concurrency « Transaction « Spring Q&A

1. Spring best practice for locking domain objects?

Using EJB entity beans you can configure the bean so that when a thread has access to an EJB entity bean, no other threads can access the EJB bean. The ...

2. Locking database edit by key name

I need to prevent simultaneous edits to a database field. Users are executing a push operation on a structured data field, so I want to sequence the operations, not simply ...

3. Spring @Transactional concurrency

class MyService {

public void a() {
     synchronized(somekey) {

@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)

4. Restful concurrency for Update/Delete Operations using Spring-JDBC and MySQL

We are working on a restful application that has a 'whiteboard' like feature. I had asked a related question on it at one point: Is there a concurrency problem here? ...

5. Change synchronizing of funtion at runtime?

I have a deposit function which is called by multiple clients at same time. I want the deposit function synchronized when same client (say client with id=someUniqueNo) calls it again but ...

6. HTTP 409 to browser on OptimisticLockingException in Spring+Hibernate

I have a part of an application that has greater chances of OptimisticLockingException. I checked the following links on handling it,

7. AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests concurrency or locking issue?

AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests concurrency or locking issue? When using AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests as a parent test class, does anyone know if there is a concurrency or locking issue to handle when a transactional test method ...

8. Transactional and Concurrency Question

Transactional and Concurrency Question We have this situation: - Client Server Enterprise Application; - server: MySQL DB, Ibatis, Spring 2.5, Hessian; - client: Swing Client connecting through Hessian; - Service Layer ...

9. Hibernate multithread transactions problem in high concurrency environment

Hibernate multithread transactions problem in high concurrency environment Hi all, it is not easy to describe the problem I am facing, so please be patient :-) The Spring/Hibernate core layer of ...