resource « Transaction « Spring Q&A

1. persistence-unit as RESOURCE_LOCAL or JTA?

1.may i know what is the different of both? both also supported by all database right?
2. jpa transactionmanager and jta transactionmanager different? can explain?

2. spring hibernate configuration using resource_local or jta by default?

may i know as my configuration is done directly on applicationContext.xml, i do not have persistence.xml . by default this is resource_loca or jta? do i need to add ...

3. Enrol Xa and non XA resource in single transaction

Mar 21st, 2011, 02:06 AM #1 anahatait View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2011 Posts 2 Enrol Xa and non XA resource in single transaction ...

4. Multiple Resources Transaction Question

Multiple Resources Transaction Question I'm a little confused about how Spring handles transactions. I have two Hibernate sessions that are associated with two different DB2 databases. My business logic class uses ...

5. Spring Transaction management when two resources are involved

Spring Transaction management when two resources are involved Hi, I've a few questions regarding Spring's JTA support when two resources are involved in a transaction. Let me layout my understanding in ...

6. Transactions - integrating "other" transactional resource

I have a programmatic access to a resource that supports transactional semantics: "rollback", "commit", etc. I would like to be able to integrate this resource in my Spring managed (or Spring-under-JTA ...

7. Transaction demarcation and non-transactional resources

Transaction demarcation and non-transactional resources Hi, I'd like to create a user in my database and then send him an email unless something goes wrong. This works fine with 1 controller ...

8. Spring Transaction Framework Resources/help

Hi, I am just learning about the STF declaratively using JTA. Is there any good books or resources on it? I have read some of the documentation and seen a few ...

9. transaction-type="JTA" / "RESOURCE_LOCAL"

Hello Reading some guides around I have found that transaction-type should be set to "RESOURCE_LOCAL" for Java SE application and to "JTA" for Java EE application. Is there any guide that ...

10. Multiple transactional resources

Multiple transactional resources Hi, I have a situation I've never come across before and couldn't find an example of. Here's my situation: - I have two transactional resources I need to ...

11. @Transactional and @Resource

The following code works fine: Code: In my applicationContext xml: In My java code: @Transactional(readOnly = true) public class UserTR { private UserDao userDao; public UserDao getUserDao() ...