threadpool « Thread « Spring Q&A

1. Only one thread is utilized in the ThreadPoolTaskExecutor and JMS

I have a JMS Message Listener under JBoss 5.1, configured by Spring. Although the ThreadPoolTaskExecutor is configured to have a core pool size of 15, I see that only one thread ...

2. Organize threads in groups and set a different max threads to each group

I'm using Spring ThreadPoolTaskExecutor in order to execute my threads. I want to group my threads in several groups, and that every group will have different max allowed threads. For example, something like ...

3. How to stop a thread running through TaskExecutor from the main thread after it doesnt respond in few seconds?

I have used TaskExecutor from spring and futures to get the future from the task,but now when some task doesnt respond in some time I have to stop those tasks.I have ...

4. JMS and ThreadPool problem?

I want that jms receives a message when one thread has handled a message (threadPool submits a callable). The messages are received by a master thread. Which way is better below: I use spring ...

5. ThreadPoolExecutor's getActiveCount()

I have a ThreadPoolExecutor that seems to be lying to me when I call getActiveCount(). I haven't done a lot of multithreaded programming however, so perhaps I'm doing something incorrectly. Here's my ...

6. ThreadPool pool size

ThreadPool pool size I have a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor bean associated with a JmsTemplate and I was testing it to validate the threading was working as I assumed. The pool wiring is defined ...

7. Can you wait on a Taskeexcutor/Threadpool

Can you wait on a Taskeexcutor/Threadpool We are testing with a taskExecutor/ThreadPool, and believe it behaves as follows: when the last item is in our 'todo' list calls execute on a ...

8. threadpool problem

If the work is comming in faster than it is processed you get queuing. The cause could be: - it takes more time to consume than to produce - a worker ...