1. spring httpinvoker client can not find the service url stackoverflow.comI have following configuration for the web application. web.xml
2. Http Invoker does NOT invoke aspects that are configured at Service end stackoverflow.comI have a properly configured http invoker setup and in a working condition. For authentication, i use AOP, which essentially adds a authentication bit into a thread local based on various ... |
3. How to check HttpInvoker remote service availability on the client side? forum.springsource.org |
4. how to use httpinvoker to config multiple service forum.springsource.orghow to use httpinvoker to config multiple service i have seen the doc's Chapter 16,and i was interested in httpinvoker,the code is sample: _______________________ in server: Code: |
5. How to judge httpinvoker service is really become effective? forum.springsource.orgHow to judge httpinvoker service is really become effective? i have add a remote client for petclinic,for test this client,i add some jars to a folder,and add clientContext.xml to this folder, ... |
6. Using services exported via HttpInvoker through a 'Springless' app. forum.springsource.orgHi all. Is there a way to make use of services exported with HttpInvokerServiceExporter in a 'spring-less' application? My app has some services exposed with RMI and HttpInvoker, and now a ... |
7. Best Approach for MethodSecurityInterceptor and HttpInvoker when client is a web app forum.springsource.orgBest Approach for MethodSecurityInterceptor and HttpInvoker when client is a web app Hi, I have a secure web application and that connects to a remote web service using the HttpInvoker. i ... |
8. How to export multiple service interfaces through HttpInvoker using only one URL forum.springsource.orgHow to export multiple service interfaces through HttpInvoker using only one URL Hi, We have a business need to export two business interfaces through the same service URL. However we've not ... |
9. Really cool question: setting HttpInvoker service URL forum.springsource.orgHi All! I am wondering if is there a way to set dinamically the service URL of the HttpInvoker. I need to do this because I have the same remote service ... |
10. newbie question: WS analogy to HttpInvoker? forum.springsource.orgnewbie question: WS analogy to HttpInvoker? Hi. I'm sort of new to WS, and spring-ws but not to spring. I have some remote services which I currently expose using spring's HttpInvokerServiceExporter. ... |