not web aware. Any ideas? Thanks Pavel ...

10. Bug with Cookie Locale Resolver

Bug with Cookie Locale Resolver I have tested my code using both Spring 1.2.6 and 2.0-M2 and with both jetty 6 and Tomcat 5.5 using Sun's JDK 1.5.x It seems there ...

11. Multiple Cookie

Hello team, I m using acegi for security. Even after logging out from my application, by clicking on the browser back button, users are able to see my home page. How ...

12. TokenBasedRememberMeServices - cookie max age

All, Using Acegi 1.0.1. I was playing around with the TokenBasedRememberMeServices and got it working. I set the "tokenValiditySeconds" to 7200 (ie. 2 hours). Only, I noticed that while the log ...

13. Cookie Question

Cookie Question This was originally posted on August 3, under the title, "Dueling Cookies" but was never addressed on the forum. At this point, I'm mostly curious if I have asked ...

14. LocaleCookieResolver wrong Maxage because of buggy javax.servlet.http.Cookie?

If i set my localeResolver like this Code: i get a cookie like this: Code: Set-Cookie: org...=en;...;expires=Mon, 17-Sep-74 12:38:15... this is wrong, because the year should be ...

15. Using Spring's RedirectView w/o cookies enabled

Using Spring's RedirectView w/o cookies enabled Spring's RedirectView provides a nice and easy way to decouple POST requests. Unfortunately we do not have control over the cookie situation of our users, ...

16. What tool do you recommend for deleting cookies and history

What tool do you recommend for deleting cookies and history I need to take my computer to a computer repair shop for an upgrade, and I want to erase all sensitive ...

17. Write cookie with addition of filter in filterChainProxy?

Write cookie with addition of filter in filterChainProxy? I would like to write out a cookie to the client on a successful login. I am thinking that I can add my ...

18. Accessing a cookie from an AuthenticationManagerProvider

Accessing a cookie from an AuthenticationManagerProvider Hi, I am currently using ACEGI with a custom AuthenticationManager that uses formbased authentication. I would like to add the following option for logging in: ...

19. set a cookie with HttpInvoker

Hi, Is it possible to add a cookie to a HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean? I've got a RicheClient Application which is functioning with HttpInvoker, but for security reasons i need to add a cookie ...

20. [Cookie]How to?

21. how to remove cookies in jsp?

22. locale-cookie in not recognised by CookieLocaleResolver

locale-cookie in not recognised by CookieLocaleResolver In my web-app i save a cookie for every user, default is sv_SE. But they can change it to other locales and that works fine. ...

23. Remember me cookie

Remember me cookie I want to be able to add 24 hours the the remember me cookie expiration every time a user logs in using the cookie. In essence, I want ...

24. set up locale (based on cookie and parameter)

25. Remember me cookie lost

Remember me cookie lost Hi all, I got a problem about remember me cookie here. The cookie can be set after I click the checkbox. After I closed the brower and ...

26. javascript cookie

javascript cookie Requirement: In Login Page, there r 2 text fields (for username and pwd) and 1 checkbox. If we click that checkbox, the username will be stored in cookie. From ...

27. change path in cookie in many virtuals

change path in cookie in many virtuals Hello i write simple forum/blog application Now i must create new virtual host in tomcat configuration and deploy war I think is simpler... When ...

28. 3.0.M4 possible bug in org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.CookieLocaleR esolver

3.0.M4 possible bug in org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.CookieLocaleR esolver Hi, I'm upgrading a functioning 2.5 app to the most recent 3.0 (M4) release. I have the following bean definition the bombs in 3.0 M4: ...

29. remember-me cookie not set

remember-me cookie not set I'm having a devil of a time getting a remember me cookie to be set on the browser (any: Chrome, FireFox, IE). Here's the message I see ...

30. Problem with extracting cookie path

Hello, Ever since upgrading to Spring Security 3.0.1 yesterday our remember-me cookies are no longer working. I noticed the recent change in the extractRememberMeCookie() method (SEC-1356) which seems okay, but cookies[i].getPath() ...

31. Cookies in ServletRequest from previous browser requests

Feb 9th, 2010, 04:26 PM #1 ShawnClark View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Dec 2009 Posts 8 Cookies in ServletRequest from previous browser requests Hello, I ...

32. Cookie stealing

HI, While inspecting "remember me" services I found out that somebody can easily steal cookie and log in to an application, using it. So, I have a question - Why didn't ...

33. Clear cookie issue?

greetings all iam using persistent logins table to store cookies and i want to clear cookie for the user when he logs out (from the user machine and from the database) ...

34. can AbstarctWizardFormController become cookie-enabled?

can AbstarctWizardFormController become cookie-enabled? Hello everyone, I am a newbie in Spring MVC architecture and now face a problem about the AbstarctWizardFormController. The scenario is quite simple, first the user fills ...

35. HttpOutboundEndpoint and Cookies

HttpOutboundEndpoint and Cookies Hi Guys, I looked at this thread( and needed to use HttpOutboundEndpoint for my small POC. Basically, I need to post some data as HTTP request to ...

36. newbie: help with cookies

newbie: help with cookies Hi, I'm trying to create a simple controller which sets a cookie via response.addCookie(...) and returns a view, but the addCookie call seems to fail (though silently). ...

37. Upgrade to v3.0.3 - Cookie Creation Issues

I recently upgraded Spring Security to v 3.0.3 from 2.0.4. After the upgrade custom cookies are not being set. No errors. I debugged through the java code and I can see ...

38. Implementing Unsupported Cookie browsing through disable-url-rewriting

Implementing Unsupported Cookie browsing through disable-url-rewriting Hi, looking at SEC-1052 I see Spring Security already implements a mechanism for disabling URL rewriting in a secured application, by basically wrapping the response ...