Proxy « Transaction « Spring Q&A

1. TransactionProxyFactoryBean when switching from configuration-based Service beans to annotation based service beans

I read about using

  <context:component-scan base-package="">
      <context:include-filter type="annotation" expression="org.springframework.stereotype.Service"/>
and annotate my service beans with @Service("myService"), and thought great, I'll do that, since ...

2. Spring Transaction - Proxy confusion

 <tx:advice id="txAdvice" transaction-manager="jtaTxManager">
   <tx:method name="*" />

 <aop:config proxy-target-class="true">
  <aop:pointcut id="fooServiceOperation"
   expression="execution(*" />
  <aop:advisor advice-ref="txAdvice" pointcut-ref="fooServiceOperation" />

 <bean ...

3. Spring @Transactional is applied both as a dynamic Jdk proxy and an aspectj aspect

I am in the process of adding Spring declarative transactions via the @Transactional annotation to an existing Java project. When I ran into a problem (unrelated to this question), I turned on ...

4. Spring - Proxying Behind the Scenes

What happens behind the scene when We Proxy a object. Say for example i say that a bean id = "bookService" refers to the class TransactionProxyFactoryBean of Spring. The target attribute ...

5. Facade, service interfaces and transaction proxies with Spring

Situation There is a high chance that users will not interact directly with the various Service objects (POJOs or Session Beans), since using the Facade pattern the different single services are collected ...

6. How can I programmatically create a transactional proxy?

I created a bean instance with

Type instance = new Type(); 
and autowired it using
The beans run method is executed by a ThreadPoolTaskExecuter and is annotated with the @Transactional annotation which ...

7. @Transaction proxy mode

@Transaction proxy mode Experts, I am using spring annotation base transactioning along with hibernate. As per spring documentation --> "Note: In proxy mode (which is the default), only 'external' method calls ...

8. DDD Non anemic entities transactional bean proxy problem

DDD Non anemic entities transactional bean proxy problem I am currently doing some work redesigning a web app which has been running since 2004.. In this process we are moving from ...

9. Proxy transaction not working($Proxy0.insertMember(Unknown Source))

Proxy transaction not working($Proxy0.insertMember(Unknown Source)) I am trying transactions using proxy class. It is not inserting the data it is stating as $Proxy0.insertMember(Unknown Source). The stack trace is given below. Code: ...

10. Transaction proxies and method delegation

Transaction proxies and method delegation I'm using TransactionProxyFactoryBean to wrap my business service objects. Within one of them, I have methods that delegate to others in the same class. However, the ...

11. Nested Transaction Proxies?

Nested Transaction Proxies? This is bad idea and over time will be changed but in the interim I'm wondering if it possible to have a bean created from a TransactionProxyFactoryBean call ...

12. Transaction proxy on class with no default constructor

Apr 15th, 2005, 11:49 AM #1 mbennett View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2005 Location Kansas City, Missouri, USA Posts 11 Transaction proxy on class ...

13. Transaction Proxy Causing NPE W/ Ibatis

Transaction Proxy Causing NPE W/ Ibatis I am creating Transaction Proxies without using a BeanFactory, so it may well be that I'm missing initialization steps. The problem, in a nutshell, is ...

14. Transaction-, Aspect- and Proxy-Wiring queastion

Transaction-, Aspect- and Proxy-Wiring queastion Hello together... my simple question is, if it is better to use a ProxyFactoryBean which creates a Service-Bean with all needed interceptors including a transactionInterceptor or ...

15. @Transactional Annotation Does Not Commit Transaction On Some (Not Auto-Proxy) Beans

@Transactional Annotation Does Not Commit Transaction On Some (Not Auto-Proxy) Beans I have several Service beans that each use the @Transactional annotation. In most cases, this appears to be working just ...

16. Confused about Transaction Proxying

Confused about Transaction Proxying I am a newbie and have been trying for 3 days to get my hands around the type of jdbc transaction support that is available through Spring. ...

17. transaction proxy

transaction proxy Hello there. I am using spring 1.2.6, and websphere JTA. I am trying to use declerative transactions on my bussiness logic classes. My basic scenarion involves a PROPOGATION_REQUIRED ...

18. Transactional proxy with dynamically generated data source.

Transactional proxy with dynamically generated data source. The class was of creating a transactional proxy is to declare the DataSource, the bean, and the transactional proxy in a bean factory definition. ...

19. Transaction with Hibernate : NoSuchMethodError org/hibernate/proxy/LazyInitializer

Sep 29th, 2006, 01:19 AM #1 ENP View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Nov 2004 Posts 53 Transaction with Hibernate : NoSuchMethodError org/hibernate/proxy/LazyInitializer Hi, I use this ...

20. inner transactions using proxy

inner transactions using proxy I am trying to use declerative transaction support to start an inner transaction inside a service method (Requires_new is what I need). My service class looks something ...

21. proxy-target-class and transaction manager question

proxy-target-class and transaction manager question Alright, I have a weird case here that I don't entirely understand. I have a handful of classes (not interfaces, but their implementations) marked with @Transaction ...

22. Proxy creation problem with Schema-based aop and @transactional

Proxy creation problem with Schema-based aop and @transactional Hi, I have the following problem: a bean that has a @transactional annotation (fileStatisticsService) needs to be injected in an aspect defined with ...

23. Exporting transaction-proxied beans via JMX

Hello, experts. What is the correct way to export transaction-proxied beans to JMX? I'm using TransactionProxyFactoryBean to create transaction-advised beans, and using annotations to export these beans to JMX. Should I ...

24. problem using my custom annotation (proxy, Transactional)

Hi I defined a Bean where some methods are annotated using @Transactional and even some methods are annotated using @MyCustomAnnotation (if i doesn't misunderstood the docs) The use of @Transactional force ...

25. Transactional semantics lost when using ?

Transactional semantics lost when using ? Hi all. I have a strange situation here. The context is not too unusual. There are Hibernate-powered Dao beans with TX-advisors. Such a singleton Dao-bean ...

26. Transactional Proxy : For beginners

Transactional Proxy : For beginners Hi all, I've been using the springframework for little around a month now and whilst doing more comprehensive work (modelled on the petclinic example), i've come ...

27. Adding AOP advice for Transaction Management - Proper creation of Proxy?

Adding AOP advice for Transaction Management - Proper creation of Proxy? Hi, I am adding to an application which I've upgraded to Spring 2.5 schema but am having Proxy cast ...

28. Declarative Transaction Issues With Proxies?

Declarative Transaction Issues With Proxies? Simple declarative transaction setup Code: p:dataSource-ref="dataSource"/>

29. custom dao for userDetailsService + @Transactional - not proxied

custom dao for userDetailsService + @Transactional - not proxied Hello, I have bus service UserBus for user-management, methods are annotated with @Transactional. Transactions worked fine before I used Acegi and UserBus ...

30. self-invocation and @transactional in proxy mode

self-invocation and @transactional in proxy mode Note: In proxy mode (which is the default), only 'external' method calls coming in through the proxy will be intercepted. This means that 'self-invocation', i.e. ...

31. declarative transaction proxy : org.springframework.aop.framework.AopConfigExcepti on

declarative transaction proxy : org.springframework.aop.framework.AopConfigExcepti on Spring : 2.5.2 JDK : 6.0_02 Hi, I'm new to the declarative transaction management with namespace. I have an application that was read-only (no ...

32. Self-invocation, @Transactional and proxy-target-class="true"

Self-invocation, @Transactional and proxy-target-class="true" Hi all. I was wondering whether I should post here or in the "Core Spring" section of the forum, so moderators, please feel free to move this ...

33. Problem with Schema-based AOP configuration with proxy based transaction....

hello all... we have upgraded the spring version from 1.2.7 and already having transaction enabled services with TransactionProxyFactoryBean now with this existing services new want to add new services which are ...

34. aop transaction proxy fails to be created

aop transaction proxy fails to be created Hello I have an application context file that loads fine. I add the following to it: Code:

35. Proxy classes not created for transaction management

Proxy classes not created for transaction management I'm sure i'm missing something really dumb but I have enabled declarative transaction management and decorated my DAOs with the @Transactional annotation. However no ...

36. @Transactional DAO and proxy-target-class

@Transactional DAO and proxy-target-class Hi! I have to say, I've been reading all the documentation and some forum posts, but I can't get things to work the way I'd like. I'm ...

37. Spring Transaction Proxy

Spring Transaction Proxy Code:

38. connection proxy not usable after transaction completion

May 12th, 2010, 04:04 AM #1 snicoll View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Senior Member Join Date Oct 2008 Posts 228 connection proxy not usable after transaction completion ...

39. @Transactional proxy problem

@Transactional proxy problem Hi, I am trying to run my first Spring web application, but I have a problem with implementing DAO's. I am not sure what the problem is, but ...