jms « Thread « Spring Q&A

1. Multithreaded JMS receiving in Spring

I'm trying to write a multithreaded implementation for JMS message processing from a queue. I've tried with DefaultMessageListenerContainer and SimpleMessageListenerContainer classes. The problem I have is that it seems like just a single ...

2. Spring/JMS listen to many destinations with one thread

I have a spring/JMS heavy application in which I have multiple listener containers each listening to a different topic or queue. I would like to reduce the number of threads ...

3. How to thread pool a Spring JMS listener

I am setting up a JMS subscriber listener as follows with the goal of achieving a pool of 5 threads listening to topATopic, however, what I see at runtime is multiple ...

4. Threads or JMS or what else?

Threads or JMS or what else? Hi! I would like to implement concurrent stuff in Spring. A bit more in detail: A request comes in, depending on the request in the ...