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1. best way to learn how to build a Spring MVC AJAX app

We're rebuilding a 10+ yr JSP Webapp and I'm considering using Spring MVC. This is a small webapp -- we're going to convert it from a Web 1.0 style to one ...

2. Book for writing scalable web-applications/web-serivces

please can you suggest me a good book about writing scalable web-application/web-services (possible using Spring framework tho not mandatory)? Thank you very much Randomize

3. Is there a web service through which I can get book details?

I would like users of my app to enter a book title and the system would automatically get book details such as year published or author from a web service. This ...

4. rookie - Book for Spring - WS

hi arjen thanks for the link, and there i saw this book in the 3 sections have you read it??? should i buy this book? here is other but ...

5. book especially for spring web services?

Manning's Spring in Action second edition covers Spring-WS in detail. Apress' Spring Recipe book also has a section on Spring-Ws but it does not go into great detail. Hope this helps ...