TransactionTemplate « Transaction « Spring Q&A

1. TransactionTemplate vs jdbc tempalte

The Spring Framework provides two means of programmatic transaction management: 1)Using the TransactionTemplate. 2)Using a PlatformTransactionManager implementation directly. Above is mentioned at At Spring site has not mentioned JDBC template here. ...

2. Is the spring TransactionTemplate and SimpleJdbcTemplate thread-safe?

I am currently dealing with code where there is a singleton which is used by many threads and has no state except two fields for a TransactionTemplate and a SimpleJdbcTemplate which ...

3. Mocking TransactionTemplate from Spring.Net with Rhino mocks

I'm trying to create mock of TransactionTemplate

var tTemplate = MockRepository.GenerateMock<TransactionTemplate>();
var tDelegate = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ITransactionCallback>();
tTemplate.Expect(x => x.Execute(tDelegate)).IgnoreArguments().Throw(new Exception());
on last line i get NullPointerException from
at Spring.Transaction.Support.TransactionTemplate.Execute(ITransactionCallback action)
any idea what may be the reason?

4. JDBCTemplate with TransactionTemplate and Connection Pool, which datasource to use

I'm not quite sure how to formulate the question, so feel free too tell my that I am thinking completly wrong. I want to use the JdbcTemplate and the TransactionTemplate. I start ...

5. Spring TransactionTemplate setPropagationBehavior

I am wondering what exactly setPropagationBehavior of the TransactionTemplate does. Who propagats what to whom? I see it is well documented but I don't grasp the basic concept of this PropagationBehavior. The ...

6. Cancel current transaction with Spring TransactionTemplate

I am using a connection pool and the Spring TransactionTemplate. If you want to shutdown the connection pool first all connection have to be returned to the pool, this means connection.close() ...

7. Does Spring TransactionTemplate create threads?

I've got a problem with a corrupted data structure due to concurrent access. I'm trying to rule out possible causes, but I'm not sure how the Spring TransactionTemplate works. There are multiple ...

8. Does Spring TransactionTemplate create threads?

Does Spring TransactionTemplate create threads? I've got a problem with a corrupted data structure due to concurrent access. I'm trying to rule out possible causes, but I'm not sure how the ...

9. Question on using TransactionTemplate

Question on using TransactionTemplate Hi, I am using TransactionTemplate to programatically control database transaction. I kind of copied the code from reference. Object result = tt.execute(new TransactionCallback() { public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus ...

10. Odd behaviour when injecting TransactionTemplate

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11. Passing parameters into TransactionTemplate

Passing parameters into TransactionTemplate I'm trying to evaluate the pros/cons of the TransactionTemplate vs PlatformTransactionManager mechanisms for programmatic transaction management. From the API and the User Guide samples, I gather there ...

12. TransactionTemplate: FULL Programmatic Access

TransactionTemplate: FULL Programmatic Access Hi, everyone. Having used Spring now for several months, we have found parts of it that we like very much. Other parts we dislike, but that may ...

13. TransactionTemplate newbie: what'd I do wrong?

TransactionTemplate newbie: what'd I do wrong? Hi, I'm a newbie to transactions and would appreciate any pointers (even reference materials). In the TransactionTemplate, I open a connection and set it to ...

14. TransactionTemplate Question??

TransactionTemplate Question?? Hi I have two Dao objects extending from JdbcDaoSupport. I use programmatic transactions where i set the datasource with setDataSource method. Following is a method from my first DAO. ...

15. TransactionTemplate Rollback Problem

Jan 23rd, 2008, 01:55 AM #1 haclegaspi View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2008 Posts 1 TransactionTemplate Rollback Problem Hi, I'm currently learning Spring - ...

16. spring TransactionTemplate/JdbcTemplate work very slow under load tests

spring TransactionTemplate/JdbcTemplate work very slow under load tests hi, i work with the following environment: spring version: spring 2.0.8. data source: org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource tx manager: org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTran sactionManager I use JdbcTemplate/TransactionTemplate. I test ...

17. transactionTemplate retruns timedout transaction?

hi.. using jboss 3.2.5 , and i've been trying to use TrasnactioNTemplate with it's jta, however when i do getTransaction, i always get a Timedout transaction, i have no idea why.. ...

18. Programmatic Transaction : TransactionTemplate and HibernateTransactionManager

I have the following beans defined in the context file. Code: ...

19. How: Transactiontemplate directly with rollbackrules

private PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager; public void setTransactionManager( PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) { this.transactionManager = transactionManager; } RuleBasedTransactionAttribute attr = new RuleBasedTransactionAttribute(); attr.getRollbackRules().add(new RollbackRuleAttribute(ArithmeticException.class)); attr.getRollbackRules().add(new NoRollbackRuleAttribute(IOException.class)); TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(transactionManager,attr); transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() { protected ...

20. Using TransactionTemplate in spring integration

Using TransactionTemplate in spring integration Hi, I am trying to use spring's TransactionTemplate to perform programmatic transaction management in our application's web service layer which uses spring integration framework to work ...

21. Two TransactionTemplate use my single application.

Two TransactionTemplate use my single application. Dear experts, In my spring application i have used two different daos,DataSourceTransactionManager, and TransactionTemplate(module1,common1) in various places. Please find below code more info, Dao1.xml: Code: ...