transaction 1 « Transaction « Spring Q&A

1. .NET equivalent of modern Java web architecture

Almost every new Java-web-project is using a modern MVC-framework such as Struts or Spring MVC for the web tier, Spring for the "Service"/business-logic-layer and an ORM mapper such as Hibernate for ...

2. transaction scope in

If I am using attribute based transaction in Spring.Net, something looks like

public void MyBusinessMethod()
   // doing some in memory calculation, may take some time


3. error while implementing spring transaction

I am new to springs. i want to implement JtaTransactionManager in my application instead of HibernateTransactionManager.But i am get following error when i write the following code in my xml.

<bean id="transactionManager"

4. Apply Transaction Management Spring

I have a j2ee application running on spring framework. I am trying to apply transaction management using aop but apparently it won't work. I am trying to apply transaction to a ...

5. Safeguard against forgetting to configure transactions in spring

Is there a way to make beans unavailable in spring framework? i would like to ensure that in case a developer forgot to wrap transaction around a service in spring ...

6. Transactional Executor with Retry?

Please a bit of advice on the following: I am using a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor to execute slow-external tasks like sending emails. I need to improve this: 1) When the a task is passed to the ...

7. Controlling inner transaction settings from outer transaction with Spring 2.5

I'm using Spring 2.5 transaction management and I have the following set-up: Bean1

@Transactional(noRollbackFor = { Exception.class })
public void execute() {
  try {
  } catch (Exception e) ...

8. Delaying sending of mail until transaction commits

Does anyone have a good tutorial or some advice on how to implement one's own XAResource? I need Spring's MailSender to be transactional, so that the mail will only be sent ...

9. Transaction and sending an email

Considering the common use case of a user creating a new account on a web application and the application sending a confirmation email to the user's address. From what I've ...

10. What is an XML Namespace, and what does it have to do with Spring Transactions?

I just went through a spring transaction tutorial which mentions that there are some elements available for declarative transaction management and they are defined in the tx namespace. What actually does ...

11. Software Transactional Memory + Spring

Is it possible to integrate Spring with Software Transactional Memory so that I can rollback all Objects and DB transactions together on method throwing Exception. I need possibilities of Spring+Deuce STM ...

12. Need Example Transaction handling in Spring 3

I need step by step guide to handle transactions in spring sqltemplate. Transaction handling has to be implemented in my project. Guide me. Need to use the transaction Managment with SqlTemplate. ...

13. Does spring have support for SAP JCo transactions?

Does Spring have support for JCo transaction management? How can Transactions be combined with SAP's JCo or JRA transactions? Regards

14. Spring integration: difficulty with transaction between 2 activators

I have this use case. First chain:

<int:chain input-channel="inserimentoCanaleActivate" output-channel="inserimentoCanalePreRouting">      
    <int:service-activator ref="inserimentoCanaleActivator" method="activate" />           ...

15. tx:advice element not declared

I'm getting the element tx:advice not declared error for my Spring.Net configuration and for the life of me I can't figure out why. Please help ! My config looks like :

16. When is the right time to use an application server?

Throughout development I've separated my code into standalone projects, most of which receive a JMS feed, do some processing on each message, persist the domain object and then services are exposed ...

17. Java springframework: transaction semantics

In spring framework, there is transaction semantics: PROPAGATION_REQUIRED, ISOLATION_ONLY. What does that mean?

18. Spring Transaction management

I am facing an issue regarding transaction rollback. Let me try to explain with the following example: I have 3 DAOs in my code (A, B, C). All of them extend JDBCTemplate:

public ...

19. Query.executeUpdate() - No transaction is currently active

Code: public void update() { DefaultTransactionDefinition def = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(); def.setName("updateTx"); def.setPropagationBehavior(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW); TransactionStatus status = txManager.getTransaction(def); Query query = entityManager.createQuery(" update Contact c set = 'Daniel' where = '2'"); ...

20. Embedding a Transaction within another transaction

Embedding a Transaction within another transaction Hi I am pulling data from a JMS Queue. I acknowledge receipt of the message via SESSION_TRANSACTED mode once I have completed processing the message. ...

21. Transaction per request

Transaction per request On the Hibernate reference manual they say "Use a single database transaction to serve the clients request, starting and committing it when you open and close the Session". ...

22. Spring Transaction management and app server clustering

Spring Transaction management and app server clustering a few questions regarding to transaction and clustering: 1. if we use spring transaction management in SLSB, and rely on app server to perform ...

23. How do I know if transaction is configured successfully?

How do I know if transaction is configured successfully? I am using spring 2.5.6 and have strictly followed the example given in documentation. but when I run the program and check ...

24. what is the meaning reader-transactional-queue="true"

hi all, any body knows what's the meaning of this attribute in chunk configuration? does this means that the processor won't do any processing until the reader completes its read phase? ...

25. Autonomous transactions

26. Transactions not reentrant?

Feb 10th, 2011, 03:36 PM #1 kdelong View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Dec 2006 Posts 81 Transactions not reentrant? I have a service method, executing within ...

27. Transactions not supported Informix SE

Transactions not supported Informix SE Hello, I'm trying tot connect to my informix SE database using the spring mvc method i found on the internet. But when I try to connect ...

28. Transaction must be running. ACL_ENTRY deleted.

Transaction must be running. ACL_ENTRY deleted. Here is what happened: I have all ACL tables in place. I have one record in acl_sid table which is the admin. admin has administrative ...

29. Transaction error

Feb 25th, 2011, 02:47 PM #1 rnavarro View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2011 Posts 4 Transaction error Hi, I try to use spring for ...

30. Wrong transaction association TransactionImpl XidImpl

Sep 22nd, 2004, 01:47 PM #1 bcrawford View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date Aug 2004 Location pleasanton, ca Posts 4 Wrong transaction association TransactionImpl ...

31. Questions about transaction management

Questions about transaction management Hi, I'm trying to implement a business need with Spring and having some problems about transaction management. The business need is, simply, 1) Query a database(#1) with ...

32. transaction not working..

Hi This is the way i mentioned the transaction in XML file.. ==========================transation.xml========== = and for every methods like UPDATE and SAVE i put these statement ...

33. Transaction issue

Transaction issue Hi, Im using @Transactional at class level. I have struts action, service class and dao class. My service and dao are transactional. Im calling a method in service class ...

34. How to discover, if new transaction is created

Hi, I have transaction methods managed by Spring @Transactional (Propagation REQUIRED). On the begin of method I need to discover, if method is called from transactional or non-transactional context. I.e. if ...

35. Determine chunk transaction status

Hi, There is specific processing I need to do if the chunk transaction rolls back. I could even do this processing at the start of the next chunk. How do I ...

36. RequiresNew creating 3 extra transactions

Mar 21st, 2011, 06:05 PM #1 ctmsuser View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2011 Posts 4 RequiresNew creating 2 extra transactions Hi, Can anyone tell ...

37. transactions / sending mails

transactions / sending mails Hi, in one of my applications I want to rollback a transaction if sending a mail fails. But I don't like the fact that the communication with ...

38. Transaction management in Aggregator

Hi, I'm currently using a simple pojo aggregator with a jdbcMessageStore. According to the documentation, the jdbcMessageStore ensures that : a Message removed from the store will only be permanently removed ...

39. Help with putting transactions around webwork actions

Tried proxying the actions using TransactionProxyBean but this apparently creates singletons only and webwork actions cannot be singletons. Where do i go from here? has anyone successfully managed to do this. ...

40. Explicitly close current Spring transaction

Hello, I would like to close the current Spring read-only transaction just before Dozer tries to copy POJOs to DTOs so that lazy loading can not be called by Dozer. I ...

41. How does Transaction Management works in Spring?

I am new in Spring.Can somebody have a simple example to explain (with code) how does transaction management works in Spring with hibernate support.

42. General advice about transactions in Spring

General advice about transactions in Spring Hello, I have the following method (notice the comments //todo: transaction starts here, etc.): Code: public int traiterMailing(/*List sculpturesChoisiesPourMailing*/) {//todo: gerer le cas o zero ...

43. Can a MailSender participate in a transaction?

Hello, I would like for my mailAbonne method to be fully transactional. I noticed that even on a MailException being thrown the data is persisted by the dao (dao.persistMailingAbonnee(ma);). What's wrong ...

44. Transaction call back

Hi, I have requirement where in I need to make a rest call only on the transaction is completed succesfully, not before that. Y? I need invoke a rest call after ...

45. Help! Transactions not working -- newbie question

Oct 15th, 2004, 10:15 AM #1 jjasmin View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2004 Posts 6 Help! Transactions not working -- newbie question I'm new ...

46. @configuration of JpaRepository with Transactions

@configuration of JpaRepository with Transactions I'm having trouble getting a JpaRepository to save entities. setup: * maven-configured project * SQL Server 2008 R2 * jTDS 1.2.5 * hibernate-entitymanager 3.6.3.Final * spring-data-jpa ...

47. org.springframework.transaction.InvalidIsolationLe velException

May 9th, 2011, 05:23 AM #1 sanjoykr78 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Dec 2010 Posts 21 org.springframework.transaction.InvalidIsolationLe velException Hello Everyone, I am new to Spring ...

48. Wrapping a handler chain in Transaction.

Wrapping a handler chain in Transaction. How do you wrap a transaction around the invocation of a handler chain. I have a handler chain that is something like this ...

49. Transaction Behaviour

Oct 18th, 2004, 09:43 PM #1 jwray View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Senior Member Join Date Aug 2004 Location San Francisco Posts 423 Transaction Behaviour Hi, I'm ...

50. Unexpected transaction behaviour

Unexpected transaction behaviour I've been further investigating the transaction behaviour I asked for help about yesterday and I've reached some conclusions. They aren't what I would have expected a-priori, so I'd ...

51. Transactions configuration suggestion

Transactions configuration suggestion Hallo all. I have this simple use case. In my architecture I have a Service that delegates the message to a Gateway that posts the message to a ...

52. High volume Transaction

I have to read 100000 of rows and process and send them to some other system as message. How can i use SB in it ? Can SB can be run ...

53. Transaction name null if WebsphereUowTransactionManager is configured

Transaction name null if WebsphereUowTransactionManager is configured Hello, I am using Spring Transactions in my project. My Spring version is 3.0.3 and IBM Websphere v6.1.0.35. If I use JtaTransactionManager then transaction ...

54. Spring transaction saving records in some tables but not in other tables

Hello. I have a problem, I am using spring transaction with hibernate to save and delete records in DB(mySQL). I am attaching the files here so error can be found out ...

55. Transaction not updating in web flow

Transaction not updating in web flow hi all.... I have an application that is not performing updates/creates. I'm utilizing Spring WebFlow and have annotated my service with the @Transactional annotation. I'm ...

56. Share transaction between java and PL/SQL

Share transaction between java and PL/SQL Hi All, I have an application that use spring ORM integration with Hibernate to access to database and I have some stored procedure in oracle. ...

57. Implement transaction management for a class that implements ServletContextListener

Implement transaction management for a class that implements ServletContextListener Hello, I am using Spring 3.0.x, IBM Websphere in my project. I am trying to implement Spring transactions using declarative transaction ...

58. Will advisor be part of transaction?

Will advisor be part of transaction? Hi, I've looked for documentation on this, but haven't been able to find any answer to this anywhere. I am using Hibernate 3.0 for my ...

59. Transaction Management.

I am novice to Spring and Reading the Spring article.looking at some examples. I have an doubt of Transaction Management. would like to know the transaction Management and AOP Transaction Management. ...

60. saving child records in single transaction taking time

I have paret and child relation ship tables like Dept, and Emp table. I am using Hibernate. But here I am creating one new Dept record with 60000 employees. when save ...

61. Transaction scenario to understand

Transaction scenario to understand Hi, I am using DatasourceTransactionmanager in my project. Project uses JDBCTemplate mostly (or DataSource to get connection and then DB access in few places). I am using ...

62. Anyway to make an Advice transactional?

Anyway to make an Advice transactional? Hi, Is there anyway to make and advice transactional? Ideally, I'd like to be able to use @Transactional annotations, but the spring docs indicate: ...

63. Transaction rationale

Transaction rationale I'm new to Spring and still in the process of getting my head fully around how it changes the way I work. One of the issues which I'd like ...

64. Request-level transactions for loading, binding and persisti

Request-level transactions for loading, binding and persisti One of the nice things about Spring's MVC (SimpleFormController) is the ability to bind data directly to a domain (entity) object's bean properties. So, ...

65. Can transaction mangement apply to File operation progrmatically using TaskletStep

Can transaction mangement apply to File operation progrmatically using TaskletStep I am working on project where we have requirement to do transaction management programmatically for both DB operation and File I/O ...

66. Question about transactions spanning across different components

Question about transactions spanning across different components Hi, I have a question about Transactions in Spring integration. Let's assume the following case.