transactionAttribute « Transaction « Spring Q&A

1. TransactionAttribute annotation (@REQUIRES_NEW) ignored

I have a problem with two separate transactions that are flushed to the database in a reverse order to that in which they're actually executed. Here's the business case: there's a RemoteJob-RemoteJobEvent ...

2. Declarative flush as transactionAttribute???

Declarative flush as transactionAttribute??? Is there some feature that allows a declarative flush as a transactionAttribute similar to PROPAGATE_REQUIRED??? i.e FLUSH_MANDATORY This way if I call several service methods within on ...

3. Default transactionAttribute if method name doesn't match?

Normally, the method mask is supposed to match the methods in the target class (the DAO class, usually), correct? Well, in the instance I'm describing, I realized that the method called ...

4. Spring 1.2.2 transactionAttribute setting - not working in internal job invocation

Hi, We have a requirement where a generic job is set up. For eg: Code: ...

5. TransactionAttribute setting

TransactionAttribute setting Hi, This is my configuration. I am using Batch 1.1.2 Code:

6. Overwrite @TransactionAttribute in Superclass

Overwrite @TransactionAttribute in Superclass Hi, I have a class marked with @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.MAN DATORY). For integration tests, I want to change the TransactionAttributeType to REQUIRED by extending the class. However, Spring 3.0.4.RELEASE ...