TransactionInterceptor « Transaction « Spring Q&A

1. Transactional services => BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException, should be Advice, but is TransactionInterceptor

After following the great advice given in a thread about service beans I have made a Service that is listed under. I've tried putting @Transactional at the interface level, interface ...

2. Cannot create inner bean '(inner bean)' of type [org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor]

i am using Active MQ with Spring Integration and Framework
in my applicationCOntext.xml file i am poling a table and for periodical poling i am using cron tag , and i am runnig ...

3. TransactionInterceptor.invoke() might be not terminating

TransactionInterceptor.invoke() might be not terminating Hello All I'm developing with Grails, and I got some threads which stay stuck and do not terminate and the stack trace made me believe it ...

4. TransactionInterceptor or TransactionProxyFactoryBean

What are people opinions regarding the use of the TransactionInterceptor & BeanNameAutoProxyCreator classes to define the default transaction. Most of all the examples that I have seen use the TransactionProxyFactoryBean definition. ...

5. No TransactionInterceptor-managed TransactionStatus in scope

No TransactionInterceptor-managed TransactionStatus in scope Hi I have used declarative transaction management to specify that a method called, add(Deal) on a class called DealsHolder should be executed within a transaction. Below ...

6. Question about TransactionInterceptor ...

I'm using the TransactionInterceptor in conjunction with Hibernate and the JTATransactionManager. If a method is intercepted by the TransactionInterceptor but does not call anything that requires an actual transaction (i.e. no ...

7. Service Methods not being wrapped by TransactionInterceptor

Service Methods not being wrapped by TransactionInterceptor I've been pulling hair out over this one, very frustrating. But I have the standard (as in the code from the docs), to do ...

8. use HibernateInterceptor other than TransactionInterceptor!

use HibernateInterceptor other than TransactionInterceptor! Hi everyone: I want to make the following code in the Transaction: Code: public Object insertArticle(Author author, Article article) throws DataAccessException { // TODO Auto-generated method ...

9. TransactionInterceptor.setTransactionAttributeSour ce details

same question here. After looking into the code the actual matching is on the method-name, so it's parameters are not evaluated. I guess we have to write one ourselves. Or maybe ...

10. Mix two transactionAttributeSources for TransactionInterceptor

Mix two transactionAttributeSources for TransactionInterceptor I have a "library project" that mostly maps our database schemas using hibernate and provides some other basic functionality. There are several applications that use this ...

11. TransactionInterceptor or Proxy

The TransactionProxyFactoryBean is a ProxyFactoryBean where every bean is adviced with a TransactionInterceptor. And the TransactionInterceptor is a piece of advice. So you can use a seperate TransactionInterceptor and ProxyFactoryBean. But ...

12. OSIV Filter & TransactionInterceptor not intercepting..

OSIV Filter & TransactionInterceptor not intercepting.. Using OSIVFilter - came across the common read-only error everyone seems to have when they first use it. I set up a TransactionInterceptor for my ...

13. TransactionInterceptor and AXIS

TransactionInterceptor and AXIS I have an AXIS web service that delegates to a Spring-managed bean so that I can wrap that bean in a Hibernate interceptor to keep the session open ...

14. How to unit test TransactionInterceptor

...title says it all. I'd really like to unit test my transaction attributes configuration: Code: MyService xyz = (MyService)factory.getBean("xyzService"); TransactionInterceptor txnInterceptor = (TransactionInterceptor)xyz.getProxy().getAdvice("transactionInterceptor); Map m = txnInterceptor.getTransactionAttributeSource().getNameMap(); assertEquals("PROPAGATION_REQUIRED", m.get("insertSquishee")); Anyone know ...

15. How to combine txLogInterceptor with transactionInterceptor

How to combine txLogInterceptor with transactionInterceptor I'm trying to provide both a transactionInterceptor and a txLogInterceptor for my services, but I don't know how to configure this. This is what I ...

16. MethodSecurityInterceptor + TransactionInterceptor

MethodSecurityInterceptor + TransactionInterceptor I'm using BeanNameAutoProxyCreator to manage database transactiong (with Hibernate). When I added MethodSecurityInterceptor to the interceptorNames list, data changed in service methods are not commited to the database. ...

17. BeanNameAutoProxyCreator & TransactionInterceptor + MethodSecurityInterceptor

BeanNameAutoProxyCreator & TransactionInterceptor + MethodSecurityInterceptor I'm using BeanNameAutoProxyCreator to manage database transactiong (with Hibernate). When I added MethodSecurityInterceptor to the interceptorNames list, data changed in service methods are not commited to ...

18. TransactionInterceptor +Transaction Annotations ... easiest transaction management?

TransactionInterceptor +Transaction Annotations ... easiest transaction management? I have an existing Java 5 + Spring 1.2 + Hibernate 3 application that is not using transactions. (I am actually using Spring 1.2-rc2.) ...

19. TransactionInterceptor, ProxyFactoryBean and Transaction Rollback failing

TransactionInterceptor, ProxyFactoryBean and Transaction Rollback failing It seems when my application throws an ApplicationException my transactions do not rollback. My data is commited to the database. Here is my XML configurations. ...

20. where is AOP definition for wiring TransactionInterceptor?

TransactionInterceptor is the Spring AOP interceptor that actually makes an object transactional. When a transaction is involved that class is proxyed first and its invoke() is called. I really want to ...

21. hibernateInterceptor & transactionInterceptor; how to manage transactions ?

hibernateInterceptor & transactionInterceptor; how to manage transactions ? Hi all, I 'm using Spring AOP 's hibernateInterceptor and transactionInterceptors as explained in Unfortunately I can 't get the transaction management ...

22. Hibernate unwanted flush() from TransactionInterceptor

Hibernate unwanted flush() from TransactionInterceptor Hi, I'm currently using Spring and Hibernate in the following configuration: Spring: 2.0.6 Hibernate: 3.2 Transaction management: Declarative with annotations (@Transactional) I also use the Spring ...

23. Failure to serialize TransactionInterceptor

Failure to serialize TransactionInterceptor Hi all, The HibernateTransactionManager class is Serializable (via its super-class), but holds a non-transient reference to a DefaultListableBeanFactory instance, which is not Serializable. As a result, when ...

24. If I subclass TransactionInterceptor, how do I enable it?

If I subclass TransactionInterceptor, how do I enable it? We are using declarative transactions with the HibernateTransactionManager. I'm trying to delay commits of transactions until other work in the calling code ...

25. Switching from Spring 2.5.4 to 2.5.5 causes problem with TransactionInterceptor

Oct 10th, 2008, 04:39 PM #1 konrad View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date Sep 2006 Location Dublin, Ireland Posts 7 Switching from Spring 2.5.4 ...

26. TransactionManager & TransactionInterceptor

Hi, Couldn't find any resources on ths one.... Would there ever be a time when you would use HibernateTransactionManager (HTM) as well as TransactionInterceptor (TI)? What happens if a HTM transaction ...

27. Using TransactionInterceptor programmatically

Using TransactionInterceptor programmatically Hi, This sounds like a stupid question but please bear with me. In the project that I am working on, we are using Spring's TransactionProxyFactory to manage transactions ...

28. Using Customized TransactionInterceptor with Annotations

Using Customized TransactionInterceptor with Annotations Question - Is there way to instruct Spring to utilize a different TransactionInterceptor implementation while using Transactional annotations? Scenario - We have transactional methods which return ...

29. Integration tests throws nullpointer on TransactionInterceptor.invoke

Aug 18th, 2009, 08:58 PM #1 anandkris View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2009 Posts 12 Integration tests throws nullpointer on TransactionInterceptor.invoke Hi, I created ...

30. TransactionInterceptor commitTransactionAfterReturning

TransactionInterceptor commitTransactionAfterReturning I current have the following aop config setup. Code: