mvc « Web Service « Spring Q&A

1. What are all the portlet classes in Spring mvc?

In Spring MVC there seem to be two parallel class hierarchies, one with portlet, one without. What is that? Why is it so and what should I use.

2. Spring MVC web app i18n

In a web application written using spring-MVC, I want to allow users to change the current language by clicking on a link which text is the name of the language. I ...

3. spring MVC sample web app

I'm looking for an example Spring MVC 2.5 web app that I can easily:

  • Setup as a project in Eclipse
  • Deploy to a local app server (using Ant/Maven)
There are a couple of example ...

4. How should business errors be handled in a web application?

Say that I've got a web application that can store Persons in a database. Every Person must have a unique email address (or username or whatever). If a user ...

5. Componentization of web project

I have been working on spring-mvc for last 3 months and its been lot productive compared to my earlier work. I kept adding lot of featuers in the web application and now ...

6. How do you model form changes under Spring MVC?

Please bare with me as I try to abstract this problem. Say your writing a web page for fruit vendors using Spring MVC's SimpleFormController, version 2.5.6. On this page the ...

7. Multilingual web application problem

I am working on Spring web application and my application is multilingual. I have created the ResourceBundle property files as and In my start page, I have set by default ...

8. How to write a Spring/JavaEE/web application installer?

I am in the process of converting a legacy system into a Spring JavaEE application and have gotten stuck trying to design the install process. Basically when the application starts up, ...

9. What is wrong about my embedded jetty spring web application configuration?

I have a spring application that uses an embedded Jetty instance. Since I am programmatically defining my web.xml, here is how I am adding the dispatcher.

    DispatcherServlet dispatcherServlet ...

10. Ajax and sophisticated graphics in Java web-app

In my opinion WWW will sooner or later come to full-blown AJAX web-sites, so that we wouldn't have page reloads every time you click somewhere.

Now I want you to ask this.

11. What is the most up-to-date way to write Java web applications and web-based front-end?

What is the most up-to-date way to write Java web-based applications and front-end ? What is it? JSF, JSF2 or some framework like Spring MVC or Tapestry? What are pros and cons of ...

12. What are the principles of developing web-applications with action-based java frameworks?

Background I'm going to develop a new web-application with java. It's not very big or very complex and I have enough time until it'll "officially" start. I have some JSF/Facelets development ...

13. Create a file and store in Java web application folder

I would like to create an xml file and store in a folder within my spring Mvc web application. I can get the root of my application with request.getContextPath() but how do i ...

14. spring mvc 3.0 small web application not quite working

i'm creating a very simple (hello World quality) web application using spring mvc 3.0. when deploying the application on tomcat 6.0.26 and i try to open http://localhost:8080/protoweb/helloWorld.html i get 404, resource ...

15. Which technology should I choose for 3d globe web application

i would like to ask you for an advice. I'm currently developing application in Spring consisting of Spring CRUD application as backend, SpringMVC application as tool for management and third part is ...

16. RESTEasy-Spring integrated webapp throws cryptic error: NoResourceFoundFailure

I am working on a webapp that uses both the Spring Framework and RESTEasy. The app has been configured to send REST requests for some time, but I recently set it ...

17. when setting up a web app in IDEA, can someone help me with Facets/Modules and Artifacts

using IDEA ultimate, how would I start a project and have the following layout:

So from what I understand, once this is setup I have to now somehow wire things using Modules/Artifacts/Facets. I ...

18. Spring configs for webapps -> location in WEB-INF mandatory?

I have just finished building my up from bottom (database) over DAO and business layer. Now I am getting warm with the presentation layer for which I chose Spring MVC. I ...

19. Does Spring 3.0 provides a service definition file?

I'm wondering about Spring 3.0 whether it provides an automatically generated service definition page after I defined services. With SOAP we have a WSDL file which contains WHAT, HOW and WHERE we ...

20. Please recommend best practice for integrating apache lucene with a MVC/spring web app

I've been working on a web application using Spring/MVC which is coming along nicely. We'd like to now integrate apache lucene to index a lot of the domain objects for a ...

21. How to manage database settings from within a Spring MVC web application?

I have been working with Spring Framework 3.0 for the last couple weeks and have been really impressed. This is my first project with Java. My main problem is that I ...

22. Spring 3 web request interceptor - how do I get BindingResult?

I realy appreciate Spring 3 anoation driven mapping of Web Controllers I have a lot of Controllers with signatures like:

@RequestMapping(value = "solicitation/create",method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String handleSubmitForm(Model model, @ModelAttribute("solicitation") Solicitation  solicitation, BindingResult ...

23. Can I use Spring MVC and Spring WS in one single application?

Basically there is a back-end application that is exposing both SOAP as well as RESTful services. I have decided to use Spring WS 1.5.8 for SOAP services, and
Spring MVC 3.0 for RESTful ...

24. Spring MVC Web Services Dispatcher

I'm trying to build web Service integrated in DispatcherServlet insted of MessageDispatcherServlet, according to Spring ws it's possible. I'm just tying to follow tutorials and implement code according to tutorials. Tomcat starts ...

25. @Service are constructed twice

I have a problem with my Spring application where my @Service classes are being created twice when the application starts. I know this is a problem with my configuration, as I've ...

26. Velocity's resourceTool integration with Spring Framework

hey guys, I'm trying to integrate a resourceTool into spring. it worked just fine,only 1 problem, default encoding was ISO-8859-1. so..a bit of research and i came up with 3 possible solutions. I. add a ...

27. Does Spring MVC support versioning of static assets (css, js and images )

Does Spring MVC support versioning of static assets (css, js and images ) by appending the last-modified-date to the asset file names which effectively serves, caches, and invalidates the assets automatically ? Rails supports ...

28. Change locale within page under Spring MVC + Tiles + JSTL

I'm overlooking something and I hope someone can provide me with a resource on this. I am utilizing spring 2.5.6 in my application with Tiles 2.2.2. I have a requirement to display certain ...

29. Basics of Spring formatter service

Really basic question: If I use Springs default formatters, how do I actually render a formatted string. Can someone help me complete the code example below, what goes in the ???:

@DateTimeFormat(pattern="yyyy-MMM-dd hh:mmaa");
DateTime ...

30. When should I use html's
and when spring's in Spring MVC web app?

I am wondering is it good practice to write all forms in spring tags or can I mix spring form tags with html form tags?

31. What is @service in spring mvc

I want to ask that if i use @Service on Service class then i don't need to make Service class bean in servlet xml file or i have to do both ...

32. what is spring web services used for

I am building websites in spring MVC. as there are many spring projects , i wanted know what will be scenario when spring web Services is used for. i mean what can ...

33. understanding @service and race condition

I annotate a class with @service . my @controller class will call @service through @autowired. any race condition that anyone can foresee at the @service class ,method ? if i ...

34. what is the real use case scenario for spring conversion service

I was reading this questions ConversionService in Spring But i still dont get it under what scenarios we need to do conversion. Can someone give me example of what can be real ...

35. Spring MVC request with no view rendered

I having trouble with a Spring configuration for the following functionality - I need the view requests to behave normally (render the view) and the service requests to simply execute without ...

36. Is it possible to add JSF component to Spring MVC web application?

I have Spring MVC web application and I want to add one JSF component to some pages. Is it possible to add JSF component to Spring MVC? Does requests to pages ...

37. How to reenginering web application from Spring MVC to JSF?

What can I use for data access, timers etc? Seam, jBoss, GlassFish? Or simply Tomcat + JSF + Hibernate/JPA? I need add just one JSF component to Spring MVC pages but I ...

38. Starting a project with Spring 3

At work we have a (large... 1-2 years of development ahead with a dozen of people in the team) project that will soon start and the "higher ups" are considering Spring ...

39. I want to create a web application using spring3.0 and java

I am new into software may be you think my question is silly and i am sorry for that.

40. Standard project/package structure of a j2ee web application

We are starting a new j2ee web application using Spring, Sping MVC and Hibernate. We will most probably be using maven also. Before starting we need to come up with the project/package ...

41. For Spring MVC backend, what are the top 10 UI frameworks available?

My backend is fixed. Java Spring MVC. I would like to know what are the UI frameworks used by fellow developers with great success for ajax type webapplication I am familiar with only ...

42. web application with web and sms and mobile client

Hi I am developing a web application using spring mvc which should support SMS as a client (taking input through SMS from users) and later mobile app as client. What should ...

43. Spring MVC 3 and Ajax library advice

I'm developing a webapp with Hibernate+Spring 3 (Spring MVC, JSP): I'd like to create some divs with AJAX style (i.e. no need to refresh all the page, independent update of each ...

44. Environment-specific configuration for a Spring-based web application?

How can I know the deployment environment of a web application, e.g. whether it is local, dev, qa or prod, etc. Is there any way I can determine this in spring ...

45. LazyInitializationException in Spring service

I'm developing an application in Spring 3.0.5 and Hibernate 3.6.2, and currently i'm working in a JSON controller, but i have this exception and i can't understand why is happening. I've ...

46. How to integrate Web-service in existing Web project

I am new to Web-Services, I want to Integrate Web-service in my existing web project; but I am confused how to do it...? Can any one tell me how to do it? ...

47. Spring MVC what is service component?

Could anyone please give some examples of possible service. I am going through the book, but cannot understand what can the service do? It provides processed data for modelAndView to controller, ...

48. Minify JavaScript code in a JSPX page (in a Spring MVC WebApp)

So, I have a jspx page which has JS code in it, and part of the code is generated dynamically, so I can't minify and paste the minified code. E.g. Let's imagine ...

49. Getting video while upload is happening

I intend to make a webservice that allows the user to upload the video and transcode it to different formats. As you can imagine the size of the video can be ...

50. Where to put j2ee web app's application-specific config/properties/APP_HOME?

#1 - Where is the common location for storing web app configuration that needs to persist after the app is restarted and redeployed? It must be somewhere outside the web app's ...

51. How to migrate a desktop application to web application by using JSF + Hibernate + Spring?

I was going to migrate a desktop application which is done in java in to a web app. It has almost 15 packages and more than 100 classes. And I was ...

52. Default view in spring web app

I am trying to call a controller by default in my app when it starts.
Something like when the app runs it goes into following controller by default. ...

53. spring web application initialization from database on startup

Spring 3.1 + Tomcat I have a bit of a design question here: There are a group of categories that have been specified in a database. These categories can be considered global in ...

54. Using prototype scope with Spring for service facade and tiers

I wanted to understand better how and when it makes sense to use the prototype scope in Spring. Seems that it is similar how the stateless session beans have been handled ...

55. file upload in form field for mobile web app

i am developing mobile web app using spring(spring mvc). I need to devlope a form which enables the user to upload file(resume) and on submit it will be stored in database. I ...

56. Is there a templating language similar to Razor for Java Spring web applications?

I'm in love with razor templates in .NET MVC 3. Is there anything close for java? I'd be looking for something where I could avoid using JSTL tags and instead do something ...

57. Creating Java Spring MVC 3 based application with services,

I am new to Spring MVC3 framework in java but I am familiar with java coding. I want to write two application using this framework.

  1. First application recieves requests through a SOAP ...

58. Spring mvc 3 Web app design

In a Spring MVC app, I use a unique controller where users populate info of their session (I'm using @SessionAttributes("Form") ).

1) It looks that it works fine, but is it ...

59. Spring web application- java.lang.NullPointerException with jdbcTemplate

I am writing a simple spring 3.0 restful webservice with jdbcTemplate but i get a java.lang.NullPointerException each time i try to access a resource. I have created a DAO like this

public interface MisCodeDao ...

60. Generate charts in webapp with Spring MVC

I need to display charts in a web application developped with spring mvc. What's the best library to do that? Prepare data and generate charts with JFreechart in spring controller or use ...

61. Why is my simple springmvc web application shutting down Jetty?

Looking at my log files of a simple springmvc application (the homecontroller index action outputs 'hello world'), it seems the site is shutting down for some reason? I simply pushed my .war ...

62. spring mvc + desktop app = best protocol and gui framework

I wanna create spring app which will consists of 2 parts :

  • spring backend + spring mvc (server + web app)
  • desktop app which need to acces to backend
Whats best protocol to ...

63. Should web service be separate from web site?

I am building a website and also want to build a REST web service for accessing a lot of the same functionality (using google app engine and spring mvc3), and I'm ...

64. Images not shown in JasperReports' html report

I'm working on a reporting web application using JasperReport and Spring MVC 3 to show generated reports (html) into web pages. I'm new to both frameworks and I'm having troubles rendering images ...

65. Spring WS and Spring MVC together.

Hi, I have a spring webservices application and we need to develop a small monitor page which shows performance of service requests, hits, etc. I created two servlets 1. tcherServlet ...

66. Adding MVC to a Spring-ws project

Feb 23rd, 2011, 09:36 AM #1 thomas123456 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2011 Posts 5 How to add MVC to a Spring-ws project? Hi, ...

67. 19.4.1 Exposing the service object with spring mvc doesn't work

after debugging spring I finally found I needed to instanciate in the spring servlet context xml please update the docs, how can we guess this is needed ? ...

68. Problem running a Spring 3 MVC + Hibernate Web App

Problem running a Spring 3 MVC + Hibernate Web App Hi, I am trying to run a simple web application which I got from the internet. It's using Spring 3 MVC ...

69. Deploying spring-ws on an existing spring-mvc application: filter mapping

Hello, In the spring-ws tutorials filter mapping for the MessageDispatcherServlet is defined as /* . If I deploy this web-service as part of a spring-mvc application, this filtering will catch all ...

70. Web application using Spring MVC

Hi Friends, I am new spring framework and I want to do a sample web application using spring framework. That must include following requirments i) Spring MVC concept ii) handle the ...

71. jqGrid in Spring MVC Web App

jqGrid in Spring MVC Web App Dear Friends., I make a jqGrid in my Spring Webapp. But it not show datas.i posted it in many forums also. but not solved yet. ...

72. In-container testing a Spring MVC web app ?

Hi, I would like to do some in-container testing on my Spring MVC app (which has a rich client interface which makes XmlHttpRequests and some DOM manipulation on the JSP pages). ...

73. New webapp, JSF or Spring MVC?

I am going to make a small webapp and I was wondering if JSF and Spring 2.0 is a better choice than using Spring 2.0 and Spring MVC? Regards, BTJ

74. Integration testing a Spring-MVC web app

Jan 16th, 2007, 02:32 AM #1 erics View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2007 Posts 1 Integration testing a Spring-MVC web app Hi, all. New ...

75. Webapp without SpringMVC

Hi! I have a webapp which doesn't use springmvc. It's just a plain webapp but I want to be able to get beans from the factory. I have configured the contextConfigLocation ...

76. Adding web services to an existing MVC application

Adding web services to an existing MVC application I have an existing Spring application. It has an MVC component (I'm using Spring MVC). So I have a WebApplicationContext and an ApplicationContext ...

77. Implement Spring-WS in a Spring MVC-Ageci web app

Well, it seems like you should instruct Acegi not to intercept that URL, just as you would instruct it not to protect your login page.

78. Flow of a Spring MVC Web application

Flow of a Spring MVC Web application Hello, I have been given a Spring MVC application to support, without ever having supported this type of application. So please be easy on ...

79. weblogic9.1 spring mvc + spring ws + jstl

Hi , Iam using spring mv application which consumes a webservice. the client is written using spring-ws. The jstls fail with this condition. Code: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance( at javelin.jsp.JspTagLibraryFeature.parseTldFromWebXML( at ...

80. Help screens for Web app on Spring MVC

Hi, I have an application developed in Spring MVC. Now I have to create help screens for different pages. Is there any good and innovative option apart from static Html files. ...

81. Trying to design/build a web app with Spring MVC

Trying to design/build a web app with Spring MVC Im designing a web app using Spring MVC framework, for the persistence layer, Im using Hibernate, and the views are JSP using ...

82. spring MVC web app with crystal reports

Hi All, I would like to integrate Crystal Reports into my existing spring 2 MVC and spring hibernate web app for pull style reports. I would appreciate any pointers on how ...

83. Spring ws and Spring MVC integration

Sep 18th, 2008, 06:03 AM #1 ricforaf View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Sep 2008 Posts 9 Spring ws and Spring MVC integration Hi all, I ...

84. Spring ws and Spring MVC integration

Sep 18th, 2008, 06:05 AM #1 ricforaf View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Sep 2008 Posts 9 Spring ws and Spring MVC integration Hi all, I ...

85. Reuse Spring MVC arch for Spring WS

Reuse Spring MVC arch for Spring WS Hello Spring Users. I have a spring MVC application with all the *-servlet.xml and application context files, means I am not using annotations. Now ...

86. Spring MVC web application not working.

Hi, I am referring to the tutorial available at for deploying the simpleweb application war provided in the tutorial itself. I already have the spring dm target platform setup. When ...

87. Help with deploying a Spring Web MVC Application to another computer.

Help with deploying a Spring Web MVC Application to another computer. Hi, We have been developing a web application for almost two months now and we will be doing some testing ...

88. Including content from a different web application using freemarker and spring MVC

Including content from a different web application using freemarker and spring MVC I am trying to include content from a page deployed in a different web application in my freemarker ftl ...

89. Pox and Soap together in Spring mvc?

Dear Spring team, I am trying to add additonal ws to existing J2ee app. which alreay has a MessageDispatcherServlet deployed. The existing ws is configured to use soap, but my new ...

91. Web application using Spring MVC