start transaction « Transaction « Spring Q&A

1. TransactionSystemException: Could not roll back Hibernate Transaction; Transaction not started

I have a test causing an error because of Hibernate. I have no idea how to resolve this problem. This is the stacktrace:

 org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not roll back Hibernate transaction; ...

2. How can I get a "start of transaction" timestamp in Spring + JPA + Hibernate setup?

I am using Spring 3.0.5, JPA, Hibernate 3.5.5-Final and Spring's JpaTransactionManager. Anyone know an easy way to programmatically get a timestamp for the start of each transaction?

3. No transaction starts within Spring @Transactional method

I run into strange problem while developing application using Spring (3.0.5), Hibernate (3.6.0) and Wicket (1.4.14). The problem is: i cannot save or modify any object into database. By 'cannot' I ...

4. @Transactional throwing "Transaction not successfully started" on rollback

I have annotated the following service method to be transactional:

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see a.b.service.CustomerService#activateCustomer(a.b.model.Customer)

5. Hibernate and Spring Transaction Manager: Transaction Not Successfully Started

I have a Generic Repository with a method named saveList(). The purpose of this method is to take a List and persist it in "chunks" of 500 objects. Unfortunately, I'm getting ...

6. Transaction never started

Transaction never started I don't know where to start. I'm using hibernate search and Spring's declarative transaction. I have a method annotated with the transactional annotation in a such way: Code: ...

7. How to determine if a transaction is already active/started?

Hi, Is there a way to determine if a transaction is already started? I found the abstract TransactionSynchronizationManager class, but not quite sure how to get access to it from within ...

8. No Transaction started for @Transactional

No Transaction started for @Transactional Hello, I have defined this at the end of my spring configuration file: Code:

9. Transaction doesn't start!

Jun 19th, 2005, 10:22 PM #1 niqs View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date Jun 2005 Location Tokyo, Japan Posts 4 Transaction doesn't start! Hello, ...

10. Transaction does not even start? Spring, Hibernate 2.1

Jun 23rd, 2005, 11:32 AM #1 mreuvers View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2005 Posts 23 Transaction does not even start? Spring, Hibernate 2.1 Dear ...

11. How to Start a New Transaction < 2.0 with AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests

How to Start a New Transaction < 2.0 with AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests I have a couple requirements: -I'm locked in by corporate at v1.2.5. Nothing implemented after this fact is going to do ...

12. How to Start a New Transaction < 2.0 with AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests

How to Start a New Transaction < 2.0 with AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests I have a couple requirements: -I'm locked in by corporate at v1.2.5. Nothing implemented after this fact is going to do ...

13. Transaction will not start in AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests

Transaction will not start in AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests I have a very simple use case that isn't working the way I expect. I was using AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests, but I wanted to make sure that ...

14. Transaction not started hibernate error

Hi, I am using Spring 2.0 with Hibernate 3.2 and Tomcat 6.0.16. When I first deploy the code I am getting loads of these errors when attempting to contact the DB, ...

15. How to start/stop transactions manually with Spring TestContext Framework

How to start/stop transactions manually with Spring TestContext Framework I have integration test that: 1) put some test data into database using Hibernate 2) wait some time, so DB stored procs ...

16. Spring and Hibernate integration: Transaction not successfully started

Spring and Hibernate integration: Transaction not successfully started Hi all, I configure Spring and Hibernate integration to use SessionFactory via Spring. I have an application context as following:

17. How to hook the start of a transaction?

I'm using JdbcTemplate and controlling transactions via a DataSourceTransactionManager. I want to hook the beginning of each transaction so I can set the current user's timezone before anything else happens on ...

18. How to start a transaction within another one

How to start a transaction within another one Hi. I've got a problem to solve. I need to write some data somewhere in my code, which I don't want to be ...

19. Transaction started although no @Transaction around the call

Transaction started although no @Transaction around the call Here is the code that I am using - @Repository public class CpAgentInfoManagerImpl implements CpAgentInfoManager { @PersistenceContext(unitName="cpsjpa") private EntityManager em; public void setEntityManager(EntityManager ...

20. Do I still need to start / end a transaction when using @transactional?

Here is my 2cents, I used JpaDaoSupport, so nowhere in my code do I begin transaction, save, etc. The calling method has the annotation @Transactional. My implementation is using CXF/JAX-RS. What ...

21. Transaction does not start at the expected method

Transaction does not start at the expected method Hi, I am probably doing something wrong in my configuration but I can't see where. :-( I set up a chain (using apache ...

22. Where start transactions

We are creating a web service using JAX-WS and SpringBeanAutowiringSupport. As with web applications, should you start transactions in the service layer rather the web service methods, and if so could ...

23. Where start transactions

We are creating a web service using JAX-WS and SpringBeanAutowiringSupport. As with web applications, should you start transactions in the service layer rather the web service methods, and if so could ...