osgi « Web Service « Spring Q&A

1. How to configure Spring-DM OSGi service for new instance per call?    stackoverflow.com

I'm starting to delve into using Spring DM and OSGi services in an RCP application. I've created a service which is used by another bundle in the RCP application. It does ...

2. Spring WS Osgi samples    stackoverflow.com

We are currently researching OSGI at work and I need to provide a proof of concept on its use with spring dm and spring-ws in the appropriate application server(tomcat / jetty).Does ...

3. Unable to locate Spring NameSpaceHandler - Spring's mvc-basic in equinox using MANIFEST.MF similar to web-console Spring DM sample webapp    stackoverflow.com

Trying to deploy Spring's mvc-basic in Equinox container. Brief error (full below):

org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration problem: Unable to locate Spring   NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace [http://www.springframework.org/schema/context]
Offending resource: ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/spring/app-config.xml]
mvc-basic's app-config.xml:

4. ClasspathXMLApplicationContext problem in apache-servicemix-4.3.0-fuse-00-00    stackoverflow.com

I followed the example in chapter 14 of the book, "Camel in Action". I wish to hide the middleware from by business logic. While developing using "camel:run:", everything seemed to work ...

5. How do i instantiate a spring service in a standalone client    stackoverflow.com

We have a Service as a OSGi bundle deployed on a Virgo server and is running ACTIVE. What is the procedure to instantiate it in a Standalone client. (Client can be run ...

6. Eclipse ECF Vs Apache CXF    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to come up with an architecture which allows me to have OSGi bundles distributed remotely which get discovered dynamically etc. After some time spent looking at what's out there I ...

7. Apache CXF + resource handler with embedded jetty in osgi with spring dm    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to run an apache cxf endpoint in an equinox osgi environment with jetty 7. I need the endpoint to be on address http://x.x.x.x:8080/ws/endpoint1 and have static resources ...

8. Services provider and consumer in Spring DM    stackoverflow.com

I have a bundle that should provide and consum a service. My application context is:

<bean id="dbConsumer" class="service.User">
    <property name="db" ref="DBservice"></property>

<osgi:reference id="DBservice">

9. OSGi : Is there a 'best way' to handle service and registers?    stackoverflow.com

I am starting a project with OSGi and I am facing a very important choice while defining the way I will handle service registration etc... If I am not mistaken, I have ...

10. How to find out dependencies of Spring-DM-managed services    stackoverflow.com

Let's say there is an OSGi service managed by Spring-DM. If this service has dependency to other services, and those dependencies are not available yet, this service would just remain ...

11. OSGI Spring MVC JSP framework    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to create a "plug-in" framework for web applications that have these features: Seemless for the developer - can use existing technologies e.g.

  • Spring MVC annotations (e.g. Request Mapping)
  • Hibernate / ...

12. ERROR: java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.SpringBusFactory    stackoverflow.com

Helo! I'm trying to create a Web Service client using CXF. My application is in OSGi. And I use the Felix Framework. But the following error occurs:

[main] ERROR org.apache.cxf.BusFactory - Failed to determine ...

13. Adding aspects on services across OSGi bundles    stackoverflow.com

I have an OSGi bundle (that is not owned by me - so I cannot change it!) that exposes (exports) a service EchoService, and I want to attach an aspect to ...

14. Spring DM OSGi based ReST web service    forum.springsource.org

Hi , I am looking to use Virgo server and deploy Restful service using Spring DM and OSGi. Please let me kow if there are any sample codes. Thx

15. OSGi Web Application(s) Composite View    forum.springsource.org

OSGi Web Application(s) Composite View Hi All, I'm rather new to OSGi, but I'm making good progress in understanding the space thanks to the great Virgo Web Server documentation and GreenPages ...

16. how to use equinox blueprint services in spring osgi dynamic modules.    forum.springsource.org

how to use equinox blueprint services in spring osgi dynamic modules. I have imported the blueprint service in spring configuration file as

17. Implementing a Service Registry in Spring without osgi    forum.springsource.org

Implementing a Service Registry in Spring without osgi Hi folks, I got a quick Question: I'd like to implement some kind of "Service Registry" in Spring (OSGi is not an option). ...

18. Spring-DM web extender cannot look up registered catalina osgi service.    forum.springsource.org

Apr 21st, 2011, 08:37 PM #1 exitstan View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2006 Location Brasil Posts 16 Spring-DM web extender cannot look up registered ...

19. OSGI Service + init-method + exception    forum.springsource.org

OSGI Service + init-method + exception I have a question on better way to avoid a bundle to start when starting services throw an exception. I have a bean and a ...

20. Applying AOP to OSGi service    forum.springsource.org

Applying AOP to OSGi service Hi, is there an elegant way to apply an aspect to all OSGi services registered in an application context? Background: We want to use monitoring for ...

21. OSGi dynamics. Update of backing service.    forum.springsource.org

OSGi dynamics. Update of backing service. Good day! Could you please explain the following feature of OSGi dynamic bundle support with spring-dm? My configuration is described below (Felix 3.2.2): Code: g! ...

22. how to integrate jax-ws with spring DM in osgi?    forum.springsource.org

how to integrate jax-ws with spring DM in osgi? hi,everyone: i develop a jax-ws,it can be run in spring stand alone,however, it can't run in osgi,the exception is: 2011-7-13 9:39:47 com.sun.xml.internal.ws.model.RuntimeModeler ...

23. OSGI for large web app?    forum.springsource.org

Wondering if Spring OSGI a viable solution for large scale web apps (>300 concurrent users). Anyone here as build a production app using Spring OSGi and deployed in tomcat 6.x or ...

24. How to deploy WS over osgi http service.    forum.springsource.org

Im trying to get a spring-ws running on apache Felix. I found some sample via google search, but in all these samples spring-ws related artifacts are packaged and deployed in a ...

25. spring + osgi + web services?    forum.springsource.org

spring + osgi + web services? Hi, I'm pretty new to Spring and have a couple of questions that hopefully someone can answer pretty quickly. My understanding is that Spring can ...

26. Webapp and OSGi Services    forum.springsource.org

Webapp and OSGi Services Hi, hope you can help me, my goal is, that all my services are deployed as a OSGi bundle. the webapp itself not. i think that spring-osgi ...

27. OSGi web application, is it already possible?    forum.springsource.org

OSGi web application, is it already possible? This post is more about Spring Dynamic Modules but as there is no dedicated forum for it, I'm posting here. I've read a few ...

28. Spring-ws 1.5 and osgi    forum.springsource.org

Spring-ws 1.5 and osgi Big time nube here, thanks for your patients.... I created a spring-ws project, and installed it into equinox, and started it. When i do 'ss', the output ...

29. Anyone have the echo ws example working on osgi?    forum.springsource.org

Anyone have the echo ws example working on osgi? I've been struggling for over a week to get the echo ws project working on osgi with no luck. Has anyone gotten ...

30.  supporting OSGi service via AOSGI    forum.springsource.org

supporting OSGi service via AOSGI Hi, I'm attempting to use Equinox Aspects ( http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/incub...ects/index.php ) as weaver in a Spring-DM app. In this case the weaver is available as a ...

31. Exporting prototype bean as OSGi service    forum.springsource.org

This section in the known issue might answer your question. Prototype beans are not fully supported since the OSGi service registry caches the service instance giving you a 'singleton' model. One ...

32. Newbie question: while deploying new versions of services    forum.springsource.org

Newbie question: while deploying new versions of services Hello all, having recently started playing with Spring-DM, I am still trying to grasp it. Having successfully deployed a sample mini set ...

33. Call Spring DM service from another OSGI server    forum.springsource.org

This will be addressed in the next OSGi Spec 4.2 and is called "Distributed OSGi". If you need some remoting stuff for OSGi right now, I would look at the Eclipse ...

34. Using an OSGI service as a spring bean in a non OSGI application    forum.springsource.org

Hi guys, I have an application which is not OSGI aware. It uses spring beans as business objects. Now I would like to convert the business objects into OSGI service modules ...

35. Refreshing an OSGi application context with Compendium service registrations    forum.springsource.org

Refreshing an OSGi application context with Compendium service registrations I'm trying to write a bean that will pull Configuration Admin properties when it is loaded (similar to the declaration in ...

36. osgi + web + extensible web applications    forum.springsource.org

osgi + web + extensible web applications I have been looking for a solution for this use case. I have a web application with 20 dependencies that we write in house. ...

37. Spring + OSGi, beans not as services    forum.springsource.org

Spring + OSGi, beans not as services Hello. I am using knopflerfish and wants to create my OSGi-bundles with Dependency Injection. With Spring, this was a piece of cake, with Spring ...

38. Factory Methods as OSGI services    forum.springsource.org

Factory Methods as OSGI services hi, I have a class that implements 2 interfaces Class ServiceImp implements Interface1, Interface2 It has a static factory method getInstance which accepts some paramerts to ...

39. Spring AOP advice as OSGi Service throws BeanCurrentlyInCreationException    forum.springsource.org

Spring AOP advice as OSGi Service throws BeanCurrentlyInCreationException I am trying to create an spring DM powered OSGi bundle (Bundle-A) which had an AOP advice and a client osgi bundle (Bundle-B) ...

40. Spring Web Services in OSGI    forum.springsource.org

Spring Web Services in OSGI Hi, I'm trying to deploy a spring web service into an OSGI environment and I'm wondering what the best way to do this is (specifically I'm ...

41. Understanding OSGi, multiple instances of service?    forum.springsource.org

Understanding OSGi, multiple instances of service? Hi, I'm starting to evaluate OSGi for a non-web application to determine if it's a good fit. Question I've run into is whether you can ...

42. Using services on OSGi applications    forum.springsource.org

43. Annotations defined in a method are not visible in the osgi service exposed !!!    forum.springsource.org

Annotations defined in a method are not visible in the osgi service exposed !!! Hi, I would like to know if this is a limitation or a error of myself but ...

44. OSGi sets and unit testing services outside OSGi environment    forum.springsource.org

OSGi sets and unit testing services outside OSGi environment I have read in several places that I should separate out "osgi stuff" from "regular bean stuff" and place them in two ...

45. Mandatory service reference and OSGi service dynamics    forum.springsource.org

Mandatory service reference and OSGi service dynamics I have 2 bundles: - bundle Server exports service 'S'; - bundle Client has mandatory (cardinality="1..1") reference to service 'S'. What should happen with ...

46. Autowiring Fails On OSGi Service Call    forum.springsource.org

Autowiring Fails On OSGi Service Call Hi, I am having a strange issue that I can't seem to figure out. I have an OSGi service that requires a bean to be ...

47. Need Help developing a web front end for a modularized application (OSGi bundles)    forum.springsource.org

Need Help developing a web front end for a modularized application (OSGi bundles) I am currently looking at options to develop a webapp to configure/interact various application bundles/ modules deployed in ...

48. Exposing task pool of a channel as a OSgi service    forum.springsource.org

Exposing task pool of a channel as a OSgi service We are planning to use Spring integration for our project along with spring dm server. we plan to define a common ...

49. JAX-RS and OSGi    forum.springsource.org

JAX-RS and OSGi I have installed the Spring bundle for JAX-RS. I am familiar with JAX_RS enough to start with the annotations, etc. What I can't seem to figure out is ...

51. BeanPostProcessor to make @Service classes OSGi services?    forum.springsource.org

I'm looking for some kind of bean post-processor that would essentially map @Service classes found from a component-scan to corresponding definitions. It appears that each OSGi service has to be ...

52. Is that possible to get osgi service reference without proxy?    forum.springsource.org

It's easy to get an OSGi service with following simple configuration: While it always return a proxy to original bean or service exposed by other bundles. I am ...

53. Embedding OSGi in web applications.    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, First of great job on Spring Dynamic Modules, In my opinion it brings OSGi to the masses. Unfortunately I do not think I can use Spring DM with our ...

54. class MessageDispatcherServlet not found error in OSGI webapp    forum.springsource.org

Hi I am deploying a OSGI Web bundle with a webservice using spring-ws. When I try to access the web context with the url (such as http://localhost:8080/web/) I get the following ...

55. Using "SimpleHttpInvokerServiceExporter" with "OSGi Http Service"    forum.springsource.org

Is it possible to use "SimpleHttpInvokerServiceExporter" and "SimpleHessianServiceExporter" with OSGi HTTP Service instead with "com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer". Currently I have "com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer" for "SimpleHttpInvokerServiceExporter" and "SimpleHessianServiceExporter" and "OSGi HTTP Server" for my Servlets. I ...

56. Problem using service through OSGI registry    forum.springsource.org

Problem using service through OSGI registry I am trying to consume web service from a Spring Dynamic Module. I have configured the JaxRpcProxy as below and injecting this bean as a ...

57. Exported OSGi Service with @Scope("prototype")    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have several services which I'd like to export as OSGi services. All of these services have @Scope("prototype"). When they are exported as OSGi services, is the prototype scope preserved? ...

58. How to change current (OSGI) service?    forum.springsource.org

I need some help with Roo and OSGi services. We are implementing an add-on that needs to change the current active service (for example WebScaffold) by another after command execution. How ...

59. Validation error while register OSGI service if SecurityManager is set    forum.springsource.org

Validation error while register OSGI service if SecurityManager is set Method of Inner class should use "AbstractOsgiBundleApplicationContext.this" instead of "this". The method is listed below: void org.springframework.osgi.context.support.AbstractO sgiBundleApplicationContext.publishContextAsOsgiSe rviceIfNecessary() // Publish ...

60. JSF and OSGI services    forum.springsource.org

I'm new to Spring DM and I'm trying to inject OSGI services to JSF controllers, but I don't know why it's not working. I find only examples using Spring MVC framework. ...

61. DataSource as OSGI service on dm server 2.0.2    forum.springsource.org

Aug 10th, 2010, 11:31 AM #1 fungin View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2009 Location Pozna, Poland Posts 23 DataSource as OSGI service on dm ...

62. Spring WS - OSGi    forum.springsource.org

Anyone know where I can pickup a sample on how to get this type of web service in a OSGi container with tomcat application server. Thanks,

63. Spring Dynamic Modules and OSGi remote services    forum.springsource.org

Hi! I am looking for an implementation of the OSGi remote services (defined in OSGi 4.2). I had a look at some existing frameworks (ECF, r-osgi, d-osgi), but none of them ...

64. controllers as osgi services and dynamically HandlerMapping    forum.springsource.org

controllers as osgi services and dynamically HandlerMapping Hey... I have a spring MVC application with a set of controllers. Now i want to isolate them in separat bundles an expose them ...

65. Try to use osgi compendium services    forum.springsource.org

Nov 26th, 2010, 08:03 PM #1 hsyn View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2009 Posts 2 Try to use osgi compendium services Hi everybody, i ...

66. @controller component-scan in OSGI service    forum.springsource.org

@controller component-scan in OSGI service Hi... i use an AbstractController as a baseclass for all my controllers in a spring MVC application which im turning into shared services application using spring ...