CheckBox 2 « Web « Spring Q&A

1. Bind to List

I could be wrong (I'm not a Spring guru) but if you wish to bind to a complex object you will need to create a Property Editor to Stringify/Beanify your object. ...

2. cannot check box in form:checkboxes

cannot select box in form:checkboxes Hi, I have form:checkboxes that the data came from referenceData. I can retrieve the data but when I select one of the checkboxes and click submit, ...

3. Problems checkbox

Hi, I have some problems on how to use the checkbox. I would need a very simple example on how to create and control the checkbox. Someone can help me? Thank ...

4. checkbox

checkbox Hi, I have a problem with the use of checkbox, my file .jsp is this: . .

Interests: Quidditch:

5. how to show errors for checkbox(es)

how to show errors for checkbox(es) here is what i want to do. a.) User selects clicks on checkbox(es) from a page. b.) User hits submit. b1.) No error continue. b2.) ...

6. checkbox issue: value = true ( always )

hi all I have looked in numerous checkbox issues in this forum. but I am unable to locate which highlights the simple issue that I am trying to figure out. the ...

7. multiple checkbox and spring:bind

Hi I have a map Code: Map roles = new HashMap() and i am trying to use this map to bind value of check boxes to the boolean value, so when ...

8. @RequestParam and boolean for checkbox

@RequestParam and boolean for checkbox OK, this might be an unusual way of doing this, but it still feels inconsistent. Say I have a new MVC annotated method (I've used + ...

10. form:checkboxes problem - onSubmit doesnt start

I use form:checkboxes tag, it display properly. If I don't choose any option, submit works fine, but when I select element from the checkboxes, the submit doesnt work, it loads the ...

11. A problem with form:checkboxes

First, sorry for my english Well, now... I have a class A Code: class A { private List listB = new ArrayList(); public List getListB() {...} public void setListB(List listB) {...} ...

12. Checkbox as a request parameter in 2.6.5

Hello there. I am having problems getting an unchecked checkbox to appear as a request parameter. The workaround involving a hidden field with a name preceded by an underscore does not ...

13. How to Set Checkboxes

How to Set Checkboxes Hello I have form that building using a SimpleFormController. One of the items that I need to show on the form is an array of Checkboxes. I ...

14. Faking checkboxes with hidden inputs?

Faking checkboxes with hidden inputs? This may be an odd question, but I'm trying to find some way to invoke a custom PropertyEditor on multiple values that are stored in a ...

15. Checkboxes with additional, unspecified options?

Checkboxes with additional, unspecified options? What would be the best practice for creating a group of form:checkbox(es) where some have pre-specified labels and some have simple text inputs so that the ...

17. i18n for label of

I found a better solution. One can put it into a custom jstl function, e.g.: value = "${myFunc:message(foo)}" Works fine for me.

18.  how to have checked by default

how to have checked by default I have List of objects of MyClass. MyClass has "equals" method that works correct. Also in my controller I have CustomerCollectionEditor that coverts string ...

19. Issue With Checkbox.

Issue With Checkbox. Hi,I have three checkboxes each bound to a POJO. Code:

20. Spring issue

Spring issue I need to know how to have a check box pre-selected using the tag. I am using an AbstractWizardFormController where the users can go back to the ...

21. Spring:bind to multiple checkboxes

Spring:bind to multiple checkboxes Hello, We are using Spring (MVC) 2.5.5 and require help as to how to bind an arraylist values within an object to multiple checkboxes. User object can ...

22. How to make selected boxes checked with the form:checkboxes tag?

The form:checkboxes works fine for creating a new entry when the path is bound to an array of String type, but not any collection data types. When I bring up the ...

24. Not able to save checkbox values when in using spring

Not able to save checkbox values when in using spring Hi, I have the below jsp named jsp.doc.I have to build a dynamic table using the list value.The list value is ...

25. why check boxes not stay 'checked' when edit

26. Bind object to checkboxes

Can i bind object (say Permission) on checkboxes? class Permission { private int value; public int getValue() {return value;} public void setValue(value) {this.value = value;} } (or value="1") ...

27. why checkboxes not checked?

Code: private ModelAndView createEditViewModelAndView(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { Employer employer = employerManager .findByEmployerID(ServletRequestUtils.getRequiredIntParameter( request, "id")); bind(request, employer); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("employer", bindingResult .getModel()); loadSupportDirectories(); positionManager.setPositionList(employer.getPositionList()); return fillMAV(mav); } ...

28. when checkbox is checked?

public class PublicTransport { private Integer id; private String description; //getter and setter @Override public String toString() { return id.toString(); } }

30. Problem with checkboxes and validation

Problem with checkboxes and validation Hi all, I am having problem with dynamic checkboxes. The code is following: form.jsp Code: ...

31. submitting checkboxes

submitting checkboxes :)i am having difficulty submitting checkboxes, i can read them correctly, but once i changed their values and try to save them, i get error. any help would be ...

32. checkbox boolean problem: invalid getter

checkbox boolean problem: invalid getter Hi, I'm using Spring 2.5.6 and I get this exception trying to bind boolean property with a checkbox: Code: org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyException: Invalid property 'accounts[0]' of bean class ...

33. Pass integer value from a checkbox on self submit form JSP to the server

Pass integer value from a checkbox on self submit form JSP to the server How to pass integer value from a checkbox on JSP to the server? None of the following ...

34. form:Checkbox issues

form:Checkbox issues Hi all, I have been trying to make the form:checkbox working and I am halfway to success . I am using spring MVC 2.5 and I managed to display ...

35. Checkbox question

Checkbox question I'm really new to Spring and have a question about the best way to handle the following scenario. I'm using Spring 2.5. Let's say I have the following in ...

36. form:checkbox binding in nested loop

In the Controller, I add a list of Departments to the ModelAttribute, where each department object contains list of Employee objects. On the Employee object, I have a boolean 'inactiveEmployee'. The ...

37. Get value from a checkbox

Apr 22nd, 2010, 09:42 AM #1 chip82 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2010 Posts 2 Get value from a checkbox Hi to everyone.. I'm ...

38. checkbox cannot bind the checked items to List

checkbox cannot bind the checked items to List i follow the Spring reference 2.0.5.RELEASE sample.. class Code: public class Preferences { private boolean receiveNewsletter; private List interests; private String favouriteWord; public ...

39. How to get checkbox checked based on condition

I am trying to get a checkbox checked based on some condition. I am using tag . Which attribute would help me to get it checked. Please help me. Thanks ...

40. Binding Checkbox

Binding Checkbox I am getting following error while trying to bind checkbox with the model in spring MVC can someone help? Error: ========================= org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyExcep tion: Invalid property 'products[0]' of bean class ...

41. Enums + Checkbox + JSR303 = Always Error

Enums + Checkbox + JSR303 = Always Error I found something rather bizzare with the StringToEnumConverterFactory class and it only happens when trying to do validation via JSR 303. Enum class ...

42. Potential issue with checkbox control(1.1.0.M2)

Hi there, I ran into an interesting behavior dealing with checkboxes tagx widget... Issue description: I have two checkboxes fields one next to the other in a page(jspx). Both widgets created ...

44. Display checkboxes vertically

45. how to insert a space between a checkbox and its text

Hi, With Spring 3.0, how to insert a space between checkbox and its text for the form:checkboxes tag? Thank you in advance for any suggestion and help. Thanks Sam

46. Wrong checkbox values returned after introspection

Wrong checkbox values returned after introspection I am having trouble (unexpected results) with checkbox using Spring MVC 2.5.6. I am relatively new to Spring. I have done a good deal of ...

47. Problem with checkboxes and ajax

$(document).ready( function() { $('form#searchForm').submit( function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var searchForm = $(this).serializeObject(); $.postJSON("/web/group/searchApi", searchForm, function(data) { console.log(data); }) }) })