Validation « Web Service « Spring Q&A

1. Validating Connection Before Handing over to WebApp in ConnectionPooling

I have connection pooling implemented in spring using Oracle Data Source. Currently we are facing an issue where connections are becoming invalid after a period of time. (May be Oracle is ...

2. Spring WS & Validator interceptor

I have a endpoint mapping a webservice which is used to insert in the dabatabase some keywords:

@Transactional(readOnly = false,isolation= Isolation.SERIALIZABLE)
public Source saveKW(...).
The input is a request. I would like to add ...

3. What's the best way to do XMLObject Validation

I'm doing Sprimg WS at my workplace. We run into some strange validation problems, where if a user passes "Dog" for a boolean value. It still accepts it and blows up. ...

4. Validator + MVC + REST::problems with update

I'm trying build my application using REST and Spring MVC. For some entities I have special page for update. After data submit it validated. If there are no errors it's ...

5. How to avoid duplicate validation in web tier and service tier?

If I have a web app, say I'm using Spring MVC, and I add validation in my forms and controllers. I might also have validation in my service tier in case ...

6. JAX-RS with Schema Validation

I have a RESTful service that has a single path parameter and a parameter that is unmarshalled from the request body. The request body parameter is XML for which I have ...

7. @RequestBody validation in spring 3.0.5

I have a REST controller and am trying to ensure that the request body is truly of the type I think it will be. For example:

public class myController{

   @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.POST, value ...

8. Spring WS request validation

9. Validation in REST API

Hi, I am using Spring RESTful API and want to validate request before processing. It seems that @Valid annotation does not work and JIRA already submitted against the same Is ...

10. Soap Header validation Spring ws 2.0

I want to do Soap Header validation using Spring webservice 2.0 in a class which implements EndpointInterceptor. Can someone let me know how to do that?

11. Error validation messages on a spring mvc webapp disappears when..

Error validation messages on a spring mvc webapp disappears when.. I have a spring mvc webapp with 3.0.5.RELEASE version of spring artifacts. We used without problem, then after installing a Liferay ...

12. RESTFul Validation approach

Hi, I was trying to write validation wrapper for RESTFul service. One approach which I used was using aop:aspect to call validate method (using Spring Validator F/W) before controllers methods are ...

13. validation on non-web app

validation on non-web app I am working on a non web application and integrating spring into it. I am trying to figure out the best way to implement a validation scheme. ...

14. Validation in Layered Webapp

Validation in Layered Webapp I have a webapp with 2 main layers. 1) MVC Web layer & 2) Service layer (contains Service Objects, Domain objects & DAOs) I'm wondering where I ...

15. Turn off validation for JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean

Turn off validation for JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean Hi, I'm behind a firewall with a proxy server that requires authentication. When I try to access an internal WSDL, I get Server returned HTTP response ...

16. Validator DTD error if webapp can't reach internet

Validator DTD error if webapp can't reach internet Hi all, I'm using v0.6 of Spring Modules. I'm deploying my webapp in a closed environment (without access to the internet). When the ...

17. Which validation module for webapp

I'm making a new webapp and using spring and spring mvc. I'm trying to decide which validation framework to use. Bean Validation Framework sounds like the best, but I cant use ...

18. Validation at Service Tier

Validation at Service Tier Friends, I am working on a design of Enterprise application. The basic architecture is Struts - MVC, Spring- Service and Data Access Need guidance on how to ...

19. Is it possible to turn off XML Schema Validation on webapp startup?

I'm looking to optimize the time it takes to load up my web application that depends on Spring. One of the suggestions I've heard is to turn off XML Schema validation. ...

20. SOAP Fault String :Validation error when running "echo" example.

SOAP Fault String :Validation error when running "echo" example. I downloaded spring-ws and deployed the echo example. I built the "" and when I tried running, I got a "SOAP Fault ...

21. Validation error PayloadValidatingInterceptor

Validation error PayloadValidatingInterceptor Hello everybody, I am using SAAJ as client to connect with my Webservice. Only i get validation errors: Code: SOAP Fault Code: SOAP-ENV:Client SOAP Fault String: Validation error ...

22. Validator with spring-ws

23. PayloadLoggingInterceptor not validating xsi:type elements

PayloadLoggingInterceptor not validating xsi:type elements I have PayloadLoggingInterceptor configured to validate an XML response, and it is reporting an error on an xsi:type attribute. If I take the same XML and ...

24. PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping and a custom business validator interface

Is it possible to add a custom business validator to PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping where the business validator gets unmarshalled object and not XML payload? I would appreciate if some one could throw some ...

25. Payload validation (only a fragment)

Payload validation (only a fragment) Hi I am trying to validate a part of the webservice request(not complete request). I created a Custom class that extends AbstractFaultCreatingValidatingInterceptor. For some reason, it ...

27. Validation Interceptor problem for PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping

Validation Interceptor problem for PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping Hi I have three schema file that expose three wsdl file. Code:

28. Spring PayloadValidatingInterceptor validation error

Spring PayloadValidatingInterceptor validation error Hi I am using Spring ws 1.5 on JDK 1.5 and Jboss 4.2. While I set validation for request as true in payload validating interceptor i get ...

29. Client side validation against wsdl, not schema?

I am writing a simple spring-ws client maven 2 archetype. I would like to use the PayloadValidatingInterceptor to validate requests on the client side. However, this class only works with schemas. ...

30. JSR-303 validation with RESTful MVC and OXM

JSR-303 validation with RESTful MVC and OXM I am using Spring 3 MVC to implement RESTful services. The MessageConverter and OXM mechanism (specifically MarshallingHttpMessageConverter) is used to convert the incoming XML ...

31. RESTTemplate: Programatically add/remove schema reference to control validation?

RESTTemplate: Programatically add/remove schema reference to control validation? Hi I'm using the RestTemplate class to consume a rest web service which unmarshalls XML into Java objects using JAXB - the default ...

32. Validation in MVC + REST application

Code: @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, value = "/workers/{id}") public ModelAndView update(@PathVariable final Long id, @Valid Worker entity, Errors errors, NativeWebRequest request) { ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView(); entity.setId(id); if (errors.hasErrors()) { request.setAttribute("entity", ...