json « Web Service « Spring Q&A

1. Spring 3 JSON with MVC    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to build Spring Web calls that consume and produce application/json formatted requests and responses respectively? Maybe this isn't Spring MVC, I'm not sure. I'm looking for ...

2. Is there an example on how to use Spring 3.0 content negotiation for RESTful services?    stackoverflow.com

I was reading the Spring 3.0 Documentation and Blog Posts (followups) on how to create REST style services with Spring MVC but I can't find any working ...

3. Spring Webservices and Json    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to send json and receive json using spring webservices? Thanks Damien

4. Spring, Jackson and Customization (e.g. CustomDeserializer)    stackoverflow.com

Being still a little unfamiliar with Spring, I have encountered a problem that makes it necessary implementing my a custom deserialzer for Jackson. The procedure is described in a small ...

5. POST request via RestTemplate in JSON    stackoverflow.com

I didn't find any example how to solve my problem, so I want to ask you for help. I can't simply send POST request using RestTemplate object in JSON Every time I ...

6. Architecture of a Spring MVC application with AJAX / JSON / REST    stackoverflow.com

First, I developed a Java EE application with a Adobe Flex frontend and I used BlazeDS. So I had in the Java backend this structure: IServiceX -> ServiceImplX -> IDaoX -> DaoImplX So the ...

7. 406 error when attempting to retrieve JSON from endpoint    stackoverflow.com

I saw a couple other questions of this nature but they didn't quite fit the bill. I am currently trying to return JSON from two different controllers. In one of my controllers, ...

8. Is there a solution for generating a JSON SMD for a Spring 3 REST Controller?    stackoverflow.com

A colleague and I are setting up an architecture for rapid development of rich client-side apps using REST and JSON. Our server is using Spring 3's MVC and REST features ...

9. comment out json before send to client    stackoverflow.com

in spring 3 controller

@RequestMapping(value = "/employee/{id}", RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody Employee getEmployee(@PathVariable long empID) {
    Employee employee = employeeService.getByID(empID);
    return employee;
which file should i modify, so that ...

10. Spring MVC - AJAX/JSON - ResponseBody -> calling a service    stackoverflow.com

I am using Spring MVC and I want to do a AJAX call to get a JSON message with a Set of Person objects. I have this jQuery code:

$(document).ready(function() {

11. best practice json?    stackoverflow.com

when using spring rest server side generate json, it will looks like below

{"userInfo":{"id":123,"userFullName":"full name"}}    with nested 'userInfo'
should json generate this way is consider best practice or should just ...

12. spring prefixjson with responsebody    stackoverflow.com

when controller method return is @responsebody , even if i put

     <property name="prefixJson" value="true" />   
there will no ...

13. REST with Spring and Jackson full data binding    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Spring MVC to handle JSON POST requests. Underneath the covers I'm using the MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter built on the Jackson JSON processor and enabled when you use the mvc:annotation-driven. One of my ...

14. Should JSON RESTful web services use data contract    stackoverflow.com

This is actually a design question. I'm wondering if Spring3.0 REST web services that carries JSON payload provide some kind of data contract similar to traditional web services which follows contract-first design. I ...

15. Spring MVC Controller adds request object to response    stackoverflow.com

I am building a JSON REST service with Spring 3.0.5 and my response contains the object from my request although I did not add it. I am using the MappingJacksonJsonView and ...

16. Spring REST 3 to Support XML and JSON    stackoverflow.com

If we develop REST using Spring MVC, it will support XML and JSON data. I have wrote ContentNegotiationViewResorver in my spring config bean app-servlet.xml


17. spring controller json receive json List    stackoverflow.com

I do post below json contain

{"testListObject":[{"testText":"bbb","testDate":"02.01.2011 00:00:00.000"},{"testText":"aaa","testDate":"01.01.2011 00:00:00.000"}]}
in my spring controller i have
@RequestMapping(value = "/post/tester/", method = RequestMethod.POST)
 public @ResponseBody String postItinerary(@ModelAttribute("testListObject") TestList testList) throws IOException {

    System.out.println("1="+testList); ...

18. spring controller with deserialized list object    stackoverflow.com

@RequestMapping(value = "/tester/", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String  testingonly(@RequestBody List<EachObject> eachobjectlist) throws IOException {
then i do iterate eachobjectlist, but each item inside the list is type LinkedHashMap, ...

19. Handling JSON and form data request with Spring MVC    stackoverflow.com

I'm working on simple Spring-MVC application and I love new Spring REST features. I'd like to use the same method to process regular form and JSON data. It seems to be ...

20. Spring3 REST Web Services with Jackson JSONViews    stackoverflow.com

I got a plain spring3 web project set up and have a controller method like this:

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/book/{id}", headers = "Accept=application/json,application/xml")
public @ResponseBody
Book getBook(@PathVariable final String id)

21. Jersey-Json dependency : error on ConversionServiceAwareObjectMapper.java    stackoverflow.com

I am deploying Jersey in Spring-MVC and trying to produce json output format. I have this annotation @Produces("application/json") in MyResource.java. First, I got an error:

SEVERE: A message body writer ...

22. Spring REST | MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter produces invalid JSON    stackoverflow.com

I've implemented a RESTful web service with Spring. The service responds in XML or JSON based on the Accept header. Here's the context.xml mapping:

  <bean id="xstreamMarshaller" class="org.springframework.oxm.xstream.XStreamMarshaller"/>
  <bean id="xmlMessageConverter"

23. Spring Rest JSON Binding    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to create a Restful service with Spring. A method accepts a "UserContext" object via argument i.e. @RequestBody. The client sends the JSON object with content-type "application/json". But I get the ...

24. Jackson JSON, REST Data Binding & HashMaps problem    stackoverflow.com

I implemented a RESTful web service with Spring and am using Jackson JSON as the serializer / deserializer for JSON objects. However I run into Error 415's when the object that ...

25. Spring REST multiple @RequestBody parameters, possible?    stackoverflow.com

I've implemented a Spring RESTful web service. Using Jackson JSON for Object Mapping. I have a method that accepts two parameters.

public Person createPerson(
    @RequestBody UserContext userContext,

26. Convert SOAP to REST-Json    stackoverflow.com

I have a SOAP web service (using Java, Spring-ws). Now I want to convert it working with REST-Json, What are the steps I must take in my code and what tools, api's, ...

27. Hibernate / JPA friendly Jackson Serializer supporting Jackson 1.8    stackoverflow.com

The custom BeanSerializerFactory in http://kyrill007.livejournal.com/2577.html is the only custom solution I found to allow directly throwing persistent beans to JSON via Spring 3.0, and it works, it only serializes ...

28. Spring WS Controller Class should be able to handle JSON request    stackoverflow.com

my request is like URL?data={JSON object} now I want to invoke specific method based on some key value of the JSON object. How can I do that...

29. How do I make Jackson pretty-print the JSON content it generates?    stackoverflow.com

I use Spring, Jersey and Jackson to provide an API that produces JSON. My @Component has a @Get method that returns Response.ok(entity).build(). That output is pretty compact. How ...

30. spring mvc rest mongo dbobject response    stackoverflow.com

i want to create a spring mvc rest call and the response should be the results from the mongo db (Basic)DBObject. the DBObject is, as far as i know, a JSON ...

31. spring mvc rest response json and xml    stackoverflow.com

i have the requirement to return the result from the database either as a string in xml-structure or as json-structure. i've got a solution, but i don't know, if this one is ...

32. When using Spring MVC for REST, how do you enable Jackson to pretty-print rendered JSON?    stackoverflow.com

While developing REST services using Spring MVC, I would like render JSON 'pretty printed' in development but normal (reduced whitespace) in production.

33. 400 Error when doing Spring Rest Post    stackoverflow.com

I have a Spring Web service that I have to do a Post. This is the current signature.

ScreenResult sendScreenAsPostcard(@RequestParam String listOfRecipients, @RequestParam String message, @RequestParam String userId, @RequestParam String captcha, @RequestParam ...

34. Spring 3 MVC JSON REST response based on header    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to get Spring to return JSON strings from a RESTful service when someone calls it accepting JSON. I'm following some of the examples here. The method looks as follows:

@RequestMapping(value ...

35. How to POST JSON data with Curl from Terminal/Commandline to Test Spring REST?    stackoverflow.com

I use Ubuntu and Curl installed it. I want to test my Spring REST application with Curl. I wrote my POST code at Java side however I want to test it ...

36. Spring MVC RestTemplate POST using JSON    stackoverflow.com

I have a Spring MVC Rest Controller that simply adds a customer record. My Rest Service passes around JSON and works fine when I call it from a web client or ...

37. How do I post JSON data using Spring's RestTemplate?    stackoverflow.com

I don't quite understand how to solve my particular situation given the examples I have found. I am trying to post a JSON string to a URL to create a new ...

38. Java framework to use for JSON based web service    stackoverflow.com

I am in the process of writing a JSON based web service. The service will accept two types of requests: commands (e.g. createOrder) and queries (e.g. getOrders). Each request needs to ...

39. Switch between JSON (Jackson processor) and XML (XStream) or can i use it simultaneously?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to build an Web-Server which can serialize an Object into JSON and XML. Since I've integrated Jackson (using an example-Project) I'm able to access an JSON-Serialized Object via my ...

40. Example Spring MVC project for REST/JSON    stackoverflow.com

I want to design my Spring MVC web application core part (skeleton) with REST + JSON. This means I want to develop several clients (stubs) which communicate with the core (skeleton) ...

41. Spring JSON+RestFul    stackoverflow.com

I have a project that has ability of Core Spring and I want to add RestFul Ability, Actually I want to send and Receive JSON data through Spring Web MVC or Whatelse ...

42. JSonMapping exection when a Spring Rest service is invoked    stackoverflow.com

I have a spring mvc project and am trying to test out a rest services I generated the DAO and Domain objects through MyEclipse. I am attempting to call a service ...

43. Spring JSON Jackson Marshaller adding additional parameter in my response object    stackoverflow.com

This is one of the strangest errors I have encountered in a long time. I have a ServerResponse POJO that I respond with from my Spring MVC REST app using JSON ...

44. Spring MVC Rest / JSON service    stackoverflow.com

I just tried adding this to my sample controller:

@RequestMapping(value="/jsontest", method=RequestMethod.GET)
    public @ResponseBody User getUserAsJson() {

        User jsonUser = new User();

45. Spring MVC and json serialization    stackoverflow.com

I am developing web application with spring mvc and Data sent to client in json format. I want to have some views of same model object thus i can return only ...

46. spring MVC rest operation    stackoverflow.com

I'm new to web develoment, and the Spring MVC framework in particular. I created a controlle, which accept user requests in JSON format. the user operations are quite simple, create, update, delete, ...

47. Spring REST service not consuming JSON    stackoverflow.com

I am having some difficulty using Spring's built-in JSON consumption using Jackson with REST web services. If I define the following:

public void doSomething(@RequestBody User user) {
    System.err.println("In method");

48. JSON Restful, ExtJS Best Practice    forum.springsource.org

JSON Restful, ExtJS Best Practice I have a Ext.data.JsonStore I am using to talk to my Controllers. I set restful=true, and url='/clinic/owners'. This causes Ext.data.JsonStore to generate the update url as ...

49. Spring REST 3 Support XML, JSON, and HTML    forum.springsource.org

50. Spring REST and JSON    forum.springsource.org

Spring REST and JSON Hi, I am not sure whether this is the right place for this post....but still i would like to post it I am working on a project ...

51. RestTemplate and JSON: where is the payload    forum.springsource.org

RestTemplate and JSON: where is the payload I need to connect to a 3rd party REST service. The services support POST/JSON to their endpoint, and insist that the arguments of each ...

52. Advice on json-webapp with hibernate needed    forum.springsource.org

Advice on json-webapp with hibernate needed Hello, I am new to web development. I am playing with a little web-app that is planned to have a presentation layer delivering json-encoded data. ...

53. nulls and "content" in json using REST and jackson library    forum.springsource.org

nulls and "content" in json using REST and jackson library Hi Using Spring REST and JaxB and Jackson works really well thanks. There are a couple of things I'd like to ...

54. Posting using RestTemplate and JSON    forum.springsource.org

Posting using RestTemplate and JSON I don't quite understand how to solve my particular situation given the examples I have found. I am trying to post a JSON string to a ...

55. Output JSON string creating in RestTemplate    forum.springsource.org

Is there anyway to output the JSON string being created when calling postForLocation on RestTemplate? I have debug turned on for org.springframework.web but only see "Writing [com.company.record@fb2345] using [org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJac ksonHttpMessageConverter@78e625]" My ...

56. RestTemplate Json Parameter    forum.springsource.org

RestTemplate Json Parameter Hello, I'm trying to make a rest call using restTemplate.getForObject and one of the parameters is a json string. The issue that I'm having is instead of sending ...

57. Wierd JSON results from REST calls - "{} &&"    forum.springsource.org

Wierd JSON results from REST calls - "{} &&" All of my JSON results from all of my RESTful calls are preceded with: "{} &&" This is very strange as the ...

58. JSON Jackson based Service w/ ConcurrentHashMap?    forum.springsource.org

JSON Jackson based Service w/ ConcurrentHashMap? Hi - New here. Looked around and couldn't find a more relevant forum. Apologies if my question is not in the best forum. I'm working ...

59. JSON Web Service?    forum.springsource.org

JSON Web Service? Hey, I currently have a working webservice in spring, i'm looking to transport the request and response calls using JSON rather than xml. I have set up my ...

60. json webservices interacting with a spring mvc    forum.springsource.org

hi i have a front end which uses webservices to do the processing but i am planning to integrate that stuff with spring webmvc using webservices.Can i do it if so ...

61. How to implement a JSON consuming RESTful WebService?    forum.springsource.org

How to implement a JSON consuming RESTful WebService? Hi, I'm trying to implement a JSON consuming, RESTful WebService with Spring Web MVC. What I actually have is the following controller class... ...

62. RestFull WebService and Spring with *JSON* Request And *JSON* Response.    forum.springsource.org

RestFull WebService and Spring with *JSON* Request And *JSON* Response. Hi, Please help me I'm facing the problem with RestFull Web Services and Spring . My Application is running fine Without ...

64. JSON RESTful service client    forum.springsource.org

JSON RESTful service client Hi all, I've built a RESTful service using Spring MVC version 3.0.2.RELEASE following the ideas in http://blog.springsource.com/2010/01...in-spring-3-0/. When I hit the URL with my browser, I get ...

65. RESTful Services strategy - XML/JSON    forum.springsource.org

RESTful Services strategy - XML/JSON Hi guys, I am really struggling trying to get Spring 3.0.2 to work the way I want it to. Basically here's what I'd like to do. ...

66. Return JSON from RestTemplate    forum.springsource.org

Return JSON from RestTemplate Dear all, help me to understand how I should pass any object to restTemplate.post...() to send a json request to controller. Here is a test method: Code: ...

67. Post request via RestTemplate in json    forum.springsource.org

Hello guys, I didn't find any example how to solve my problem, so I want to ask you for help. I can't simply send POST request using RestTemplate object in JSON ...

68. REST JSON setting up problems    forum.springsource.org

REST JSON setting up problems I have some problems seeting up a REST service with JSON output. Im using spring framework 3.0.5 and tried different jackson versions (1.4.3, 1.6.2). Now I ...