Jersey « Web Service « Spring Q&A

1. jersey integration with spring

I want to use Jersey 1.1 with spring 2.5. The exact thing that i need to do is write a interface which would be exposed as the service and implementation in ...

2. Jersey w/ Spring 3.0?

I see some are using Jersey w/ Spring. With Spring 3.0 there are now annotations available to make RESTful APIs directly in a controller. Why should I consider using Jersey w/ ...

3. is possible to combine: jersey + jetty + spring

I'm trying to create a webserver embedding jetty (rather than J2E) , and map my servlets RESTfully, using jersey.
I'm using spring for dependency injection, and mapping the servlets as beans However, when ...

4. Does Spring framework support Jersey API

I am using Uploadify on a JSP for multi file upload and Spring MVC framwork on the server-side. Can the Spring Controller class support Jersey API to upload the file on ...

5. Unable to get Connection when doing multiple calls with jersey ApacheHttpClient

I'm having trouble with not getting connections when calling a rest api with com.sun.jersey.client.apache.ApacheHttpClient and Spring. A couple of calls get's through but suddenly I get a:

DEBUG (org.apache.commons.httpclient.MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager:501) : - ...

6. How to register a custom exception mapper in Mule + Jersey + Spring?

I built a exception mapper using JAX-RS ExceptionMapper:

public class MyCustomExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<MyException>{...}
It is unclear to me is how to register it so that when MyException is thrown, the mapper is called ...

7. axis2 vs spring-ws vs jersey

My friend asked to explain me what's the difference between Spring, axis2 and Jersey. Here I listed down a few differences that I'm aware of. Please comment/respond if you know more ...

8. How I should write Jersey rest service to make is accessible by given spring code

Here is rest client that is written using Spring:

public void addGadget(String gadgetName, String gadgetUrl) {
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    map.put("gadgetName", gadgetName);

9. Web billing and Accounting system, recommendations for client-side code?

I'm starting a new project where I have to develop a custom billing and accounting web application system for a client (pretty bored!!!). The good thing is that is a great ...

10. Jersey + Oauth 2.0

I'm working on the creation of a REST API using Jersey + Spring 3.0. Jersey is set up and is working correctly however I'm at the point where I need to ...

11. Advantage of Spring

Spring is a popular framework, however I have difficulties to see in which situation the framework would actually help. Currently I'm using the following: * Tomcat * Jersey * Jackson * Hibernate Together this results in a ...

12. Jersey with Spring AOP

I would like my AOP advice to have a handle to the currently executing Jersey resource's HttpContext. The spring-annotations sample mentions that the user could get hold of the ...

13. Integrating both spring mvc and Jersey, getting a null pointer when viewing a jersey endpoint

My simple jersey endpoint:

public class UserService {

    com.myapp.core.service.UserService userService;

    public Response getUser() {

14. Is it good practice to have seperate projects/deployments for web and service endpoints?

If I have a hosted web application, is it good practise to split the web and api web service into 2 different projects/hosted applications in tomcat? I can see that if people ...

15. Using Jersey with Spring

Jul 3rd, 2008, 08:07 AM #1 e.medina.m View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Sep 2004 Posts 44 Using Jersey with Spring Hi folks, I'm trying to make ...

16. Integrating with Jersey

Integrating with Jersey Hello, I am trying to get springsecurity and Jersey ( work together. In order for the webclient application to 'authenticate' the Jersey service expose an url to which ...

17. [Spring + Hibernate + Jersey] Unable to configure Persistence Layer

Jun 7th, 2010, 06:46 AM #1 Davide View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2010 Posts 8 [Spring + Hibernate + Jersey] Unable to configure Persistence ...

18. Hibernate / Spring Job in New Jersey