PlatformTransactionManager « Transaction « Spring Q&A

1. How to programmatically get PlatformTransactionManager of a DAO?

I am developing a generic CRUD app with wicket , that can edit any Spring/JPA entities with a AbstractDao pattern's implementation , such as UserDaoImpl , ForumDaoImpl ...etc In my wicket ...

2. Does Spring's PlatformTransactionManager require transactions to be committed in a specific order?

I am looking to retrofit our existing transaction API to use Spring’s PlatformTransactionManager, such that Spring will manage our transactions. I chained my DataSources as follows: DataSourceTransactionManager - > LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy - > ...

3. Explicit commit using PlatformTransactionManager

Explicit commit using PlatformTransactionManager Hi All, Our application is made of Spring 2.0 and Oracle. We have a process which involves processing a lot of records (batch operation). When this process ...

4. PlatformTransactionManager bean

Why should it be a prototype, unless you want to add extra overhead and problems to your application... So I suggest use singleton (there should be just 1 tx coordinator).

5. PlatformTransactionManager for different datasources

PlatformTransactionManager for different datasources Hello, I need some hints for the following problem: I would like to use hibernate to access multiple datasources and use PlatformTransactionManagers for transaction handling. My hibernate ...

6. Expected transactional behaviour with no PlatformTransactionManager

Expected transactional behaviour with no PlatformTransactionManager Spring Framework 2.5.1 What is the expected transactional behaviour of the DefaultMessageListenerContainer when the container is set sessionTransacted=true, but there is not transaction manager defined? ...

7. Help! Connection Pooling fails with PlatformTransactionManager

Please help! It looks like testOnBorrow does nothing when all my underlying database connections timeout. Rather than create a new connection, the application throws DataAccessResourceFailureException and the connection pool never reconnects ...

8. PlatformTransactionManager, not working

PlatformTransactionManager, not working Hello all, I'm testing programmatically manage transaction using the example here Code: DefaultTransactionDefinition def = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(); // explicitly setting the transaction name is something that can ...

9. Restriction using PlatformTransactionManager vs HibernateTransactionManager !!

Restriction using PlatformTransactionManager vs HibernateTransactionManager !! Hi, I would like to know if there is (are) any restrictions by exposing a Spring TransactionManager as PlatformTransactionManager instead of HibernateTransactionManager when we want ...

10. Selection of PlatformTransactionManager

Hi, I have a requirement where, in one transaction, I have to insert data in database and post message to a IBM MQ (i.e., Global transaction). I am new to Spring ...

11. Implementing custom PlatformTransactionManager

Implementing custom PlatformTransactionManager Hi, I'm implementing PlatformTransactionManager (for Spring 2.5.6) to manage some custom resource. I'm looking on the implementation of the DataSourceTransactionManager as an example since it is a bit ...