transaction 3 « Transaction « Spring Q&A

1. Selective Transactions

Selective Transactions Hi. I have tried for hours upon hours to get transactions to work the way i want. This is my xml context:

2. Transactions and error handling in a Web app

Transactions and error handling in a Web app Hi, I have some head ache about some design decisions and would like to hear your opinion. Present situation: I have a web ...

3. Transactions during runtime vs debugtime

Transactions during runtime vs debugtime Hi all, From a simple main method, I invoke two service methods on two transactional proxied service pojo's, using the standard aop:config (from the Spring reference ...

4. Local transactions support in application servers

Local transactions support in application servers Hi all, I apologize for a lengthy posting but I did try hard to make it as precise as possible! I am trying to evaluate ...

5. Atomic File Transaction with Spring

I'm not sure if is possible, regardless of Spring. It there an OS independent way of doing this? I haven't seen an examples of this but I'll check out the ones ...

6. about spring declaration transaction

about spring declaration transaction Hi, I'm a new user of spring, i have a question about spring declaration transaction. In my configuration file, i have declared transaction like:

10. Transaction Error

Transaction Error Hi, My application developed using Spring is deployed on WebSphere app server. The application throws the below error often "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01591: lock held by in-doubt distributed transaction". Does anyone ...

11. Transaction Management

Transaction Management Hi, I have 2 questions about Transaction Management. I setup a transaction using spring's ProcyFactoryBean to intercept a method and to run the method as a transaction. In this ...

12. taskexecutor and transactions

Hi! I'm trying to build a task for taskexecutor that would use hibernate to insert data into db. Now, as I'm using lobhandler, this task needs to be run in transaction. ...

13. Doubt on transaction working on Spring

Doubt on transaction working on Spring Hi, Example: I define a method A in a transaction (SERIALIZABLE). "A" calls a second method "B" that calls a third method "C" and so: ...

14. Different transactional behaviour between Objects and Named Querys

Different transactional behaviour between Objects and Named Querys Hello everybody, we use Spring to encapsulate Hibernate and want to store/load whole Objects as well as execute single Querys. Combining both things ...

15. Compound Transactions

Compound Transactions Hello, My question relates to programmatic transactions. I am using the TransactionTemplate to execute TransactionCallback implementations. I have two of these TransactionCallback implementations in seperate packages. One of these ...

16. Transactions in unmanaged objects (servlets)

Transactions in unmanaged objects (servlets) Before you ask - I don't have any control over this decision - this is what the higher ups want to do, and I need to ...

17. transaction

transaction hi, i have a bean called service which contains several bean object. What i want is that each method in Templatebean,ProfileBean etc... start a transaction. How could i accomplish this? ...

18. Using SpringFactory stops transactions working?

Using SpringFactory stops transactions working? Think this is the right forum for this question. I am currently trying to add spring into a long running application (For a whole host of ...

19. Commons Transaction and Spring JTATM

Hi, Does the commons transaction framework use the Spring JTA Transaction Manager? I need to use a shared TransactionalMapWrapper object in a PROPAGATION_REQUIRED method and make sure that other threads read ...

20. Could not register transaction

Could not register transaction Hi, I am using Spring with Quartz scheduler and from one of the Spring beans I invoke a method that uses Hibernate to update records in an ...

21. Target pointcut with transactional advice

Target pointcut with transactional advice Hi, I always get the following exception (seen only with DEBUG logging level) when binding my transaction advice with a "target" pointcut: DEBUG - AspectJExpressionPointcut.matches(292) | ...

22. Target pointcut with transactional advice

Target pointcut with transactional advice Copied from Hi, I always get the following exception (seen only with DEBUG logging level) when binding my transaction advice with a "target" pointcut: DEBUG ...

23. Commons transaction and Spring

Hi Have anyone used commons transaction with Spring? I got a service who writes to both database and filesystem, this must be done inside a transaction (XA). The service uses 2 ...

24. Transaction Not working

Transaction Not working In my application, i use transaction factory bean along with Hibernate Transaction manager to specify transaction for my service layer. the code in my application context is very ...

25. XA Transaction with message batching VS no-XA, dup_OK messages

XA Transaction with message batching VS no-XA, dup_OK messages Hello, We have requirement for strict XA-enabled message transaction. We want message to be processed exactly once with ACID requirement. But I ...

26. Article - XA transactions using Spring

27. doInHibernate and transaction

Hi. Sorry for my English. How I can commit transaction in doInHibernate blick? My code: Code: getHibernateTemplate().execute( new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { long count = 0; ...

28. 12.2.10. Spurious AppServer warnings about the transaction no longer being active

Hi, I am using weblogic 9.2 server and spring 1.1.2 and I am getting the following exception. java.sql.SQLException: The transaction is no longer active - status: 'Committed'. No further JDBC access ...

29. Transaction Management Using Spring.. Need help

Transaction Management Using Spring.. Need help Hi ! I am new in using the Spring and trying to implement the Declarative Transaction Management using Spring.. But not able to get any ...

30. transaction configuration

transaction configuration Hello, I'm totally new. I've read documentation chapter 9 and 12 and I finished with this configuration XML file. Can someone tell me, if this is good or is ...

31. Transaction Handling

Transaction Handling I am using MySQL with Spring framework. My problem is that a single record can be accessed by more than one user and all the users have the privilege ...

32. Transaction Management Using Spring

Transaction Management Using Spring I am working on persisting associated objects in single transaction . Got started with declaring following attributes in applicationContext.xml using TransactionProxy which in turn uses HibernateTransactionManager as ...

33. Making a transactional JDODaoSupport

Making a transactional JDODaoSupport Hi. I'm trying to set up a transactional database access using JDO(JPOX) and Spring. The problem is I cannot succeed in making a transactional DAO bean. I ...

34. Spring transaction don't work? not allow creation of non-transactional

Spring transaction don't work? not allow creation of non-transactional Hi everyone: I want to use spring declare transaction.when I run my jsp,tomcat throw exception: Code: org.hibernate.HibernateException: No Hibernate Session bound to ...

35. Commiting transaction

Commiting transaction I am using TransactionProxyFactoryBean to handle my transactions. It kind of working but not satisfactory. The problem is that I do not see how to commit the transaction. For ...

36. Transaction times out before specified period

Transaction times out before specified period Hi, I am currently facing an issue with transaction timeout. I am using Spring 1.2.8 with Hibernate as ORM. I am using WebLogicJtaTransactionManager. I have ...

37. java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking javax/transaction/Tr

Jun 28th, 2007, 03:12 PM #1 mnsweeps View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Oct 2006 Posts 71 java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking javax/transaction/Tr I am using ...

38. propagating transactions between different web-apps

propagating transactions between different web-apps Hi folks! We built 2 web-apps, app A and app B. These apps are running on different tomcats. A calls methods from B via Hessian. This ...

39. org.springframework.transaction.NoTransactionExcep tion

You define a TestJdbcTemplate bean inside config file, but in your test you create a new one, not letting Spring manage it. Also, why don't you use the data-source defined inside ...

40. Transaction Interception

Transaction Interception Hi all, I have a stored procedure that needs to be called after every connection is made to grant a role to the user if their IP address is ...

41. Transaction behavior

Transaction behavior Hello all, I have a transactional method in my service tier marked using the @transactional annotation: Code: @Transactional(readOnly=false) public void saveEntity(Entity entity) { if (isEntityValid(entity)) {; } else ...

42. Transaction error help

Transaction error help Hi, I have a business object whose methods I want to execute transactionally, except for one method. The object is proxied by a TransactionProxyFactoryBean declared in the Spring ...

43. Transactions not propogating

Jul 16th, 2007, 11:49 AM #1 gaffonso View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Oct 2004 Posts 48 Transactions not propogating I've got a DAO that I've configured ...

44. Sequence of CRUD operations in a unique transaction

Sequence of CRUD operations in a unique transaction Hi all. I want to know how a sequence of crud operations are executed in a transaction. I mean, suppose that in a ...

45. spring transaction across http requests

Dear Spring users, I am a newbie to spring and hibernate. Any help is sincerely appreciated. Is it possible, using spring&hibernate to support the same transaction context across http requests. The ...

46. Transaction reduced to a specific Object

Transaction reduced to a specific Object Hi everybody, i am building a desktop application that is talking to a spring based server app over the http invoker. i have a question ...

47. TaskExecutor Transaction Management

I think it would be very common for a batch to use TaskExecutor and the threads will have its own transactions. How can this be achieved? The threads submitted have common ...

49. How to determine if there is an active transaction?

I'm trying to write an aspect that performs some logic if a transaction is or is not present. Is there a way to programmatically determine if a transaction is active?

50. NonUniqueObjectException and Spring transaction

NonUniqueObjectException and Spring transaction When I saved a Lawyer obj, it will throw exception. The error is below. And more interesting is, this error is related to Spring transaction. I have ...

51. Transaction scope variable

Transaction scope variable Hi, I hope this isn't a stupied question, but I have not been able to find the solution to it. I'm running spring-hibernate on an web-container. I'd like ...

52. XA transaction using Spring

Hi, I have a requirement that a DB2 database update operation and send message using JMS to be handled in one transaction. I use websphere MQ to send messages. How can ...

53. Transaction Managment in JSR94Template

I'm trying to use a stateful rules session but I'm not sure how to setup the transaction management to work properly. In Jsr94Template.executeStateful(...) the session is released based on the value ...

54. Simple Transaction Question...

Simple Transaction Question... I am just starting to use the JpaTransactionManager on my JPA DAOs, and declarative Spring transaction management on my service classes. This is working very well, but I ...

55. Transactions over RMI

Transactions over RMI Hello I'm working on an application which i forsee will have some problems. I'm using Hibernate's JPA implementation for persistence and Spring for configuring. The server side of ...

56. Spring in XA transactions - DB2/WebsphereMQ

Spring in XA transactions - DB2/WebsphereMQ Hello all.... We're in a bit of a situation and would like a third party perspective of our problem... As most people working with JMS, ...

57. DefaultMessageContainerListener and transactions

DefaultMessageContainerListener and transactions I'm trying to use transactions with the DefaultMessageContainerListener. I want to also reuse the same session for sending a message to another destination while processing the input message. ...

58. How to determine if there is an active transaction?

If you want to find the posts you've made in the past you can either; look at your profile and access them from there or just search and enter your name ...

59. AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests transactions are not rolling back

AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests transactions are not rolling back Wierd problem with the transactional tests classes. I have two tests in a file, one just inserts a row in the db (test for save) ...

60. Error in spring-transaction.xml

Error in spring-transaction.xml Hello, I am trying to run some Junits and getting the following error. The error is happening in the spring-transaction.xml. Please advice. I am sorry if this question ...

61. Best Approach To Long Running Transactions?

Best Approach To Long Running Transactions? I've been reading the forum and this appears to be a common scenario but the various solutions written up either aren't clear to me or ...

62. Transaction Management : Architectural Issue

Transaction Management : Architectural Issue Hi, This is a typical requirement for financial applications, where we need to commit failed messages (at same time rollback entire transaction within application) and sending ...

63. Transaction required for query

Transaction required for query Using Hibernate 3.0.2. Java 1.5 It appears that after adding: thread to our hibernate config, we are now getting exceptions thrown stating that a ...

64. XA Transactions

XA Transactions Hello, We are having some Oracle XA issues running on WebSphere 6.1 using Spring 2.0.5. The reason for us using XA is because we have the need to access ...

65. Spring Transaction in Kodo

Oct 9th, 2007, 03:37 PM #1 plchidhu View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2007 Posts 6 Spring Transaction in Kodo Hi, I am using Spring ...

66. Upgrade Transaction issue

Upgrade Transaction issue I'll try to be as concise as possible... We are currently in the process of upgrading from Spring 1.2.8 to Spring 2.0.7. We are using Hibernate 3.2 and ...

67. Odd transaction behavoir - HibernateException: illegally attempted to associate a pro

Oct 15th, 2007, 06:39 PM #1 j_moran View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2007 Posts 3 Odd transaction behavoir - HibernateException: illegally attempted to associate ...

68. Receiving and Sending in same transaction

I have had a look at the new jms stuff in spring 2, is it possible to receive a message do some database work and then send a new message all ...

69. Transactional Issue

Transactional Issue Hello guys, let me try explain a scenario that i have and i don't know how to solve or workarround. I made a framework based on spring that deals ...

70. Callbacks during Transaction

Callbacks during Transaction I am using Spring with JPA for persistence. I use the @PersistenceContext to set the EntityManager in my DAO's. And my transactions are annotation driven. I want to ...

71. Why are two transactions created instead of just one?

Why are two transactions created instead of just one? Hello: I'm using Spring 2.0.5. I have a methods with a @transactional annotation. [Update] Each method is an implementation of a method ...

72. Transaction + web layer

Transaction + web layer Hello, At the moment I'm using @Transactional annotation for the business objects. This works fine when the error occurs at that level (rollback, etc). But what if ...

73. Programmatic transaction management

Programmatic transaction management Hi Im using programmatic transaction management(@Transactional) with Spring and JDBC. I have two questions: 1)Im wondering how does Spring manage transactions when I dont provide any metadata(annotation) for ...

74. OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter and Transactions

OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter and Transactions I'm having trouble with a web application that uses the OEMIVFilter and JPA annotation based transactions. I'm pretty sure that transactions are the source of my trouble. First ...

75. Transaction management across two web requests.

I don't think you want to use a single system transaction because you don't know how fast a user is going to press. Maybe he is going to press that button ...

76. Transaction Question

Transaction Question Scenario: --------- I am running a test driver that calls a DAO to perform some deletes on some items in the database. When I call the remove() method alone, ...

77. Unable to find spring-tx or spring-transaction in dist/modules

Unable to find spring-tx or spring-transaction in dist/modules We're starting to use the AOP declarative transaction features of Spring. We reference individual .jar files for deployment. When we do that we ...

78. Spring 2.0 Transactions not working

Nov 16th, 2007, 04:54 PM #1 whithomas View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2007 Posts 3 Spring 2.0 Transactions not working I am trying to ...

79. Help in Transaction Management

Help in Transaction Management Hi, Can someone add transaction management (commit, rollback, propagation etc) on my code? Here it is: Code: package bus; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.sql.DataSource; ...

80. Transactions Spring 2.5

Transactions Spring 2.5 Hi I am using Spring 2.5 with jdk 1.4 and i have some issues with the transaction handling. Problem: I have 2 insert operations done one after the ...

81. Transaction noRollbackFor

Transaction noRollbackFor Hi, i try to do the following: Code: while (true) { try { UniqueKey k = uniqueKeyDao.findNextVersionKey(); versionDao.persist(new Version(k)); break; } catch (EntityExistsException e) { logger.debug("Rollback ? : "+TransactionAspectSupport.currentTransactionStatus().isRollbackOnly()); ...

82. Do you use Transaction.SUPPORTS or NOT_SUPPORTED

Do you use Transaction.SUPPORTS or NOT_SUPPORTED Hello, I'm trying through this thread to get more information on transaction isolation. As I just raised an issue concerning a bug that appears with ...

83. Transaction not getting rolled back.

Transaction not getting rolled back. Hi, Am employing org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransa ctionManager for the first time. Let me give you the code where am trying to commit a transaction. If every single entity ...

84. If Spring doesnt create the class is it still under the transaction management?

In my application there are certain classes which would not be injected by spring, but would be created by using an Object Factory. Would these classes still be under Spring's transaction ...

85. If Spring doesnt create the class is it still under the transaction management?

In my application there are certain classes which would not be injected by spring, but would be created by using an Object Factory. Would these classes still be under Spring's transaction ...

86. large transaction handling strategies?

large transaction handling strategies? Heya, One of the common problems I always run into when running really large batch load processes (millions of update) is how to handle large transaction sizes. ...

87. TransactionTimedOutException: Transaction timed out: deadline was [...]

TransactionTimedOutException: Transaction timed out: deadline was [...] Hi, I have a problem with transaction management and data lock. Already searched all around the forum, but i've not found anything helpful for ...

88. configuring the transaction

configuring the transaction Hi I am new to both spring and hibernate. I have set up AOP kind of transaction for my database class for all my private/public methods something like ...

89. JdbcCursorInputSource and transaction

As I walk through source code for JdbcCursorInputSource, I notice that the executeQuery() method get a SqlConnection by just calling DataSource.getConnection(). Shouldn't it be something like DataSourceUtils.getconnection(DataSource ds), as we might ...

90. Will ItemReaders need to be transactional after chunk-oriented M4?

I am just coding a custom ItemReader (LDAP) where implementing transactional behavior is painful. This made me wondering whether after chunk-oriented M4 release ItemReaders will still need to be transactional or ...

91. Transactions?

I'm extending HibernateDaoSupport in my Repositories. Since I have to have lazy fetch enabled I ran into some problems during my unit tests. Using @Transactional or programmatic transaction declaration solved that ...

92. spring transaction error,help!

Jan 23rd, 2008, 02:15 AM #1 robin622 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2008 Posts 3 spring transaction error,help! where does the mistake happen? applicatonContext.xml: ...

93. How to see if transaction is working

I have set up transaction and it seems to be working fine. The transaction is a PlatformTransactionManager from WebSphere since I use a JNDI datasource. Is there a way to see ...

94. Transaction Configuration

I have been unable to find the answer to what seems like a simple questions. How do you configure spring to manage transactions across service level methods? For example if I ...

95. Declaring Transactions , not working as desired

Jan 24th, 2008, 02:32 PM #1 rajeshiv View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2008 Posts 13 Declaring Transactions , not working as desired Hi, My ...

96. Advice around transaction

Advice around transaction Hello. I want to add an 'interceptor' that will perform custom action each time after new transaction is started and right before it is committed. I want to ...

97. Transaction Not Working

Transaction Not Working Hi , I am new to spring trasaction management .I just tried a transaction with two tables.But the transaction is not rollingback,when my program encounter an exception ,while ...

98. Transaction Not Working

Transaction Not Working Help needed Hi , I am new to spring trasaction management .I just tried a transaction with two tables.But the transaction is not rollingback,when my program encounter an ...

99. transaction for jUnittests

transaction for jUnittests HI, i have the problem that transactions for my junit tests are not rollded back. i dont't know what i made wrong. the logs says that the transaction ...

100. Transaction issue when retrieving and directly updating rows

Transaction issue when retrieving and directly updating rows I have the following problem: In one of the methods in my DAO layer I need to retrieve resources from a table which ...