Spring RS « Web Service « Spring Q&A

1. Spring 3.0 REST implementation or Jersey?    stackoverflow.com

I'm currently trying to figure out which implementation of JSR-311 I'm going to recommend further up the food chain. I've pretty much narrowed it down to two options - Spring 3.0 ...

2. Name for a "model and view" object?    stackoverflow.com

Spring MVC names objects that contain a logical view name and the payload to render ModelAndView, the JAX-RS implementation Jersey names them Viewable. I like Viewable a bit better, but maybe ...

3. Problem with differentiation of pathparams    stackoverflow.com

I have problem with Jax-rs @Path variable, I need to differentiate the following two pathparams

  1. @Path({domain}/{id})
  2. @Path({domain}/{filename})
sample url for both:
1. http://localhost:8080/in.com/lrth09erdfgwe
2. http://localhost:8080/in.com/lrth09erdfgwe.xml I think we need to use ...

4. Invoking Web-Service without using JAX-RS    stackoverflow.com

I have a Web-Service with Restfull Jax-rs and I have created WSClient with Restfull but without using Jax-rs. I am using Spring3.0, Tomcat. Here is my WSClient:

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.JAXRSClientFactory;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.WebClient;
import ...

5. Any potential problems with having a spring mvc application and jersey in the same project?    stackoverflow.com

Is there any potential gotchas with having both spring mvc and jersey framework in the same application? I want the spring to map the '/' while jersey to something like '/service/*' Other than ...

6. JAX-RS hosting using Grizzly to trigger message    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have created a JAX-RS web service which is currently hosted using an embedded Grizzly servlet container. What is the correct way to wire this service into Spring Integration such ...

7. mapRow(ResultSet rs,int int rowNum) of RowMapper interface    forum.springsource.org

Hi,I am new in JDBC Abstraction Framework of Spring as well as in Spring.The mapRow(ResultSet rs,int rowNum) returns an Object means a single row,so can anyone explain how does we can ...

8. JSR 311 and JAX-RS integration    forum.springsource.org

I was wondering if there was any plan to migrate Spring MVC to integrate better with JSR 311 and JAX-RS annotations. I haven't really been able to find any information other ...

9. Use mapRow(SqlResultset rs, int rownum, Object[] obj, Map map)    forum.springsource.org

Hi, Can anyone give/me an example on how to use Use mapRow(SqlResultset rs, int rownum, Object[] obj, Map map) I have a sql query and I wanto pass some parameters but ...

10. Jax-rs + Si    forum.springsource.org

Does anyone been working with JAX-RS (notably Jersey) along with SI? As I said elsewhere, my "framework" is based basically on SI only, but there are some features of JAX-RS that ...

11. controlling rs fetching in spring jdbc    forum.springsource.org

Now I'm using RowCallbackHandler implementation to fetch each row from rs in spring jdbc. If some condition occurs, I want to terminate the rs fetching process in processRow() function even if ...

12. JAX RS 1.0 Integration    forum.springsource.org

JAX RS 1.0 Integration Hey everyone, iam working with Spring/Hibernate for a little while now. Iam currently working on RESTful Webservice integration into my Spring project. Anyway i cant really figure ...

13. JAX-RS: inheritance in server method    forum.springsource.org