ComboBoxBinding « Web « Spring Q&A

1. Over-eager ComboBoxBinding...

Over-eager ComboBoxBinding... Hi Has anyone noticed how many times the ComboBoxBinding fires events? I have a listener on a model for a property that is bound to a ComboBox. Code: .. ...

2. Refreshing values in a ComboBoxBinding?

Refreshing values in a ComboBoxBinding? Hi All I have a question about ComboBoxBinding and Associated Binder. I would like the options in a bound ComboBox to change when some other values ...

3. New ComboBoxBinding and default value.

New ComboBoxBinding and default value. Hi ComboBoxBinding changed a few times during January. Now by using the latest code fom CVS, I have noticed a change in behaviour (well my users ...

4. Add Empty Value in a ComboBoxBinding

Hi, I would like to add an EmptyValue in a ComboBoxBinding. The idea is when this line is selected the returned value is null. Here is my current code: Code: List ...

5. Problem creating comboboxbinding

Problem creating comboboxbinding I'm trying to create a comboboxbinding, but I always get an error like this Code: org.springframework.binding.convert.ConversionException: Unable to convert value '[be.dovre.model.Person@1368c5d, be.dovre.model.Person@3945e2]' of type 'java.util.ArrayList' to class 'javax.swing.ListModel'; ...