1. Using spring to get your service layer - good idea? stackoverflow.comSuppose I have service layer doing hibernate and DB stuff. Silverlight and windows clients need to get service layer through some kind of remote service. ASP.NET would benefit if could get it directly ... |
2. How should presentation tier (JSF) interoperate with services tier (Spring)? stackoverflow.comI know that there are many different architectures exist. In this question I consider 3-tiers architecture (presentation-services (busyness logic)-data access layer (DAOs). And I want to concentrate on how presentation tier ... |
3. Spring MVC: should service layer be returning operation specific DTO's? stackoverflow.comIn my Spring MVC application I am using DTO in the presentation layer in order to encapsulate the domain model in the service layer. The DTO's are being used as the ... |
4. How does Spring fit into my application architecture? stackoverflow.comI'm currently rebuilding an existing PHP application using Java. I therefore have an existing frontend GUI and an existing database schema that I'm working with. Here is the technology stack I'm working ... |
5. DAO and Service layers (JPA/Hibernate + Spring) stackoverflow.comI'm designing a new app based on JPA/Hibernate, Spring and Wicket. The distinction between the DAO and Service layers isn't that clear to me though. According to Wikipedia, DAO is ... |
6. Service layer and controller: who takes care of what? stackoverflow.comIn class we're now learning how to build up a Spring application, even though spring isn't directly involved, we learned how to make the interfaces for DAO and service layer objects. ... |
7. Architecture: Spring hibernate Application with Web Interface on one server and Persistence layer on a differ Server stackoverflow.comI am working on a web application, the main technologies used are JSP,Spring framework and hibernate. In a typical scenario the request is intercepted by the controllers which in turn talk ... |
8. Spring Web Service Client Architecture and Design Suggestions stackoverflow.comI'm tasked to create a web service client that will access a third-party SOAP-based web service. Our original programmer use Apache Axis to access the web service. He basically had to generate ... |
9. Frontend Architecture for a web application stackoverflow.comI have to write a new web application and currently am in the process of deciding on the architecture , there are several things i know i want to be able ... |
10. Spring: How to share services in different applications stackoverflow.comwe're currently developing a rich application using Eclipse on client side and Spring Framework on serverside. My challenge is to reduce implementation efforts by sharing the same business functions (services) over different ... |
11. REST Architecture for Multiple Deletes? stackoverflow.comI send a delete request to server as like:
for a single user delete. However what to do when multiple users wants to be deleted? I want ... |
12. Spring RESTful service application architecture stackoverflow.comCurrently we are building web services applications with Spring, Hibernate, MySQL and tomcat. We are not using real application server- SoA architecture. Regarding the persistence layer - today we are using ... |
13. Designing a N-tier JEE web application having views, webservice and scheduler with spring stackoverflow.comI have a start up web application using Spring and Hibernate which currently has 3 layers. View, Service and DAO. It also the domain objects are segregated separately.
Spring and WebService "architecture" Question Hi, I am not an expert in web service, but I have used Spring since a year for many j2ee project. I would like to know ... |
17. Question about general architecture of base classes for services forum.springsource.orgQuestion about general architecture of base classes for services Today I've been hammering away at trying to get our application context to load faster for our developers. The context takes about ... |
18. Best Architecture choice for my web application forum.springsource.orgBest Architecture choice for my web application Hello, I have a medium sized web application which currently runs in tomcat. I'm looking at clustering to give me fail over and load ... |
19. Controller architecture for simple list/detail web apps forum.springsource.orgController architecture for simple list/detail web apps I am working on a large (+900) screen web application that 80% of the screens consist of list pages and details pages, see functionality ... |
20. Web Application Architecture forum.springsource.orgHi , I want to built a heavy transaction oriented application. i will be using the JSF + Spring + Hibernate + Oracle. I want to know what architecture and what ... |
21. Web application architecture forum.springsource.orgWeb application architecture Hi, I have a web application which "refreshes" the context everytime a user enters the application by doing this in the formBackObject method: AbstractApplicationContext context = (AbstractApplicationContext) WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicati ... |
22. Newbie Question: Architecture Decisions For Service forum.springsource.orgNewbie Question: Architecture Decisions For Service This is my first major Spring Application. I have designed several services for my Spring Application running on Tomcat. Presently, I do not know what ... |
23. Architecture Dilemma for using web services forum.springsource.orgArchitecture Dilemma for using web services Hi folks, I need Architects help here. My problem is really simple for you. Please suggest me best solution. I have multiple servers with JAVA ... |
24. Architecture considerationg while designing Sping Web Apps forum.springsource.orgArchitecture considerationg while designing Sping Web Apps Hi! I see lots of questions on this forum similar to mine. For example, question JSF integration with Spring MVC, AJAX/DWR intgeration, etc. But ... |
25. Architecture for J2EE web based application forum.springsource.orgHi all, I just want to know which would be the best architecture for a web based application.is it good to use only speing framework or struts with spring framework or ... |
26. Spring in Layered Architecture - Service Locator forum.springsource.orgSpring in Layered Architecture - Service Locator I have a project setup as a multi-module Maven project structure as follows: (1) core module: contains service/dao's/domain objects and bundled up as a ... |
27. Service + Web architecture questions forum.springsource.orgService + Web architecture questions Two Questions: (1) In desinging a the service layer, I find myself hesitant exposing my domain objects to the user - Why? Some domain objects, (ie. ... |
28. Spring WS Architecture forum.springsource.orgHI, I was wondering if anyone can help me. I am searching a schema which shows the spring ws architecture or the work flow in Spring WS. Could you help me ... |
29. Modular Web Application Architecture forum.springsource.orgModular Web Application Architecture Hi folks, I'm just starting a new web project, but I'm not quite sure how to structure it. I'd like to get to a main web application ... |
30. model/dao/service/web architecture, how to handle "batchy" scenario's? forum.springsource.orgmodel/dao/service/web architecture, how to handle "batchy" scenario's? Hi, we're following the more-or-less standard model of using model classes, dao's and services in our webapps. That's usually fine for online webapps. Now ... |
31. Architecture question: remote RCP-Client / spring dm services forum.springsource.orgArchitecture question: remote RCP-Client / spring dm services Hey all, we have an RCP Application with several Services which are located in different OSGI Bundles. Now we want to place these ... |
32. Non-HTML responses in a spring-web MVC/REST architecture forum.springsource.orgNon-HTML responses in a spring-web MVC/REST architecture Hi all, I am porting an old web application to the spring-web/REST architecture. With the normal HTML pages, it works like a charm, but ... |
33. Spring MVC web application & architecture forum.springsource.orgSpring MVC web application & architecture Hello all! I have a question about the architecture and if it is possible to build a web application with Spring MVC which will meet ... |
34. Service --> DAO architecture using Hibernate & Spring forum.hibernate.org |